Date: Monday, September 9th, 2019
Time 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Place: Camrose Public Library Irving Meeting Room
Attendance: Gus B., Zach S., Lucas H., Ron (Happy Birthday this month!), Pastor Jon (United Church), Carmen (Retro)
Regrets: Margaret H., Candy M., Robyn G., Nikki F.
- Introductions
- Financial report
- We have approx. $3,200 in funds.
- Society Status
- CPC’s application has been filed.
- Debrief
- Community Registration Night
- Candy was a success! We still hope to get promotional swag.
- Fall Bank$ Ball
- A roaring success!
- 100-120 People
- 3 Guests
- Lilith Fair (Edmonton)
- JBR (Edmonton)
- Sir Racha (Camrose)
- Successful door prizes from many sponsors
- Report: No protesters!
- Thank you to sponsors!
- Community Registration Night
- Pam Rocker
- November 17th, 2019 – Sunday
- United Church – working together to make a sermon
- Jon requests a contact with Pam Rocker – Gus will email pastorjonuc@gmail.com and Pam Rocker to create introduction
- Afternoon Workshop:
- Location: Bethel Pastor (?) – Ellen Parker our contact has emailed Pastor Debra-Anne possible locatin for afternoon
- Subject: Gus will contact Pam Rocker for Title
- Gus will email Nikki with the photographs she has requested.
- Gus will let Jon know by the end of the month of the location
- Amielle recommends Canva for graphic design.
- Strategic Planning Session
- 6 month meetings about strategic planning
- 5 to 10 year plans
- What are our goals
- How do we want to grow this
- Nikki will contact Michael about 3 potential dates in the next month or two and see what works best.
- Community Meals
- after/before meetings either at a restaurant
- connect beforehand or after to also mitigate tangential speaking
- Gus also offers his place once that have moved
- Amielle will email Nikki to let her know about these plans so she can tag that on to the email about call for agenda items.
- Queer Subgroups Facebook
- Potentially creating a closed group attached to CPC
- Potentially creating group chats for these people interested, invited in through CPC.
- We will table this until Nikki can return
- Fire Ceremony
- October 11th, 7:30pm-9Pm
- Nikki will promote through social media
- Nikki will provide more information at the next meeting
- Questions raised: is this is part of a larger response?
- Upcoming Events and Plans
- Community Healing Workshop – Culture Days – FREE
- September 28th, 12:30pm-4:30pm
- Please register by contacting Nikki at NKMFeatherstone@gmail.com
- Fall Family Dance
- Saturday, November 16th, 7:00pm – 10:00pm
- Retro has agreed to host
- You cannot bring outside food (except a cake)
- Saturday is karaoke night
- Capacity is 150
- Planning Committee
- What do you want to accomplish?
- Is it to raise funds?
- Pay for itself?
- Just for volunteers and their families?
- What do you want to accomplish?
- We offer events and guests, that do cost more (we cannot front that cost). Carmen has a list of people who can be contacted for entertainment.
- Magician/Variety Act
- Variety of price points ($1,000 for big show)
- Comedians
- Actors
- 387 Entertainment – Braden in Millet
- He will help share andpromote and is very community oriented.
- Robyn Bank$ will be making an appearance.
- Alberta Princess – Jenaea
- Zach will contact Sir Racha about making an appearance
- Mini-drag show with Sir Racha and Robyn.
- Shuffleboard
- Washer Toss
- Giant Jenga
- Karaoke
- Karaoke Contest?
- Open to setting up more for that
- Carmen or Daughter can DJ, especially if we provide a song list if we’d like to save money on a DJ
- Joshua Boone (Dr. Detail), through Tish, has a DJ business and loves community events, as well.
- Bill York is a DJ with a photobooth as well.
- Retro also has backdrops available
- Magician/Variety Act
- Food
- Retro must cater
- No outside food allowed
- Open at 4 throughout week
- Open at 2 on weekends
- Retro is always available for booking outside of those hours if we’d like to keep that in mind for the future.
- Tickets
- What will we charge?
- Last year prices:
- $5/person
- $10/family
- Retro Dollars can be used for arcade games and pool tables. Carmen proposed each ticket comes with 2 retro dollars.
- Carmen will contact DJs about potential prices.
- Guswill contact Tish to ask Joshua Boone about prices
- Door Prizes?
- Carmen will put up posters and social media from Metro’s accounts once we have more info.
- Planning Committee
- Tuesday, September 24th, 2019 at Retro from 7:00pm – 9:00pm
- Nikki will get information about years past Fall Family Dances
- Last Dance:
- ~100 people at last family dance?
- Presale Tickets?
- Community Healing Workshop – Culture Days – FREE
- Regular Meetings
- ExpressOUT
- Monday, September 30th, 2019 – 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- Theme: Puzzles
- Amielle will purchase second hand puzzles
- Future Ideas: Pool Tournament at Retro? Maybe a separate event?
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- Tuesday, October 15th, 2019 6:00pm – 8:00pm
- Notice: Due to stat: Tuesday, November 12, 2019
- Where: Camrose Public Library Irving Meeting Room
- Friends and Family Meeting
- Monday, October 7th, 2019
- Nikki will contact Brian/Colleen Nelson to confirm time
- Monday, October 7th, 2019
- ExpressOUT
- Agenda Items for Next Meeting
- Camrose Pride Community Promotional Items
- Sticker Sheets
- Tattoos
- Pins
- Calla Peacey with BRSD
- Her mom has a promotional
- 4imprint.ca
- Lucas will contact Calla
- tattoos4schools.ca
- May do decals
- thingsinabucket
- vistaprint
- Booster did not allow ad about Fall Bank$ Ball
- Morning News is a better venue.
- Community Events Section free for non-profits, etc.
- Coffee News
- Camrose Pride Community Promotional Items
- Sharing Circle