May events

Monday May 1 

Camrose Pride Community Meeting

All are welcome

6:00 – 8:00pm

Camrose United Church


Monday May 8

Family and Friends Support


Camrose United Church


Monday May 15

EspressOUT Coffee and Conversation

5:00 – 6:30pm

Alice Hotel Restaurant

Coming next week

Monday April 17th
ExpressOUT 5:00 – 6:30pm
Come for coffee and conversation
NOTE: We will meet at Starbucks due to the Alice Hotels holiday closure

Wednesday April 19th
Canada 150 Film Festival 4-6pm, Bailey Theatre
We will be hosting a sceening of Breakfast with Scott
Come enjoy this awesome Canadian film

April 4, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Camrose Pride Community April 3, 2017 Meeting

Camrose United Church 6:00 p.m.

Number in attendance: 16

Sharing: What’s rocking your world?

Reflections on Pride Week events

a. What went well?

  • Rae Spoon was great
  • Marni Panas was amazing
  • Lots of enthusiasm from businesses

b. What could we have done differently?

  • So You Think You Can Drag pulled in many people from the community c. What ideas do we want to try for next year?
  • Assist AQUA with advertising next year
  • Discuss collaboration with AQUA
  • Form a committee of AQUA and CPC from the beginning
  • Banner displayed publically in downtown Camrose; investigate prices (check with Carl)
  • Fundraising for a Pride Week banner

Upcoming events and opportunities

a. Canada 150 Film Night on April 19, 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Bailey Theatre; screening of “Breakfast with Scot”, hosted and introduced by Camrose Pride Community (Gus and/or Wayne)

Previewing of the film on April 13 at 7:00 p.m. for pizza and popcorn at Gus’ house

b. Collaboration with Seniors’ Coalition

  • Michael Pfair and a colleague will come to do a presentation on LGBTQ Seniors; October 3 at Camrose Public Library; time to be determined; Senior’s Coalition is partnering and assuming the expenses of the event; reaching out to providers re: policy

c. Peter Lougheed Leadership Institute Student project

Self directed summer program with Peter Lougheed Leadership Institute; Marissa is going to be doing the research; will be connecting with The Bethany Group and will be researching Saskatoon (that has some educational programs); different CPC members would be happy to connect with Marissa

d. Participation with altView in Edmonton Pride Parade on June 10

  • Set up at 8:00 a.m.; meet at 8:30 a.m.; waivers are required to be completed
  • The Rainbow bus was vandalized and cannot be used in the Edmonton Pride Parade; flat bed trailer is being used
  • Waivers must be signed before the middle of May (forms will be available at the next meeting)

e. Safety Training at May 1 meeting

  • Carlile and Wayne will meet to develop a presentation for the next meeting

Grants and opportunities they provide

  • CDSS grant $1000
  • Status of Women grant for Family Violence Response Council to provide Expressive Arts sessions for AQUA and Camrose Pride

Planning for upcoming events: Sharing of ideas and Committee Formation

a. Jaywalkers Jamboree Booth on June 2 & 3: Fundraiser

  • Wayne will serve as chairperson of this committee
  • $180 for a table at Jaywalker’s Jamboree (Carl has generously agreed to pay for the booth)
  • Jen has asked the Social Concerns Committee of Camrose United Church
  • Amber has organized all the supplies for Jaywalker’s Jamboree face painting
  • Carl has offered to host the booth in front of his business
  • Carl has ordered rainbow flags that we can distribute
  • Amber and Carol will work on the details for the Face painting booth

Community BBQ on June 24

  • Subcommittee needed; Carol will serve as chairperson of this committee

Big Valley Jamboree Parade entry on August 3

  • Gus will serve as chairperson of this committee
  • TNeal has a truck and an 18 foot flatbed trailer we can borrow
  • Subcommittee needed
  • Construction of float
  • Safety planning

Please let Camrose Pride Community know if you would be able to assist with any of the upcoming events; we need volunteers for these events to be successful!

Other points for discussion

  • Letter to the Editor in Camrose Booster March 28, 2017
  • Carlile, Gus and Carol will compose a response to the Letter to the Editor

Next meetings

April 10 Family and Friends Support Group at 7:00 at Camrose United Church

April 13 7:00 p.m. previewing of “Breakfast with Scot” at Gus’ house with pizza and popcorn (contact Gus for details–> 780-781-7859)

April 17 espressOUT drop in conversation coffee group 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. at Starbucks

April 19 National Film Day at the Bailey Theatre 4:00 showing of “Breakfast with Scot”, introduced by Camrose Pride Community

May 1 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Camrose Pride Community regular meeting