- Connecting and Sharing – 8 in attendance, Gus chaired
- Report on past events
- espressOUT at Fox & Fable Book and Game Café in August
Attendance was great, lots of conversation and the games made it easier for people to participate.
- Fall Bank$ Ball
Very well attended, 160 people. Lots of fun
- Moving our meetings and espressOUT to the second and fourth Mondays of the month
- Work out dates on long weekends coming up in October and November
- We will move our Oct. and Nov. meetings to Tuesday, Oct. 9 and Tuesday, November 13.
- Planning for upcoming events
- Support for the QSA event in Hay Lakes on October 4
- reminder of this event, 6:30 pm, bring baking
- Family Dance on October 26 for Halloween
A suggestion was made to approach the Bailey about partnering for this event. Gus will call Simon.
Otherwise we will look at a Potluck and Family Dance on Nov. 23 or 24th.
- Grant applications: Camrose Police Association Grant
- Queer Like Me Youth Art Project
A copy of the application was shared for information. Mike shared that altView has developed a similar program in Strathcona County with the Boys and Girls Club. It is also art based but without the therapy component. This could be information we share to support our application.
- Future espressOUT meetings
- Conversation on how to respond to bigoted comments and attitudes with resource person from ISMSS
It was felt that this could be very useful at our October ExpressOUT. We would need to secure a venue as the Forum would not necessarily be suitable.
- Holiday Potluck on December 10
A location will need to be determined for this event
- Initiatives with Kodiaks and Vikings
There was considerable excitement about fundraising opportunities at a game. Discussion was also held about seeing if a game could be scheduled around Augustana Pride Week. Amielle will help with this piece.
- Fundraising ideas
- Other ideas/information shared
Mike shared some concerning information that one of the branches of the Lutheran Church in Alberta is indirectly encouraging conversion therapy. This is being shared through their upcoming conference booklet and to their private school network. Jen will research potential impacts to be aware of especially in the county.
The question was raised about GSA activity in the county and how we can be supporting that. This may be an area where Cathie can help as a parent.
Who are we not advocating for/supporting that we could be? was another topic of conversation. We have Mike, Sophie and Jen to act as resources.
Mike is going to obtain Safer Space stickers from the University that we can offer to businesses to place in their window.
It is also possible to provide Safer Space Training to City Council through altView.
- Next meeting: espressOUT in the Augustana Forum on Monday,
September 24, 5:30-7:00 pm