Date: Monday, January 10, 2021
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Place: Online
Attendees: Nikki, Jessica, Candy, Teri, Raymond, Gus, Charissa
Regrets: Justin, Alex, Stephen,
- Call to order/Introductions/Check in
- Called to order by Nikki at 1836
- Financial Report
- bank fee only
- $2,285.53 – report attached
- Old Business
3.1 Conversion Therapy Ban
3.1.1 Federal Criminal Code Passed
3.1.2 Discussion
- May make things harder for municipalities to support own ban as it is now federal criminal code – they won’t see the value or need
- Law needs to be analyzed as to what it really means
- Will need more backing to gather real support
- Attitude is that if there’s a problem take it to court
- Regrouping needed around our approach
- Still need formal municipal support
- We should not stop moving it forward – would be ideal to find a council member champion
- Public knowledge around federal vs provincial vs municipal laws to support the federal movement
- We should review the law to see what is missing, what is strong and what could be clarified.
- Making people aware that this does happen here and what it is
- Support individual knowledge and awareness – beyond municipal
- Urgency of getting it done has eased – we have more time, decreased pressure
- Because we’ve initiated this we need to have a public presence to provide a person centered approach
3.1.2 – Data
- Gathering data is still critical
- Community members need to know that it does happen here and where it’s happening and how
- Understanding Conversion Therapy practices
- Opportunity to gather real good data
- Education of ourselves as to why it needs to be on a provincial and municipal level so we can educate others/families/community
- Personal story collection is critical to show the critical impact
- Connect back with Dr. Wells, No Conversion Canada
- Charissa has access to U of A data
- Qualitative research could start with conversations
- Data has to be stored in a safe place
- Nikki will contact Dr. Wells about research – methodology, ethics, best practices and movement forward.
3.2 Revised ACTION plan (refer to agenda for detailed action items)
- Crowdsource funding plan from AB government and the gov’t will match an amount of the donations
- Can we do it under No Conversion Canada umbrella
- CIP grant available – matching dollars
- We have to be careful with government funding due to loopholes
- City of Camrose may have funding available – community grant and arts and culture grant
- CDSS – possible source, limited amounts
- May want to include youth development piece as well
- Need a youth rep on the board
- Candy to explore local grants- to support research and events for Pride month
- Jess to explore other sources of funding
- Charissa explore how many QSA’s are in the school division
- Touch base before next meeting
- Anyone who can chat with council , go ahead 🙂
- Step 3 of action plan
- Gather data on occurrence and impact of Conversion ‘Therapy’ Practices in Camrose and area; contact other communities who have passed their by-law and inquire around where/how they gathered data on this
- Self education in our group about the federal ban
- Question
- What is our mission statement around this? How do we get people to be accountable for their actions? Christian church lack of responsibility and accountability.
- Some discomfort in the group regarding certain organizations
- Abusers will ignore it
- Goal – advocating for our right to exist
- Goal – knowing what is a Conversion practice and sharing that knowledge
- New Business
4.1 AGM – due first quarter, March 14 meeting.
- Follow AGM with strategic planning session – update and refocus existing strategic plan
4.2 Spring/Summer Events – Monthly review to see what we are doing in June 2022
4.3 School Update
– Students don’t see it as a big deal, and want to continue with clubs and extracurricular activities.
– The current group needs more support and safety then the past groups (previous was more involved in advocacy)
– Division is supporting their capacity through QSA at some schools in the division.
– New division Inclusion and Diversity Coordinator is heading up QSA groups and supporting trans students
- Hays Lakes has an active QSA
- Conference reinforced the legalities around QSA – schools have to support development
- Most parents DO support safe space for students in the school
- Alt View is able to support rural development of QSA
- Standing Items
5.1 Monthly Meetings – next meeting Feb 14 – reschedule? – moved to Feb 7, 2022
5.2 ExpressOUTSIDE – TBD, COVID dependent
5.3 Friends and Family Support Group – Running online, first Wednesday of every month – contact Andrea Dyck for info: adyck@brsd.ab.ca
- Adjournment and check out
Adjourned by Nikki – 1944