Camrose Pride Monthly Minutes
Date: Monday, April 10, 2023
Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm Place: ONLINE ZOOM & Camrose Composite School
Attendees: Megan, Ray, Stephen, Teri, Lewis, Zainab, Kendra
Regrets: Jess
- Call to order/Introductions/Check in: 18:31hrs.
- Financial Report
- 1873.03 Bank
- $500 Petty cash
- Total assets $2,373.03
- Monthly bank fees $3.75
- Old Business
- ExpressOUTside – Update on Events:
Continue activities on the third and fourth weeks of each month. The Board will reevaluate in the summer for amount of games night offerings. Starbucks location is working as of now, but it would be nice to branch out to other businesses that support the Camrose Pride Community. There is currently a $10/month charge at Fox and Fable for use of the space, but there is not sufficient revenue coming back to the CPC.
- Privacy
Password to the CPC accounts are insecure and should be changed to only one or two Board members. Google Drive, Gmail, Instagram, Facebook, and WordPress accounts need 1-2 regular account administrators at this time. Stephen, Megan, and Jessica will have access to the Google Drive for agendas and minutes. CPC Chair and Co-Chairs will be the only members to have access to the bank account.
- Housekeeping
There was a motion to assign passwords to chair & cochair for all accounts, with Google account password shared with Jess, Social Media password shared with Louis, and bank account password shared with Ray.
Moved: Stephen; Seconded: Terry; Carried.
- New Business
- Spring Dance
Retro has offered to host the Spring Dance free of charge, and any date can be chosen other than a Saturday. There were no objections to the venue by the Board members. A small entry fee could be charged to cover other costs, or there could be entry by donation. Music will be provided by Board members’ playlist and sound system. Retro has a cash bar and food menu on site.
Friday, June 16, 2023 is the proposed date of the dance.
To Do: Posters and social media advertising will be created soon.
- Pride Month Activities
Saturday, June 10, 2023 is the date of the Pride Picnic. Invitations to attend will be sent out to the Camrose Indigenous Community, the City of Camrose, the Camrose Public Library, and food truck operators in Camrose.
- BVJ Parade Float
In previous years, members of the CPC walked in the BVJ Parade with a banner. The theme of this year’s banner will be revisited at next month’s meeting. The parade will be held Thursday, July 27, 2023.
To Do: Teri will create a poster to recruit people to walk in the parade and will have it ready to distribute at the Pride Month activities.
- Community Registration Night
Community Registration Night in Camrose is the first Wednesday of September from 6:00-8:30pm. Table setup begins at 3:00pm.
Pictures from the Pride Month events and the BVJ float will be shared at the Registration Night.
To Do: compete a form to participate in Community Registration Night. There is a fee of $40 for the table.
- Fundraising
Silent auction at the Spring Dance.
Raffles and 50/50 ticket sales require an AGLC license.
CPC Board members could travel to Edmonton to attend Pride events and inquire about other fundraising methods.
To Do: Create a donation letter and spreadsheet for CPC members to approach businesses for Spring Dance silent auction items.
To Do: Research dinner theatre costs at the Bailey in Camrose.
- Other Business
Lewis inquired how often there should be a posting on social media regarding current events. The committee decided to limit controversial items to information only, advocate for the community, or to provide education. The Board agreed to advertise events happening in other communities to encourage association with other like-minded individuals.
- Standing Items
- Next Meeting Date: Monday, May 8, 2023
- Adjournment & Check-out: 19:36hrs.