Date: Monday, February 7, 2022
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Place: Online
Attendees: Nikki, Jessica, Charissa, Stephen, Craig, Ray, Candy, Alix
Regrets: Gus
- Call to order/Introductions/Check in
- Called to order by Nikki at 1840
- Financial Report
- bank fee only
- bank report attached
- Old Business
3.1 Conversion Therapy Ban
3.1.1 – Data Gathering: Update on Action:
– Connected to Nick from No Conversion Canada to get tips on how to gather data.
– Nick wasn’t able to attend the meeting but Nikki requested an email with links and more info.
– Jess connected with Policy Wise for support/guidance. Email was sent back with suggestions, ideas and guidance.
Email content from Policy Wise:
- First would be to tap into Augustana Campus to see if they have any programs with capstone or thesis projects where a student could support the research. Given the subject matter, any University ethics process is going to be extremely robust around potential harm for participants.
- If wanting to remain grassroots, I would encourage the group to explore Participatory Action Research toolkits. Here are a few I found after a quick google search:
- The ethics on this could be tough. Best practice would be to go through ARRECCI screening which will most likely recommend a more thorough ethics review. https://arecci.albertainnovates.ca/
- If going a less formal research route and more of a collective narrative based on existing relationships with members of 2SLGBTQ+ communities, following a trauma-informed care approach to how conversations are held and have immediate access to professional supports during potentially triggering conversations.
- https://equiphealthcare.ca/files/2021/05/GTV-EQUIP-Tool-TVIC-Spring2021.pdf ; this seems like a decent starting guide and I’ll continue to dig around for practice on trauma informed research interviews because I know I’ve seen this somewhere before.
- If going a less formal research route and more of a collective narrative based on existing relationships with members of 2SLGBTQ+ communities, following a trauma-informed care approach to how conversations are held and have immediate access to professional supports during potentially triggering conversations.
- While sorting out how to go about collecting first person accounts of stories/experiences, the group could do an environmental scan. This would consist of doing a grey literature review to identify local/provincial conversion practices, and any legislation that makes it possible for these practices to potentially take place. This may also include identifying alternate names for these practices as I’m guessing that they go by a variety of names to veil their true intent.
- Funding is trickier and everything for exploratory research seems to be Covid focused right now. One option, making the assumption that there is at least one person under 30 that is part of the group, would be to apply for youth-led project grants.
Group Discussion:
- Is a challenge for our small group to have ability to conduct research alone
- Like the idea of partnering with Augustana
- Recognition the research is important as it is a foundation for action
- Craig feels it could fit in with Augustana but the timeline would have to at least a year away (fall start)
- Nikki and Jess are willing to do literature reviews but understanding that it may be topic specific (i.e. Health and Art therapy)
- Collaboration timelines are possibly very long in time
- Augustana is part of U of A (FYI)
- Concern about timelines but without some research community challenges may be harder
- Are other QSA doing a research project already? Or would be able to partner with another group who has the same interest? Could there be a partner lit review?
- Concerns about workload for members and being able to meet ethics reviews and accessing LOCAL data and research (lit review will turn up National, Prov info).
- Longer we delay the less impact, need to push the conversation forward.
- Quick wins matched with research – let’s not stall completely.
- Is a by-law going to happen? Is that the way to go? Perhaps we need a different approach?
- What are our real options? – Worth our time to look into the federal law deeper. How are crimes reported, what can you report, what is the process – connect with RCMP to resources and training to deal with issues, create posters and awareness so people can be aware of actions. Using the federal law to our advantage.
Action: Nikki will reach out to John at CPS regarding what their plan is around this legislation. What do they need us to know regarding reporting, training for officers, resources they may need, how can we be supportive? Host a conversation with the Queer community and police about how we can support. Please address service cultural, systemic barriers to reporting and options to make reporting more accessible. Nikki will see if we can get a presentation on the legislation so we can all understand it and be clear as well as consistent in our messaging.
Action: Nikki will reach out to Augustana and see if there is a research opportunity/interest.
Action (informal): All members read info, approach council for awareness and keep the conversation going.
4. Reminder – AGM – due first quarter, March 14 meeting.
– Notice to the community went out today – Feb 7, 2022
– Follow AGM with strategic planning session – update and refocus existing strategic plan – will be done on another date so we can gather new membership and positions and not go to late.
– Which Board Positions are up for election? Chair is a 2 year term (Nikki is chair). New positions needed – Co-chair, social media coordinator
5. Spring/Summer Events – Monthly review to see what we are doing in June 2022
- Suspended until COVID is over and we are allowed to get together
- We could do some outside activities but not favorable at this time
6. School Update
- QSA is in a transitional period – youth
- MH GSA conference end of March – 2 students to attend but they not follow up at this time
- Teri found a LGBTQ2S+ supportive youth opportunity – unique impacts of COVID on LGBTQ2S+ youth
7. New Business
7.1 CMHA’s Recovery College reached out in hopes of collaborating on co-facilitating an online chat with the Pride Community. They are currently running a program called Namaste Café, which is a general online safe space for chat and check in. They would like to offer this program to members of the Pride community where chat is facilitated by a Recovery College Peer Facilitator supplied by CMHA and a member of Camrose Pride.
– This chat would run 1x per week specific to the Queer community.
– Group ran by one professional and one peer – cannot run without both
Ask: They would like a member of our Queer community to co-facilitate session
Action: Nikki will collect more info and send to the group.
8. Standing Items
8.1 Monthly Meetings – next meeting is our AGM! – March 14th at 6:30pm, via zoom
8.2 ExpressOUTSIDE – TBD, COVID dependent – if there is an interested community member who would like to facilitate a community social, using safe health protocols, please let us know!
8.3 Friends and Family Support Group – Running online, first Wednesday of every month – contact Andrea Dyck for info: adyck@brsd.ab.ca
9. Adjournment and check out: by Nikki at 1935