Camrose Pride Community in the Kick ‘N Country Parade Events August 1 & 2, 2018

Parade Preparation on Wednesday, August 1 at 6:00 p.m.

Join us at House of Hair Design (4830-48 Street) to spit and polish a classic convertible and decorate it for the parade. Big shout out to Tish for loaning us her beautiful car. Bring along some snacks to share, if you are able.

Parade Day on Thursday, August 2 at 9:30 a.m.- noon

Find our entry along 51 Ave (that runs past the Recycling Depot) and join us to walk in the parade. Arrive between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. Wear bright rainbow colours and bring along a rainbow umbrella if you have one. We will walk rain or shine. Come join the fun! Water bottles and individual pride flags will be provided.

Post-Parade Celebration BBQ on Thursday, August 2 at 6:30 p.m.

Bring your family and friends to an informal post-parade BBQ to celebrate our participation in the parade. You are welcome to come to the BBQ even if you are unable to walk with us in the parade. Bring some food to share, if you are able. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided. Contact us for the address to Gus’ house where we will be meeting. Email or message us on Facebook for the details.

Summer fun

July Activities 

July 16 5:30-7:00pm EspressOUT 

Join us for a time of community and conversation. Huge thanks to Zach for hosting us at Rebel Ink. 5005 50 Ave. Just off Main St.

July 27 1-3pm Read with a Queen

Join Camrose’s very own Robin Bank$ to smash gender stereotypes and explore creative expression. Head to the Camrose Public Library for this fabulous event featuring family friendly stories and a mini drag workshop. The Camrose Pride Community is proud to partner with the Library for this event.

Please bring your own makeup and applicators for the workshop. If you have clothing or accessories you are willing to share, we are looking for outfits in all shapes and sizes, for all ages and gender expressions.

August Activities

August 2 Big Valley Jamboree Parade

Come and walk with us as we join the Big Valley Parade again this year.

August 20 5:30 – 7:00pm EspressOUT location TBA

July 3, 2018 Meeting Notes

6:00-8:00 pm at House of Hair Design

4830-48 Street, Camrose, Alberta

6 people were in attendance. Gus chaired the meeting.

Action items are in bold.

  1. Connecting and Sharing
  2. Report on past events
  • espressOUT in June at Fox & Fable Book and Game Café: great venue for espressOUT; Suggestion: next time try playing some games that include the whole group as a means of getting to know one another better.



  • BBQ on June 24: 90 people attended the BBQ; good time of mingling and visiting; thanks to our wonderful supporters:
    • Rebecca Bridger (and Louis) of Whisk & Ladle Bake shop for grilling up our burgers and donating so much delicious food
    • Hauser Home Hardware for the use their grill
    • Camrose Directory for the donations of water bottles
    • Prairie Rose Bottled Water for the bags of ice
    • Camrose Public Library for attending with the Book Bike, Life Cycle and giant game and reading stories to the kids
    • Generous donations of cash from people who attended; Thank you!
  1. Planning for upcoming events
  • Read with Royalty at Camrose Public Library on July 27 1:00-3:00 pm
    • We are excited to be supporting this event with Camrose Public Library taking the lead
    • Zach aka Robyn Bank$ will be reading stories and giving a mini-drag workshop for all ages
    • Camrose Public Library is also hoping to have a King read at the event.
    • Action item: donations of clothing are needed for all ages and sizes for the dress up portion of the workshop
  • Big Valley Jamboree Parade Entry (morning) and BBQ on August 2 (evening)

Action items:

    • Preparation for our parade entry on Wednesday, August 1 at 6:00 at House of Hair Design
    • Work bee to wash, polish and decorate the beautiful convertible that Tish is lending us for the parade
    • Bring along snacks to share to sustain us during our work bee
    • We invite everyone to walk with us in the parade and show your support for creating a caring, inclusive community. Meet at the road by Public Works by 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 2 if you want to walk with us in the parade (look for the teal classic convertible with rainbow decorations!); wear bright rainbow colours and comfortable walking shoes; rain or shine we will be there!
    • Thursday, August 2 Celebration BBQ at 6:30 p.m. at Gus’s house; contact us for the address
  • August meeting? Should we meet? Action item: It was decided by the group that there will be no regular meetings on August 6 and September 3; we will meet on July 16 and August 20 for espressOUT with a short information session as part of these meetings.


  • Community Registration Night: September 6 We will have a display at this event and Jen will be coordinating this.


  • Bank$ Fall Ball on September 7 at the Bailey Theatre: Sponsorship request letters have been distributed to many businesses in the community and we anticipate good support for this special event; 2 drag queens from Edmonton will be special guests along with hostess, Robyn Bank$; costume contest; posters and advertising will be ready for the beginning of August; a big thank you to Zach for all his work on this event!


  • Collaborative Community events: Lots of ideas shared including doing some impromptu get-togethers like hikes and movie nights to focus on building our community; Jen will be sending out an email notice about contact information for this initiative


  • Family Dance: Action item: Carol to investigate potential venues for a Halloween Family Dance on Friday, October 26; discussion about admission and agreed on $10 per person or $20 per family


  • Educational initiatives: Action item: The Leadership Team has been investigating possible educational events; submit your suggestions


  • Grant applications: Camrose Police Association Grant is available for application; Action item: Wayne and Carol will be making contact with the Kodiaks to explore a collaborative event to promote everyone’s right to play and be treated with respect; possibility of using this project as part of our application for funding from the Camrose Police Association


  • Fundraising ideas: Share your suggestions with the Leadership Team; we need to start generating some finances in order to carry out our mission


  • Future espressOUT meetings: will be looking at the dates for the Human Library at Augustana and considering where it is best to hold our espressOUT meetings after the start-up of university; desire to include a variety of locations
  1. Other ideas? Share your ideas with anyone on the Leadership Team, Wayne, Gus, Carol or Margaret. We have a new email address:

5. Next meeting: espressOUT at Rebel Ink on Monday, July 16 5:30-7:00 pm Zach will be hosting this gathering.