April 9, 2018 Meeting Notes

Camrose Pride Community April 9, 2018 Meeting

Meeting Notes

Gus chaired the meeting, 14 people in attendance

Action items in Purple

  1. Connecting and Sharing: Happy to have 5 new people in attendance
  2. Discussion about regular meeting location
    • Decision of the group to move our regular meeting location to 4830-48 Street (House of Hair Design) effective for May 7 meeting
    • Appreciation expressed to Camrose United Church for the free use of space for meeting and storage of supplies
  3. Discussion about espressOUT meeting locations for the spring and summer months
    • April 16, 2018 5:30-7:00 p.m. last meeting of the term at the Augustana Forum
    • May 21, 2018 5:30-7:00 meet in Gus’ backyard (Personal message for address)
    • June 18, 2018 5:30-7:00 meet at the Alice Hotel Restaurant
    • Other locations to be determined at future meetings
  4. Discussion about recruiting new members
    • Discussion about how to be more visible and attract new members to our group
      • Possible Stakeholders meeting to be held in the future
      • Join the Chamber of Commerce for networking possibilities: Carol check on membership fees
      • Posting of posters and handbills in Camrose and other rural communities surrounding Camrose
  5. Planning for Upcoming Events
    1. Blast off to Summer BBQ – Sunday, June 24, 2018
      1. BBQ in the backyard of House of Hair Design (4830-48 Street) 1:00-4:00 p.m.
        • Opportunity to advertise our new meeting location
        • Lots of space for sidewalk chalk drawing and bubbles
        • Support with the BBQ has already been offered from Rebecca: Carol to confirm
        • Carol to check on any permits or inspections needed
    2. Big Valley Jamboree Parade- August 2
      • TNeal has the truck and flatbed trailer ready to be decorated
      • Discussed extending the offer to others in the area to join our float: Jen to post on Facebook
      • Confirm if Robyn Bank$ is interested in participating with the float again this year
    3. Participation in other parades?
      • No decision about entering our float in other parades at this time
      • altView has extended an invitation to Camrose Pride Community members to join them in the Edmonton Pride Parade on June 9, 2018
  6. Brainstorming for future events
    1. Camrose Pride Community is welcome to have a display in the foyer of Camrose United Church during Jaywalkers Jamboree. (The church is open for people who need water or to use the washroom.)
    2. Community Registration Night in September
    3. Fall Family Dance with possibly a Halloween theme
  7.  Other
    1. Updates from altView
      • T-shirts will be ordered again shortly (blue is the colour for this year)
        • Let Jen know if you want to buy a shirt with the Camrose Pride Community logo on it.
        • We will increase our t-shirt order from 25 to around 30
      • Mike is supporting the startup of a Community GSA in Wetaskiwin
      • Jen will be transcribing the notes from the Status of Queer Conference in October 2017
    2. Family and Friends Support Group have determined they will be meeting on the fourth Monday of the month at Camrose Public Library 7:00-9:00 p.m. Next meeting is on Monday, April 23 at 7:00 p.m.
    3. Camrose United Church Indigenous Book Club has invited Chevi Rabbitt to speak at their meeting on May 23. This is open to the public. More details to follow.


April 9, 2018 Meeting Agenda

  1. Connecting and Sharing
  2. Discussion about regular meeting location
  3. Discussion about espressOUT meeting locations for the spring and summer months
  4. Discussion about recruiting new members
  5. Planning for Upcoming Events
    • Blast off to Summer BBQ – June 24?
    • Big Valley Jamboree Parade- August 2
    • Participation in other parades?
  6. Brainstorming for future events