Camrose Pride Community April 9, 2018 Meeting
Meeting Notes
Gus chaired the meeting, 14 people in attendance
Action items in Purple
- Connecting and Sharing: Happy to have 5 new people in attendance
- Discussion about regular meeting location
- Decision of the group to move our regular meeting location to 4830-48 Street (House of Hair Design) effective for May 7 meeting
- Appreciation expressed to Camrose United Church for the free use of space for meeting and storage of supplies
- Discussion about espressOUT meeting locations for the spring and summer months
- April 16, 2018 5:30-7:00 p.m. last meeting of the term at the Augustana Forum
- May 21, 2018 5:30-7:00 meet in Gus’ backyard (Personal message for address)
- June 18, 2018 5:30-7:00 meet at the Alice Hotel Restaurant
- Other locations to be determined at future meetings
- Discussion about recruiting new members
- Discussion about how to be more visible and attract new members to our group
- Possible Stakeholders meeting to be held in the future
- Join the Chamber of Commerce for networking possibilities: Carol check on membership fees
- Posting of posters and handbills in Camrose and other rural communities surrounding Camrose
- Discussion about how to be more visible and attract new members to our group
- Planning for Upcoming Events
- Blast off to Summer BBQ – Sunday, June 24, 2018
- BBQ in the backyard of House of Hair Design (4830-48 Street) 1:00-4:00 p.m.
- Opportunity to advertise our new meeting location
- Lots of space for sidewalk chalk drawing and bubbles
- Support with the BBQ has already been offered from Rebecca: Carol to confirm
- Carol to check on any permits or inspections needed
- BBQ in the backyard of House of Hair Design (4830-48 Street) 1:00-4:00 p.m.
- Big Valley Jamboree Parade- August 2
- TNeal has the truck and flatbed trailer ready to be decorated
- Discussed extending the offer to others in the area to join our float: Jen to post on Facebook
- Confirm if Robyn Bank$ is interested in participating with the float again this year
- Participation in other parades?
- No decision about entering our float in other parades at this time
- altView has extended an invitation to Camrose Pride Community members to join them in the Edmonton Pride Parade on June 9, 2018
- Blast off to Summer BBQ – Sunday, June 24, 2018
- Brainstorming for future events
- Camrose Pride Community is welcome to have a display in the foyer of Camrose United Church during Jaywalkers Jamboree. (The church is open for people who need water or to use the washroom.)
- Community Registration Night in September
- Fall Family Dance with possibly a Halloween theme
- Other
- Updates from altView
- T-shirts will be ordered again shortly (blue is the colour for this year)
- Let Jen know if you want to buy a shirt with the Camrose Pride Community logo on it.
- We will increase our t-shirt order from 25 to around 30
- Mike is supporting the startup of a Community GSA in Wetaskiwin
- Jen will be transcribing the notes from the Status of Queer Conference in October 2017
- T-shirts will be ordered again shortly (blue is the colour for this year)
- Family and Friends Support Group have determined they will be meeting on the fourth Monday of the month at Camrose Public Library 7:00-9:00 p.m. Next meeting is on Monday, April 23 at 7:00 p.m.
- Camrose United Church Indigenous Book Club has invited Chevi Rabbitt to speak at their meeting on May 23. This is open to the public. More details to follow.
- Updates from altView