Camrose Pride Community
Meeting Minutes
Date: Monday, Jan 11th, 2021
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Place: Online Zoom Meeting
Executive Leadership:
Lucas H. – Secretary (he/him)
Candy M. – Treasurer (she/her)
Nikki F. – Member (she/her)
Stephen MC. – Member-at-Large
Robyn G – Member-at-Large (she/her)
Gus B. – Co-chair 1
Zach S. – Co-chair 2
A. (he/him)
- CALL TO ORDER – Nikki F.
- The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm on Monday, December 11th, 2021 by Nikki F.
- The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm on Monday, December 11th, 2021 by Nikki F.
- The agenda is approved.
- The agenda is approved.
- Candy M. will file everything for our annual return.
- Candy M. will check in to the particulars of who is able to do an audit of the annual return. It may be Nikki F., Stephen M., and/or Robyn G.
- There was a revenue of $750 petty cash.
- There have been a lot of changes during the COVID-19 response, but we are here to support each other.
- You can find free online support from the federal government at Wellness Together Canada: https://ca.portal.gs/
- John from the Camrose Police has sent an email, letting us know that they are looking for a new officer for the CPS.
- They wanted to ensure continuing strong relations between CPS and community organizations.
- If there is interest, please contact John Corbett of the CPS.
- AGM – Monday, March 8th, 2021
- The financial report is displayed at the AGM, but the financial audit can be approved at any meeting by the executive.
- Location: Online
- There will be slides presented at this for our community members who wish to join.
- Nikki F. will announce the AGM at the end of January and in February so that there is lots of time for people to know.
- Agenda item for AGM: Conversion Therapy Ban
- The agenda will be created for the AGM at the February meeting.
- There will be some board positions opening up:
- Gus B. will be stepping down as co-chair.
- Lucas H. will be stepping down as secretary.
- Nikki F. will do some social media alerts that those positions are open.
- Conversion Therapy Ban
- Candy M. suggests that we add this as a motion at the AGM.
- We can share some of the research that we have done about Conversion Therapy in Alberta.
- Augustana – Pride Committee/Pride Week
- Flag Raising – Monday, March 8th, 2021 at 9:00am/10:00am
- What is CPC willing to run?
- Nikki F. was willing to do an online workshop. We will have to schedule it sooner rather than later. Lucas H. will let them know to contact them.
- If they have suggestions, we can take them.
- What is CPL willing to run?
- So You Think You Can Drag?
- Virtual
- Augustana’s Got Talent
- Virtual
- ExpressOUT/Monthly Gatherings
- Would you like to see any online gatherings?
- Nikki F. will create a Survey Monkey to inquire with our membership.
- A. has reached out to The Landing, especially with non-binary/Genderqueer people in mind.
- The Smith Clinic has a Rainbow Clinic, that serves a community of trans* folks and other queer members of our community.
- There may be interest for community groups that serve specific communities within our communities.
- As a support, the Art Hive is done online every Wednesday through the CMHA by Nikki F. and is 16+ from 10:00am – 12:00pm for interested parties. No cost, just need to register
- Would you like to see any online gatherings?
- AGM – Monday, March 8th, 2021
- Art Therapy Group – Nikki F.
- CMHA got grant money for Nikki F. to create the Art Hive.
- That grant also has funding for specific LFBTQIA+ communities.
- Nikki F. is still looking for ideas about specific themes or directions of this specific queer art group. If you have any ideas of workshops, please contact Nikki F.
- There is no cost to join either the group or workshops. It is 16+.
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- Monday, February 8th, 2021 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm
- Location: Online Zoom Meeting
- EspressOUTside
- cancelled due to Covid-19.
- If there is warmer weather, there may be impromptu gatherings of CPC.
- Friends and Family Meeting
- Please, contact Andrea Dyck for details (adyck@brsd.ab.ca).
- Location: Zoom
- Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:39pm.