Camrose Pride Community
Date: Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2020
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm Place: Camrose Library, Irving Room
Attendance: Zach S., Gus B., Candy M., Nikki F., Lucas H, Robyn G, Amielle C.
- Introductions
- Financial Report/Bank Account
- The RBC account is open.
- Received funds and last statement from CDSS. Passing to Treasurer to deposit and input into our new accounting spreadsheets.
- Online Banking is available to be used.
- Candy, our treasurer, has the transfer from CDSS and will deposit it immediately.
- The total is $2165.40 (minus one reimbursement o/s).
- Candy will get cheques when we receive society status.
- There is no report of changing funds.
- Society Status
- Our society status application came back with minor errors. We have corrected errors in signatures, everyone has signed, and Nikki will resend this week.
- Upcoming Events and Plans
- Pride Week Committee Update (Augustana) – Amielle C.
- Bake Sale – Wednesday, February 26th at 11:00am to 3:00pm in the Augustana Forum
- Candy and Gus agreed (in December) to make some baking for this.
- If you know of someone else willing to bake and donate, please let them know.
- The baking can be anything, but please include ingredient lists.
- LGBT Trivia – Tuesday, February 25th in the late morning/early afternoon in the Augustana Forum
- In the past one of the science clubs have done some trivia, but that is quickly becoming dated.
- AQUA has requested that CPC create questions for this casual trivia.
- Lucas H. will make make a Google Doc to share with CPC and queer community members to crowd source questions.
- Questions Possibilities:
- Pronouns
- Laws and Legislation
- History (When did the Stonewall Riot take place? Who threw the first brick?)
- Acronyms
- Culture
- Fetishes
- Pride Week Committee (PWC): inquires if CPC would be willing to donate some funds to host throughout the week.
- PWC is hoping to apply for a lot of funds in the coming weeks.
- CPC may hold off on committing funds until our Strategic Planning meeting.
- CPC donated $500 last year to Pride Week.
- There is time to donate up until the event and afterwards for outstanding fees.
- Key Speakers: James and Anthony from The Amazing Race Canada: Monday, February 24th at 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the Augustana Chapel
- Tickets will be between $10-$15. AQUA will look into the option of creating donation options for tickets.
- Students may be free or discounted fee (including primary, secondary, and post-secondary).
- Pride Movies: Thursday, February 27th at 8:00pm at the Duggan Cinema
- PWC requests that CPC members check what DVDs they have, as a DVD may be required for Public Performance Rights.
- DVDs can also be rented from the library or the movie store. If you have suggestions, please forward them to Amielle.
- Queer Art Making: Thursday, February 27th in the evening, location Wahkohtowin Lodge
- So You Think You Can Drag: Friday, February 28th from 7:00pm-10:00pm at Bailey Theatre
- Performers are needed; if you know interested parties, please connect them to Amielle C.
- Drag attendance has been going up
- Confirmed professional performers include Edmonton queens Sami, Armani, and Camrose queen Robyn Bank$.
- AQUA hopes to have the sign-up sheet out by the end of January.
- Zach S. will inquire with drag colleagues in Edmonton about attending.
- Zach will donate some prizes; if you know of other business that may be willing to donate, please connect them with Amielle C.
- Nikki F informed us that in April the Unitarian Church of Edmon is having an Amateur Drag Show. This may be a good way to connect/cross-promote.
- There will be QR Codes at all the events; each event attended is an entry to win prizes.
- Organizations donating include:
- Poe Da Lue
- Travelling Tickle Trunk
- Rebel Ink
- Hockey Games will take place Sunday, February 23rd to start the week and Saturday, February 29th to end the week.
- Amielle C. makes a motion for CPC to purchase a roll of pride tape for the Camrose Pride Week Hockey Games
- Seconded by Nikki
- Motion Carried
- Nikki F. Will get Pride Tape for about $136.00/12 rolls and create an Expense Claim.
- Amielle C. makes a motion for CPC to purchase a roll of pride tape for the Camrose Pride Week Hockey Games
- Advertising will begin next week. Please let your friends, family, and colleagues know.
- Strategic Planning Meeting: Friday, January 31st from 6:00pm to 9:00pm and Saturday, February 1st (day) (NOTE: LEADERSHIP TEAM ONLY)
- Location TBD
- Leadership members please consider the following to prepare for the meeting:
- What is your vision for Camrose Pride Community in the next:
- 1 year?
- 5 years?
- 10 years?
- 20 years?
- What changes should be made to our Mission, Vision, and Value Statements?
- What future partnerships with what organizations do you envision?
- What events or activities would you like to work towards?
- What is your vision for Camrose Pride Community in the next:
- Pride in the Park
- Camrose Recreation Guide wants March to August activities and was wondering if we had a date for our Pride in the Park
- CPC has decided on Saturday, June 20th 2:00pm to 6:00pm at Jubilee Park
- This is the same date as Art in the Park, which could increase visibility and create a future partnership.
- Meeting Locations: Room at the Library for 2020
- Bunker can be booked for most of the year, but not in the summer months (May, June, July, August).
- Irving Room is most likely not going to be able to be booked for our meetings this year, with all the other groups in need of it.
- The Irving Room is booked for February 10, 2020.
- Amielle C. will look into booking conference rooms at Augustana during the summer months.
- Amielle C. will look into booking a conference room for our Strategic Planning Session for Friday, January 31st and Saturday, February 1st .
- Amielle C. will look into booking student study rooms for meetings in the future.
- United Church
- The United Church has requested a follow-up/debriefing on the experience with Pam Rocker.
- They are wanting to meet and go through the Church, asking for input on how they can become more PIE (Public, Intentional, Explicit) in their support of the queer community.
- They would like two members of the Pride Community for this
- They also want us to potentially bring ideas to them, such as:
- What is their advertising like?
- AQUA has a Queer Folks of the Bible during Pride Week with Pastor Craig.
- Nikki would like to put together an interfaith queer group.
- Candy is already there from 1:00pm to 5:00pm on Sundays, which may be a good time. Lucas is available on Sundays as well. Nikki will contact about potential Sundays available to the United Church.
- Camrose Community Group Grant
- Can we meet the deadline, which is Jan. 20? Maybe we should look for the following one in June.
- Pride in the Park would fall into the time period, but also would fall in the next granting period’s timeline.
- Art Therapy Group: Alberta Society for the Promotion of Sexual Health funded Nikki $2,000 for an art therapy group to be run through Canadian Mental Health for pre-teens to adults. This may be a great opportunity to shore up the necessary funds to start this group.
- CPC members are also interested in potentially creating a future ArtHive, which would act as a free art space for community members.
- Upcoming Regular Meetings
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- Feb. 10, 2020
- Amielle C. will look into finding space.
- Feb. 10, 2020
- EspressOUT
- Monday, January 27, 2020 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- Location: Camrose Coffee
- Gus will remind Sarah.
- Alternate Location if ever needed: BP’s Lounge
- Monday, January 27, 2020 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- Friends and Family Meeting
- Next meeting is Feb. 3rd, 2020
- 1st Monday of every month, Irving Room at the Library, 6:30pm-8 (new start time)
- Next meeting is Feb. 3rd, 2020
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- Sharing Circle