Camrose Pride – November Meeting
Date: Monday, November 20, 2023
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm
Place: Online Zoom & Composite High School
1. Call to Order – Confirm quorum – Check-in; Tim Tam Slams:
What are everybody’s capacity levels?
Green: I have capacity to do more than what I did this month towards Camrose Pride.
Gus, he/him Stacey, she/her
Yellow: The work so far has been manageable.
Megan, she/her Teri, she/her Stephen, he/him Rose, she/her
Mia, she/her
Red: The amount of work required of me this month caused me stress.
Ray and Louis are also here
2. Financial Report
a. Financial Report
- 2,492.38 balance. 3.75 bank fee. 41.50 Game night fees (Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov)
b. Jackie Lovely, Minister of Women and Culture, Advisor to Danielle Smith re: LGBTQ2SIA+ populations. Gus and Megan – Monday December 11
c. City councilors – Committee of the Whole (January 2, 2-4:30pm)
d. Camrose Community Grant (February application) Up to 5,000
3. Old Business
a. Educational Resources
- Education: google doc of resources. Lots in Edmonton. Stephen will add to the website. Do we want to create a list of Camrose LGBTQ2SIA+ friendly businesses? < standing item to couch for later? < break into smaller steps, queer affirming doctors in Camrose (Dr. Charlie Boyd) < educational resource or resource < lawyers, physicians, hairstylists < visual on website: “if you identify as queer affirming, email us to be added to this resource”
- Discuss date to update website
4. New Business
a. Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Infinite Imagination (Mike). Coproduction with CPC to modernize and tell the Rocky Horror Picture Show from a queer lens, with entirely local talent. Approximately $6,500 to produce, including licensing and promotion. Profit of $5,000-10,000 donated to Camrose Pride, a portion to support Infinite Imagination. At Bailey Theatre. Program with sponsorships.
Winter 2023-2024 Rocky Horror Picture Show talking circle, preview and discussion. How to modernize, personalize it
- Can we legally show it at the Comp? Library? Private home (Stacey)?
- Community event, not hidden
- Teri will look into BRSD inclusion at Comp. Louis will check with Library
January-February Seek sponsorships, apply for Camrose Culture Grant. Believe in event and sell to sponsors
April Begin auditions and set prep
May-September 1+ person from CPC to attend rehearsals (1-2 hours each) to be co-producer in production. Asset is organization and queer lens. Help with props.
- Interested: Louis props and queer lens, Megan organization, Rose organization, props and queer lens
October Three times a week rehearsals (2 hours each). Volunteers for day of performance (2-3 performances at the end of October) for grab bag fundraiser < items to throw to participate in play, sell to raise funds < volunteers to hand out and clean up
- Ray puts forward a motion to go through with the RHPS Extravaganza, Stephen seconds the motion. All in favour: Stacey, Teri, Louis, Meg, Rose, Gus, Stephen, Ray
b. Precursory planning for health conference
- Reach out to AHS Inclusion and Diversity Council
- Other reach outs?
- Look at Edmonton’s resources
- Michal Fhair, city counselor who is out, gay seniors
- Louis can ask Gay Ray from FyreFly for their interest. PhD student. Knowledge about binding
- U of A presenters
- Inclusive Health Conference U of A < look at speakers
- AQUA contact / Health and Wellness Augustana
- Skipping Stone – Trans health organization from Calgary < PrEP for HIV
- One-tree psychological services – trans youth support group
- GSA conference at U of A
- Drag-a-thon
- Muslim gay support. Ethnic diversity
- Prairie trans health network
- Marni Panas
- Other reach outs?
- Charley Boyd
- Taking care of themselves Or transform their stress – Tammy Richard
- Draft letter for call-out – Stacey, given key points to touch on
- Rural care
- LGBTQ2SIA+ Rural Health Conference – Name TBD
- Families, Communities and Individuals in LGBTQ2SIA+ community – Inclusive
- Audience: medical professionals (dentist, optometrist, pharmacist, massage therapist), business owners, people providing supports, community members, the public?
- Group intended for informs what we talk about
- Doctors have a big conference
- Learn how to make rural health services safer and more inclusive, why it matters, gendered language, demystify and de-sensationalize, real world applications, sex / gender
- Community members panel: experiences in rural Alberta, gaps
- Speaker fees, mileage? Paid opportunity, $100 honorariums, compensation?
- Online zoom, in-person hybrid, free to join
- How many speakers for a good conference? 3-4 speakers, keynote (30m) intro and outro speaker, panels, 2 sessions (45m) with groups of four.
- Pamphlets – google doc with resources from Stacey
5. Standing items
1. Donor for pride parade 2024
2. Next Camrose Pride meeting set date: December 11, 2023.
- Set up talking circle, plan pavement pounding for RHPS
- Socialize, community building, rest period
- Casual chit-chat planning future events
- Debrief from meeting with Jackie Lovely
- Party: goodies, veggies, lactose and gluten -free options
- Motion from Ray, Seconded by Teri and Megan
3. Louis, Megan and Stephen website work: Fri Dec 1 at 5pm at library
6. Adjournment and check out:
“Camrose Pride Community’s mission is to create space for wellness through providing opportunities for education, collaboration, and engagement.”
Name one word that stands out to you in our mission statement or add your own.
Ray – Woooo! | Gus – Rocky Horror |
Megan – fun | Louis – ye |
Stephen – action | Teri – Rocky Horror |
Stacey – Rocky Horror | Rose – accessibility |