Camrose Pride Community,
March 11, 2019
6-8 pm Camrose Public Library, in the Bunker
The meeting was chaired by Gus. Wayne sent his regrets.
17 people were in attendance (at different times or on the phone) during the meeting.
2.Discussion with Camrose Police Services to help them with their strategic planning
Camrose Police Service representatives and City of Camrose Strategic planners were in attendance to ask for our honest feedback on what they are doing well and how they can improve in the future.
They will be asked 2 questions:
- What aspects of public safety and policing are going well in Camrose?
- What areas of concern could be improved and/or use increased attention from police and the community?
There was good discussion in the group, but concern was expressed that there are voices in the LGBTQ2S+ Community that are not being heard.
Camrose Police Services urges anyone who has anything to share with them either positive or negative, to submit responses to police@camrose.ca at any time. If people wish to submit them anonymously, they may email camrosepridecommunity@gmail.com and Camrose Pride Community will not reveal the person’s identity when their comments are shared.
3. Potential Collaboration with Walkable Camrose-Janet Roy
- a. Janet shared that the Walkable Camrose Committee has been discussing the possibility of engaging various groups, like Camrose Pride Community, in something called tactical urbanism. These would be peaceful, non-permanent changes to the environment that could draw attention to a situation that the group would like to change.
- b. Janet shared a number of images of examples such as temporary art expressions on streets or in parks. The group was particularly interested in painting the rainbow crosswalks.
- c. There was discussion about how, when and where this might be possible.
4. Potential Collaboration with Camrose Arts Society for various upcoming events-Jane Cherry-Lemire
- a. Jane shared three opportunities to become involved with various events in Camrose in the upcoming months.
- i. Arts and Recreation in the Park on June 22 11am to 5pm
- ii. Celebrate Canada on July 1 from 12-6 pm (activity portion of the day)
- iii. Alberta Culture Days on September 27-29
- Potential partners are invited to a meeting on March 15 at 1:30 pm at the Arts Centre to present their ideas and a budget that could potentially be added to a grant application. Nikki will explore this possibility.
- b. Jane also mentioned that there is also the potential of combining the tactical urbanism with some of the Arts Centre events. This will be explored and discussed further, but requires people to take leadership roles.
5. Margaret shared the Treasurer’s report.
- a. There is approximately $1500 that is undesignated presently.
- b. There was discussion about how the group needs to be conscious of financial and human resources moving forward since Jen and Carol will no longer be providing leadership support. This needs to be taken into consideration when considering upcoming events.
- c. Good news was shared that Nikki Featherstone has been hired by altView to support the work of Camrose Pride Community (the vacancy created when Jen moved). Nikki will have approximately 10 hours per week to provide this support. There will be a need for others to step forward to offer leadership in various areas that the group needs. This will be discussed more fully at the next meeting.
6. Other Business
- a. March 23: Fostering Allyship for a More Inclusive Future Symposium at Augustana-Preregister by emailing augustanaaqua@gmail.com; $10 registration includes lunch (registering prior to March 19 would really help the organizers in planning the food!)
- b. March 23 All Ages and Stages Dance and Cabaret at Retro 7-10 p.m. (all ages) and 10 pm- closing (adults only) Advance tickets can be purchased at Retro and Quantum Comics and at the door (space is limited).
- c.BBQ in June? Planning committee?
- i. Nikki offered to head up a planning committee.
- ii. More committee members are needed. Please let us know if you can help.
- d. Big Valley Jamboree Parade in August? Planning committee?
- i. Amielle offered to assist with the parade planning.
- ii. More committee members are needed. Please let us know if you can help.
7. Discussion of successes of Pride Week, lessons learned and feedback
- a. There was limited time for discussion, but the general tone of feedback was positive about the variety of events and times they were offered during the week. So You Think You Can Drag continues to grow and be a very popular event in the community.
8. Upcoming Regular Meetings:
- a. espressOUT on March 25 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Camrose Coffee on main street next to Bellissima Fashions (across the street from Camrose United Church). This is a new coffee shop in Camrose that is very happy to host the espressOUT conversation group.
- b. Friends and Family Meeting at the Camrose Public Library in the Bunker on the first Monday of the month (April 1) 6-8 p.m.
- c. The Traveling Tickle Trunk education event and sale has been rescheduled to April 1. It was postponed during Pride Week due to the illness of the presenter. Details will be announced shortly.
- d. Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection at the Camrose Public Library in the Bunker on the second Monday of the month (April 8) 6-8 p.m.
- *Nikki will assist the Leadership Team with the creation of an agenda for this meeting and Amielle will record meeting notes.
9. Sharing
A delicious and beautiful cake decorated with rainbow colours and the Pride Flag was shared to acknowledge Carol’s leaving. She was presented with a card and words of thanks.