April 3, 2017 Sharing and Planning Meeting Agenda

1. Sharing : What’s rocking your world?

2. Reflections on Pride Week events
a. What went well?
b. What could we have done differently?
c. What ideas do we want to try for next year?

3. Upcoming events and opportunities
a. Canada 150 Film Night on April 19, 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Bailey Theatre; screening of “Breakfast with Scot”, hosted and introduced by Camrose Pride Community
• Previewing of the film on April 14 at Gus’ house (time to be determined since it is Good Friday)
b. Collaboration with Seniors’ Coalition
c. Peter Lougheed Leadership Institute Student project
d. Participation with altView in Edmonton Pride Parade on June 10
e. Safety Training at May 1 meeting
f. Grants and opportunities they provide

4. Planning for upcoming events: Sharing of ideas and Committee Formation
a. Jaywalkers Jamboree Booth on June 2 & 3: Fundraiser
b. Community BBQ on June 24
c. Big Valley Jamboree Parade entry on August 3
• Construction of float
• Safety planning

5. Other points for discussion

  • Letter to the Editor in Camrose Booster March 28, 2017

6.Committee work

 7. Sharing of Committee work with whole group

February 6, 2017 Meeting Notes

Action items are recorded in purple text.

  1. Check In –> 11 members in attendance

2. Follow up from Last Meeting

Pride Week Plans

Sunday, March 5 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Community Glam afternoon at The House of Hair Design –free tickets

  • altView will assist in creating tickets using Eventbrite so that we can track the number of participants
  • tickets will help to stagger the times that people arrive at the event

Monday, March 6 7:00 Marni Panas speaking in the Roger Epp room at Augustana;

  • AQUA will provide refreshments; AQUA and CPC will split the cost of the honorarium
  • altView staff will help with publicity

Thursday, March 9 7:00-9:30 pm Expressive Arts evening –free tickets

  • Diane McLaren, a local artist, has offered to facilitate a workshop to help build community
  • On campus at Augustana with a location to be announced
  • altView will again help with Eventbrite tickets for this free event and with publicity
  • AQUA and CPC will split the cost of materials for this workshop

Friday, March 10 Concert Ray Spoon (a trans musician) will be performing at the Bailey Theatre in the evening

  • A discussion with Ray Spoon in the afternoon from noon until 2:00 approximately, is being offered; more details to be announced

AQUA is planning other events that will take place on campus during Pride Week. These will be shared with the group on Facebook and on the website.

Saturday, March 18 So You Think You Can Drag at the Bailey Theatre

  • This will be an all ages event.
  • Anyone is welcome to enter the competition. More information will be coming soon.
  • It will be important for us to have information about Camrose Pride Community and upcoming events at all Pride Week events.

Upcoming events

Youth Events –> Youth Film and Game Night on February 13 6:00-8:00 pm at Camrose Public Library for Junior/Senior High School Students

  • Being planned by a Community Service Learning student who is supervised by Val and Carol
  • If anyone from Camrose Pride Community wants to attend and help supervise, contact Carol.

Big Valley Jamboree parade on August 3 — no cost, but must provide a certificate of insurance

  • Jen will research further
  • Jen will confirm details about borrowing the truck and flatbed trailer and the insurance requirements

3. New Opportunities

  • National Film Day –> April 19 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the Bailey Theatre –>Camrose Pride was asked to choose a film that will be shown this day and invited to introduce it.
  • The film we have chosen is “Breakfast with Scot.”
  • Bryan has access to someone who could help with the film discussion; Leadership Team to discuss
  • Jen–>shared a request for support for a queer Kurdish refugee who wants to come to Alberta; if anyone is interested in helping with this, let Jen know
  • Survey–> If anyone is willing to offer information by completing the Edmonton Men’s Health Collective Sexually Transmitted and Bloodborne Infections Strategy Survey, contact Carol very soon. This is time sensitive.
  • Edmonton Pride Parade–> June 10 One Pride; Many Voices –> offer suggestions for how the altView/Camrose Pride Community/John Howard Society entry will look this year

4. Planning of Timeline for Year (Mid-March 2017-Mid-March 2018)

  • The group brainstormed and discussed various possible events for the upcoming year and these were added to flipcharts for each month.
  • There is an overlap of Education and Social events as many social events in the community are an opportunity to provide education.
  • All suggestions are open to revision.
  • Time has been built into the calendar for planning and preparation.
  • These plans did not include our regular meetings each month (Regular meeting on the first Monday of the month, Family and Friends Support Group on the second Monday of the month and espressOUT on the third Monday of the month) which will continue.

April 2017

  • April 19 Canada 150 Filmfest at the Bailey Theatre (5:30-7:30 Camrose Pride Community film being shown)
  • April 23 altView AGM at 11:00 a.m. in Edmonton

May 2017

  • Planning for a busy June and August

June 2017

  • June 2 & 3 Jaywalker’s Jamboree Fundraising event – Face painting and information booth (see Amber for details)
  • June 9-16 Edmonton Pride Festival
  • June 10 Opportunity to walk with altView in the Pride Parade
  • June 13 altView High Tea event
  • June 17 Fort Saskatchewan BBQ
  • June 24 Camrose Pride Community BBQ

July 2017

  • Campfire at The Manor in Ferintosh
  • Construction of the float for the Big Valley Jamboree Parade

August 2017

  • August 3 Big Valley Jamboree parade entry
  • Possible camp out for 18+ or supervised youth (families)

September 2017

  • Community Registration Night booth

October 2017

  • Collaboration with Seniors’ Coalition on a Senior’s presentation (hopefully with Michael Phair) (Margaret to take a lead role)
  • Open Door Bed Race entry (Halloween time)

November 2017

  • Begin planning for Pride Week

December 2017

  • Second annual Mingle All the Way Potluck Social

January 2018

  • Educational event with support of altView
  • Possibly a Mental Health Panel in keeping with the Let’s Talk campaign about mental health

February 2018

  • Planning for Pride Week

March 2018

  • Pride Week in collaboration with AQUA

5. Divide and Conquer –> the planning was done as a whole group instead of in smaller groups

6. Resources

  • Share resources with Jen that she can add to the website
  • Bryan will create a hello@camrosepride.ca for information
  • Contact numbers will be added to the website so that people can make contact with someone as needed

Events coming up:

  • February 7 Human Library: Ehren is giving a talk at the Augustana Human Library at 7:00 p.m.
  • February 13 Family and Friends Event at Camrose United Church 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
  • February 13 Youth Film and Game night at Camrose Public Library 6:00-8:00 p.m.
  • February 20 espressOUT 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at Alice Hotel Restaurant
  • altView will be hosting a board and staff mixer in March or April in Edmonton; watch for details

7. Next Meeting Details: March 6 Marni Panas 7:00 p.m. in the Roger Epp Room at Augustana in lieu of our regular monthly meeting

Parking lot: Future Agenda Items

  • The process to become a Not for Profit Organization
  • Discussion with group about how the executive functions
  • Discussion about what role altView plays with Camrose Pride Community

Meeting Notes January 9, 2017


Camrose Pride Community Monthly Meeting
Meeting notes January 9, 2017

1. Greetings
2. Introductions and Check in: 19 present
3. Call for Agenda items: nothing more added
4. Minutes:
1. Invitation again to Games night, the first Friday of the month
1. Potluck and games at Camrose United Church
5. Reports – Family and Friends Support
1. Meeting on the second Monday of the month
2. Colleen made contact with the Camrose Composite High School to let parents associated with the QSA there know about the Family and Friends Support Group
3. Question received about possibility of a blog as a safe way for others to communicate with questions or concerns: group is open to suggestions
4. Questions about how much publicity should be done
5. Refer any interested people to Jen@altview.ca who will help make the connections to the group
6. Colleen Nelson and Chris Rebus are also available as contacts for this group
7. Discussion about how to connect cousellors and those who are expressing a need
8. Open Door is very responsive to needs

6. Announcements
1. Bryan (ED of altView) has just assumed a new role at ISMSS (Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services at the University of Alberta, North Campus
2. Jen’s hours have doubled to 10 hours per week; altView has provided funding to support Jen’s position as a resource person for Camrose Pride Community

7. Pride Community Executive Proposal
1. Discussion about managing of finances; priority to deal with this within the first quarter
2. Addition of the Recording Secretary as a necessary role
1. Possibility that the recording secretary should be an impartial recorder without a vote
3. Co-Chair Positions
1. Suggestion to have a well-established member and a less established member from the community to assume co-chair roles
2. 2 year term
3. Wayne and Gus accepted the co-chair positions
4. Roles to be worked out with Leadership Team
4. Recording Secretary
1. 2 year term of office
2. Carol has accepted the role of recording secretary
3. Question about whether or not the Recording Secretary’s position should be a voting or non-voting position
4. Details to be worked out by Leadership Team
5. Jen to serve as a Resource person from altView with the Leadership team
6. Education Lead positions will be discussed by the Leadership Team
7. Social Lead position will be discussed by the Leadership Team
8. A representative of the Parent and Friend support group will be part of the Leadership Team
9. A representative from AQUA will be part of the Leadership Team
8. Discussion about moving forward with collaboration with the Seniors Coalition
1. Carlile has offered to provide connections with Senior’s initiatives in BC and Toronto
9. Pride Week Planning – Augustana March 6-11
1. Marni Panas will be speaking on March 6
2. March 5 Camrose Glam 1:00 to 5:00 at the glamorous House of Hair Design: open to all for fun and exploration
3. Expressive arts
4. Many other activities are being planned
10. March 18 à So You Think You Can Drag at the Bailey Theatre (location to be confirmed)
11. March 31 Trans Day of Visibility: suggestions are requested
1. One idea is a clothing swap
12. Big Valley Parade Participation
1. August 3
2. TNeal has offered a truck and truck bed
3. Find a way to make it exciting
4. Carl has offered his expertise and materials to help with the decoration of the float
5. Suggestion to provide some education with the parade entry: gender spectrum

13. Film Night Idea: Pride Film Festival Idea
1. Gus has suggestions for films to be shown
2. Could be a low maintenance event
14. Next espressOUT on Monday, January 16 at 5:00-6:30 at the Alice Hotel
15. Next Camrose Pride Community meeting is on Monday, February 6 at 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Camrose United Church



Camrose Pride Community Agenda – January 9th

  1. Greetings
  2. Call for Agenda items
  3. Introductions
  4. Review of Minutes
  5. Reports – Family and Friends Support
  6. Pride Community Executive  – Proposal
  7. Pride Week Planning – Augustana
  8. Big Valley Parade participation

November 7 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Notes for Camrose Pride Community November 7, 2016 at Camrose United Church 6:00 p.m.

*Action items are in red

1. Greetings
2. Call for Agenda items
3. Introductions
4. Review of minutes
➢ Check the website for the minutes of the last meeting
➢ We are experiencing some difficulties with the website which are being addressed
5. Reports
➢ Our MLA report included Camrose Pride Community in his report.
➢ Great response to the Bed Race; the Bed Races raised $14000 for the Open Door; AQUA were fantastic with their support of this event
➢ Change espressOUT to 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. so it is more of a coffee happy hour; espressOUT will meet on the third Monday of the month; Jen will submit an announcement to the Camrose Morning News in the Community Events section
➢ Parent’s group met on October 11; this group will try and meet on the second Mondays of the month
➢ First Friday of the month is Games Night and a potluck at Camrose United Church; Jen will extend an invitation to Camrose Pride Community
6. Collaboration with Seniors’ Coalition
➢ Seniors’ Coalition would like someone from Camrose Pride to work with them
➢ Seniors’ Chat in February or March: Jonathan has approached the Prime Timers to become involved
➢ We need a champion who can help us raise LGBTQ Seniors’ issues.
7. Holiday Celebration
➢ December 5 at 6:00 p.m.
➢ Potluck
➢ Bring Christmas music for carol singing and dancing
➢ Jen has booked the United Church Hall
➢ Mingle All the Way; socializing with games and music as people are inclined
➢ Action: Jen will create a Facebook Event for December 5

8. Planning for 2017

❖ Fostering Collaborations
➢ Bed Races – Open Door
➢ Seniors Coalition
➢ Library/Bunker
➢ Camrose Police
➢ United Church
➢ Manor at Ferintosh
➢ Primetimers
➢ Mental Health services

❖ Providing Education
➢ Seniors event with Michael Phair
➢ Human Library
➢ Resources on the website: counsellors
➢ Movie Night (all three categories)
➢ Ezines – capturing people’s experiences (hard copies)
➢ Marni Panas: Action: Carol to contact about Marni’s availability (Spring or Fall)
➢ Panel of people to talk about mental health supports for LGBTQ
➢ Community Registration Night

❖ Hosting Events
➢ Dance Party
➢ So You Think You Can Drag: AQUA
➢ Pride Week at Augustana
➢ Camp Out
➢ Canada 150/retro
➢ Bed Race
➢ Float in Big Valley Jamboree-contact TNeal for truck and flat bed if we decide to enter the parade
➢ Edmonton Pride
➢ Camp Fire at the Manor at Ferintosh
➢ espressOUT
➢ Family and Friends Support

9. Safe Spaces in Health Care may be addressed through some of our education events; we will return to this issue in the future

Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.

espressOUT on Monday, November 21 5:00 – 6:30 at the Alice Hotel Restaurant

Next regular meeting is on December 5 at 6:00: Christmas Social

Our regular January meeting will be held on January 9 at 6:00 at the Camrose United Church (please note: this is not on the first Monday of the month as is our pattern.)

October 3, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Greetings and Introductions

  1. Camrose Pride Website is live as of October 3, 2016
    • Minutes will be posted; first names only will be used in the minutes
    • Camrosepride.ca
  2. Will follow the altView pattern for organization of meetings
    • 2 weeks prior to the meeting, a reminder will be sent out to members by email with a call for agenda items to be submitted
    • Call for reports; allows Jen time to copy
  3. Bed Race for Open Door
    • Is the group interested in participating?
    • Construction of a bed is needed
    • Carol will contact AQUA to ask if we can be on the agenda for their next meeting; Wayne and Carol will make a presentation to AQUA on October 6
    • Contact Wayne if interested in helping with the decoration of the bed and/or being on the team (5 people needed)
    • Paige is willing to help out, but not take charge
  4. Dance Party Updates
    • 102 tickets sold; probably close to 120 were in attendance
    • Robin Bank$ was marvelous as the Drag Queen
    • Well publicized with posters
    • Community support was evident in the donations of prizes
    • No alcohol needed to have a fun party
    • Financials are available and will be posted soon
  5. Financial situation updated
    • $1300 seed money from CDSS
    • Donation from AQUA and altView for the cost of the banner
    • $573 remaining after all revenue and expenses are calculated
  6. Seniors Coalition partnership possibilities
    • Concerns about LGBTQ people who are aging have been raised
    • Is there someone in the group who would write a column about what it is like to be an LGBTQ person who is aging in Camrose? Someone is needed by January.
    • Michael Phair recently presented at a Gray Matters conference and members of the Seniors’ Coalition are interested in hosting him to come and address a gathering;
    • The consensus of the group was to explore partnership possibilities with the Seniors’ Coalition.
    • Nora Lee and Jonathan will help CPC connect with a group called Prime Timers.
  7. Parent Meeting update
    • Met on September 26; small turn out, but not reflective of the interest
    • More publicity needed; Facebook page, Camrose Morning News
    • October 18 is the next scheduled meeting at Camrose United Church
    • Goal is to have a regular meeting date for this group
    • Spread the word to any parents/family members
    • Group is being called Family and Friends Support
  8. expressOUT
    • Next scheduled meeting is on Tuesday, October 11
    • The goal is to set a regular meeting date as the third Monday of the month
  9. Website update
    • Jen will be updating the website while she is on her road trip in October
    • Paige is willing to help gather resources to be posted online
    • Gus is willing to be an emergency contact to be accessed on the website
  10. Ideas for Upcoming Events/Planning
    • Small event for early December Potluck Social
    • Contact Jen if you are willing to help plan this event
    • Begin planning in November for upcoming events in 2017; map out the next year

Parking Lot:

  • Safe Spaces in Health Care; Everyone do some research and bring ideas to next meeting