Camrose Pride Community Monthly Meeting
Meeting notes January 9, 2017
1. Greetings
2. Introductions and Check in: 19 present
3. Call for Agenda items: nothing more added
4. Minutes:
1. Invitation again to Games night, the first Friday of the month
1. Potluck and games at Camrose United Church
5. Reports – Family and Friends Support
1. Meeting on the second Monday of the month
2. Colleen made contact with the Camrose Composite High School to let parents associated with the QSA there know about the Family and Friends Support Group
3. Question received about possibility of a blog as a safe way for others to communicate with questions or concerns: group is open to suggestions
4. Questions about how much publicity should be done
5. Refer any interested people to Jen@altview.ca who will help make the connections to the group
6. Colleen Nelson and Chris Rebus are also available as contacts for this group
7. Discussion about how to connect cousellors and those who are expressing a need
8. Open Door is very responsive to needs
6. Announcements
1. Bryan (ED of altView) has just assumed a new role at ISMSS (Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services at the University of Alberta, North Campus
2. Jen’s hours have doubled to 10 hours per week; altView has provided funding to support Jen’s position as a resource person for Camrose Pride Community
7. Pride Community Executive Proposal
1. Discussion about managing of finances; priority to deal with this within the first quarter
2. Addition of the Recording Secretary as a necessary role
1. Possibility that the recording secretary should be an impartial recorder without a vote
3. Co-Chair Positions
1. Suggestion to have a well-established member and a less established member from the community to assume co-chair roles
2. 2 year term
3. Wayne and Gus accepted the co-chair positions
4. Roles to be worked out with Leadership Team
4. Recording Secretary
1. 2 year term of office
2. Carol has accepted the role of recording secretary
3. Question about whether or not the Recording Secretary’s position should be a voting or non-voting position
4. Details to be worked out by Leadership Team
5. Jen to serve as a Resource person from altView with the Leadership team
6. Education Lead positions will be discussed by the Leadership Team
7. Social Lead position will be discussed by the Leadership Team
8. A representative of the Parent and Friend support group will be part of the Leadership Team
9. A representative from AQUA will be part of the Leadership Team
8. Discussion about moving forward with collaboration with the Seniors Coalition
1. Carlile has offered to provide connections with Senior’s initiatives in BC and Toronto
9. Pride Week Planning – Augustana March 6-11
1. Marni Panas will be speaking on March 6
2. March 5 Camrose Glam 1:00 to 5:00 at the glamorous House of Hair Design: open to all for fun and exploration
3. Expressive arts
4. Many other activities are being planned
10. March 18 à So You Think You Can Drag at the Bailey Theatre (location to be confirmed)
11. March 31 Trans Day of Visibility: suggestions are requested
1. One idea is a clothing swap
12. Big Valley Parade Participation
1. August 3
2. TNeal has offered a truck and truck bed
3. Find a way to make it exciting
4. Carl has offered his expertise and materials to help with the decoration of the float
5. Suggestion to provide some education with the parade entry: gender spectrum
13. Film Night Idea: Pride Film Festival Idea
1. Gus has suggestions for films to be shown
2. Could be a low maintenance event
14. Next espressOUT on Monday, January 16 at 5:00-6:30 at the Alice Hotel
15. Next Camrose Pride Community meeting is on Monday, February 6 at 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Camrose United Church