Camrose Pride Community
invites you to share
Moments of Pride
Yearly Pride Events commemorate the pivotal 1969 Stonewall Inn Riots, often seen as the spark for LGBTQIA2+ rights movements in North America. The fight for our communities’ rights continues to this day, and the sacrifices of those that came before us allow us to live our lives with Moments of Pride.
While we are not able to gather to celebrate our identities and our histories in person, Camrose Pride Community would like to invite you to share Moments of Pride in your life. Moments of Pride is a month long community driven event that sees LGBTQIA2+ peoples and our allies share our pride through the power of art.
What is Pride? What is your story?
We would like to ask our community for video submissions showcasing Moments of Pride, be they stories, poems, paintings, drag tutorials, dances, sports showcases, gardening suggestions, musical numbers or absolutely anything that showcases one’s pride to be an LGBTQIA2+ person or ally.
These videos will be posted on the Camrose Pride Community Facebook page every Friday in June to share our experiences, our journeys, our triumphs, and our Moments of Pride with the world.
If you are interested in taking part, please create a 3-5 minute video exploring the theme of Moments of Pride and share it via Google Drive or published YouTube link with camrosepridecommunity@gmail.com. Please include a short description of the video to be included with the video. Please also attach a signed Photo-Video-Audio Release Form, allowing us permission to post the video. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Camrose Pride Community through Instagram, Facebook, or email.
Submissions must be received by CPC the Sunday before our weekly Facebook event held Friday, June 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th. If the deadline has passed, your submission will be highlighted the week after.
No submissions will be accepted beyond Sunday, June 21st.
Submissions must be copyright compliant, avoiding the use of copyrighted music/IP or securing permission from the IP rights’ holder beforehand.
Submissions must adhere to Facebook’s Community Standards.
Photo-Audio-Video Release Form must be signed and included with submission.
Submissions should include a short description of the contents for accessibility purposes.
Please enable auto-generated closed captioning with your video if possible on YouTube (How to Enable Automatic Captioning on YouTube). If shared via Google Drive, CPC will enable CC on Facebook.
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