Greetings and Introductions
- Camrose Pride Website is live as of October 3, 2016
- Minutes will be posted; first names only will be used in the minutes
- Camrosepride.ca
- Will follow the altView pattern for organization of meetings
- 2 weeks prior to the meeting, a reminder will be sent out to members by email with a call for agenda items to be submitted
- Call for reports; allows Jen time to copy
- Bed Race for Open Door
- Is the group interested in participating?
- Construction of a bed is needed
- Carol will contact AQUA to ask if we can be on the agenda for their next meeting; Wayne and Carol will make a presentation to AQUA on October 6
- Contact Wayne if interested in helping with the decoration of the bed and/or being on the team (5 people needed)
- Paige is willing to help out, but not take charge
- Dance Party Updates
- 102 tickets sold; probably close to 120 were in attendance
- Robin Bank$ was marvelous as the Drag Queen
- Well publicized with posters
- Community support was evident in the donations of prizes
- No alcohol needed to have a fun party
- Financials are available and will be posted soon
- Financial situation updated
- $1300 seed money from CDSS
- Donation from AQUA and altView for the cost of the banner
- $573 remaining after all revenue and expenses are calculated
- Seniors Coalition partnership possibilities
- Concerns about LGBTQ people who are aging have been raised
- Is there someone in the group who would write a column about what it is like to be an LGBTQ person who is aging in Camrose? Someone is needed by January.
- Michael Phair recently presented at a Gray Matters conference and members of the Seniors’ Coalition are interested in hosting him to come and address a gathering;
- The consensus of the group was to explore partnership possibilities with the Seniors’ Coalition.
- Nora Lee and Jonathan will help CPC connect with a group called Prime Timers.
- Parent Meeting update
- Met on September 26; small turn out, but not reflective of the interest
- More publicity needed; Facebook page, Camrose Morning News
- October 18 is the next scheduled meeting at Camrose United Church
- Goal is to have a regular meeting date for this group
- Spread the word to any parents/family members
- Group is being called Family and Friends Support
- expressOUT
- Next scheduled meeting is on Tuesday, October 11
- The goal is to set a regular meeting date as the third Monday of the month
- Website update
- Jen will be updating the website while she is on her road trip in October
- Paige is willing to help gather resources to be posted online
- Gus is willing to be an emergency contact to be accessed on the website
- Ideas for Upcoming Events/Planning
- Small event for early December Potluck Social
- Contact Jen if you are willing to help plan this event
- Begin planning in November for upcoming events in 2017; map out the next year
Parking Lot:
- Safe Spaces in Health Care; Everyone do some research and bring ideas to next meeting