Date: Monday, October 18, 2021
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Place: ONLINE ZOOM
Attendees: Nikki F, Ray M, Charissa S, Jessica D, Christina R, Stephen CM, Candy M, Gus B
Guest: Carol B
Agenda Item | Minutes |
Call to Order | Meeting called to order at 1834 by Chair: Nikki F |
Financials | Provided by Treasurer Candy M: $3.75 for bank fees Last month account increased by $50 through community donation One expense in for $50 for Nikki $2200 and change |
Carol B – Presenting on Sahakarini opportunity for CPC | What is Sahakarini ? non government organization in Camrose An east Indian word that means cooperation or working across founded in 1979 – original members were missionaries Mission – to help the poorest of the poor in developing countries to do their best in life History: Once a year does fund raisers – historical – one way they auction off a pair of sandals from the founders, year for a year and add to the history of the shoes – i.e. you take the sandals with you as you travel Water filtration in Kenya Projects in central America Supports about 3-4 projects per year One main event – a dinner with the sandal auction Proposal: This year – opened up to groups to use for once a week to increase awareness and passion for their cause. Keep sandals in Camrose and per week a groups can have the sandals and show the travels through Camrose. (52 weeks). Link between CPC – and Sahakarini are to cross boundaries and supporting people Carol would like to connect the groups and support each other in the community, have some mutual dialogue. Maybe in the future the two groups can connect and support alignment and cooperation. Proposal for CPC to have sandals in June to support Pride month Carol has already made the donation on behalf of CPC CONVERSATION: Idea – Fireside stories in our sandals with the sandals. Website: sahakarini.org |
Conversion Therapy Ban By-law – Pledge & Election Update | Revisit ACTION PLAN COMPLETED: Step One – first draft of Letter to the City of Camrose – an invitation to join us/champion the process to pass the bylaw against Conversion “Therapy”/Torture. COMPLETED: Step Two – Create Pledge and sent to those running for Municipal Election in City of Camrose: 5 candidates returned signed pledges. 4-5 candidates contacted CPC wishing to meet and discuss the pledge but as request was very clear, meetings were deferred until after election. Some misunderstood that a federal ban was already through – corrected and educated on process or legislation. _______________________________________________________ Step Three: Begin canvasing other supports within Camrose: Create a new Pledge for agencies and businesses, psychologists and therapists, parents, family members, affirming churches/pastors, school boards, Augustana, organizations, Camrose Library, shelters, individuals citizens etc., to sign in support of the bylaw. This will provide more support, awareness and active support for change. Ask for permission to have names of signees visible so we can create more support and encouragement of others Give a snapshot of info to give to people about the Conversion Therapy Ban by-law Ministries: Affirming ministry – first approach and have them take to ministerial meeting and have leaders of the faith take to their people. Some legwork with religious groups already done on national level. Some delay since COVID in 2019 – United Church still gives the impression of support but how are they navigating congregational services? Each faith group will have to approach individually since they are all so diverse and different – same faiths do not necessarily practice the same between congregations (i.e. Lutheran). CPC is not alone – use our resources, affirming churches, No Conversion Canada, Pam Rocker etc…. Survivors: Be aware of the constant attitude and subtle ways that people have been controlled, abused and oppressed as we move forwards. Create a call out to any survivors in our area who may want to come forward – providing supports is critical Please ensure CPC members are taking care of themselves ACTION: All members start identifying humans and groups to approach and have some conversations Nikki and Candy will develop the next community pledge for Conversion Therapy Ban Step Four: Contact Council members: Who got elected – then see who we have that was supportive Have to have in community support not just outside but can use the great work done by No Conversion Canada to assist in this process Develop a multi-level support to make this a fabric of Camrose society and a deeper understanding of what this means New council is encouraging – new minds and new ideas, timing could be advantageous. Step Five: Take by-law proposal to Council |
Looking Forward – Fall & Winter Events | Paused, COVID 4th wave |
Regular Meetings | Regular monthly Board Meeting Monday, Nov. 8th, 2021 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm Location: online zoom Solstice Fire at Gus’ to be discussed EspressOUTSIDE TBD – Paused – Covid 4th wave Friends and Family Support Group Running online, first Wednesday of every month – contact Andrea Dyck for info: adyck@brsd.ab.ca |
Adjournment | Nikki Featherstone adjourned meeting at 1936 |