November 2023- Meeting Minutes
Camrose Pride – November Meeting
Date: Monday, November 20, 2023
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm
Place: Online Zoom & Composite High School
1. Call to Order – Confirm quorum – Check-in; Tim Tam Slams:
What are everybody’s capacity levels?
Green: I have capacity to do more than what I did this month towards Camrose Pride.
Gus, he/him Stacey, she/her
Yellow: The work so far has been manageable.
Megan, she/her Teri, she/her Stephen, he/him Rose, she/her
Mia, she/her
Red: The amount of work required of me this month caused me stress.
Ray and Louis are also here
2. Financial Report
a. Financial Report
- 2,492.38 balance. 3.75 bank fee. 41.50 Game night fees (Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov)
b. Jackie Lovely, Minister of Women and Culture, Advisor to Danielle Smith re: LGBTQ2SIA+ populations. Gus and Megan – Monday December 11
c. City councilors – Committee of the Whole (January 2, 2-4:30pm)
d. Camrose Community Grant (February application) Up to 5,000
3. Old Business
a. Educational Resources
- Education: google doc of resources. Lots in Edmonton. Stephen will add to the website. Do we want to create a list of Camrose LGBTQ2SIA+ friendly businesses? < standing item to couch for later? < break into smaller steps, queer affirming doctors in Camrose (Dr. Charlie Boyd) < educational resource or resource < lawyers, physicians, hairstylists < visual on website: “if you identify as queer affirming, email us to be added to this resource”
- Discuss date to update website
4. New Business
a. Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Infinite Imagination (Mike). Coproduction with CPC to modernize and tell the Rocky Horror Picture Show from a queer lens, with entirely local talent. Approximately $6,500 to produce, including licensing and promotion. Profit of $5,000-10,000 donated to Camrose Pride, a portion to support Infinite Imagination. At Bailey Theatre. Program with sponsorships.
Winter 2023-2024 Rocky Horror Picture Show talking circle, preview and discussion. How to modernize, personalize it
- Can we legally show it at the Comp? Library? Private home (Stacey)?
- Community event, not hidden
- Teri will look into BRSD inclusion at Comp. Louis will check with Library
January-February Seek sponsorships, apply for Camrose Culture Grant. Believe in event and sell to sponsors
April Begin auditions and set prep
May-September 1+ person from CPC to attend rehearsals (1-2 hours each) to be co-producer in production. Asset is organization and queer lens. Help with props.
- Interested: Louis props and queer lens, Megan organization, Rose organization, props and queer lens
October Three times a week rehearsals (2 hours each). Volunteers for day of performance (2-3 performances at the end of October) for grab bag fundraiser < items to throw to participate in play, sell to raise funds < volunteers to hand out and clean up
- Ray puts forward a motion to go through with the RHPS Extravaganza, Stephen seconds the motion. All in favour: Stacey, Teri, Louis, Meg, Rose, Gus, Stephen, Ray
b. Precursory planning for health conference
- Reach out to AHS Inclusion and Diversity Council
- Other reach outs?
- Look at Edmonton’s resources
- Michal Fhair, city counselor who is out, gay seniors
- Louis can ask Gay Ray from FyreFly for their interest. PhD student. Knowledge about binding
- U of A presenters
- Inclusive Health Conference U of A < look at speakers
- AQUA contact / Health and Wellness Augustana
- Skipping Stone – Trans health organization from Calgary < PrEP for HIV
- One-tree psychological services – trans youth support group
- GSA conference at U of A
- Drag-a-thon
- Muslim gay support. Ethnic diversity
- Prairie trans health network
- Marni Panas
- Other reach outs?
- Charley Boyd
- Taking care of themselves Or transform their stress – Tammy Richard
- Draft letter for call-out – Stacey, given key points to touch on
- Rural care
- LGBTQ2SIA+ Rural Health Conference – Name TBD
- Families, Communities and Individuals in LGBTQ2SIA+ community – Inclusive
- Audience: medical professionals (dentist, optometrist, pharmacist, massage therapist), business owners, people providing supports, community members, the public?
- Group intended for informs what we talk about
- Doctors have a big conference
- Learn how to make rural health services safer and more inclusive, why it matters, gendered language, demystify and de-sensationalize, real world applications, sex / gender
- Community members panel: experiences in rural Alberta, gaps
- Speaker fees, mileage? Paid opportunity, $100 honorariums, compensation?
- Online zoom, in-person hybrid, free to join
- How many speakers for a good conference? 3-4 speakers, keynote (30m) intro and outro speaker, panels, 2 sessions (45m) with groups of four.
- Pamphlets – google doc with resources from Stacey
5. Standing items
1. Donor for pride parade 2024
2. Next Camrose Pride meeting set date: December 11, 2023.
- Set up talking circle, plan pavement pounding for RHPS
- Socialize, community building, rest period
- Casual chit-chat planning future events
- Debrief from meeting with Jackie Lovely
- Party: goodies, veggies, lactose and gluten -free options
- Motion from Ray, Seconded by Teri and Megan
3. Louis, Megan and Stephen website work: Fri Dec 1 at 5pm at library
6. Adjournment and check out:
“Camrose Pride Community’s mission is to create space for wellness through providing opportunities for education, collaboration, and engagement.”
Name one word that stands out to you in our mission statement or add your own.
Ray – Woooo! | Gus – Rocky Horror |
Megan – fun | Louis – ye |
Stephen – action | Teri – Rocky Horror |
Stacey – Rocky Horror | Rose – accessibility |
October 2023-Meeting Minutes
Camrose Pride – October Meeting
Date: Monday, October 16, 2023
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm Place: ONLINE ZOOM And COMPOSITE SCHOOL
- Call to order – confirm quorum – check in:
What is everybody’s capacity levels?
Green: I have capacity to do more than what I did this month towards Camrose Pride.
Yellow: The work so far has been manageable.
Red: The amount of work required of me this month caused me stress.
Megan – cochair – she/her – green / yellow
Kendra – health promotion AHS – yellow
Teri – she / her – yellow – member at large, QSA at Composite
Ray – he/him – treasurer, tech support – yellow
Rose – she/her – secretary – green
Nick – he/him – green
Steven – cochair – he/him – green
Gus – he/him – yellow
Brigette – she/her – yellow
- Financial report
- Funding report: Emails sent out, nothing heard back
- Gus and Megan will meet Jackie Lovely and present library project
- Council Committee of the Whole – Oct 30 / Nov 2-4pm
- City hall, council of chambers
- Megan, Gus and Stacey
- Goal: presentation of library project, funding $5,000 for promotion and program costs
- Camrose Community Grant (February application)
- Arts & Culture 5,000
- Missed September application, will apply February
- Jaywalkers: 6 volunteers, $1,000, June first weekend
- Old business
- New business
- Preview Days at Augustana Oct 21 – Teri and Ray will be present with our poster
- Counter-protest: 1 Million March, “Hands off our Kids.” How to support our people tabling at Augustana. Unclear where the local protest will be; not specifically targeting Augustana; not worth energy. Hysteria > out of reach > fight or flight > not thinking
- Augustana Show of Transgender Solidarity (Lucas Crawford)
- Share trans experiences in Camrose, honorarium
- Early November
- Trans and nonbinary lunch and learn (Natalie)
- Pamphlets and education on trans + nonbinary resources
- Event planning for Camrose Pride at the Library
- Education – Gender and sexuality spectrums, religion
- Facebook/Instagram activity, website
- Community registration night, mental health day: could be approached by townspeople with questions and knowledge-sharing
- Visible and present for connection
- Emphasize that there is a wide spectrum within the Rainbow Community, that we are not experts but are sharing experiences. Not political. Facts not emotions
- Health impact stats: suicide / ideation in LGBTQ+ kids dropping with education and support, home is not safe for some kids
- Educational blitz on social media at same time as 1 Million Children protests
- Office at social services to support with resources and rebuttals to fundamental religious arguments, sexual and social education.
- Someone to call / hot-line, open coffee chats, reference sheets
- Edmonton library + Augustana: human library that loans out people with different experiences (religion, rainbow spectrum)
- Information on gender norms, social transitions, therapy, counselling, not overnight but a long + careful process
- Visibility – LGBTQ2SIA+ highly hidden in Camrose, addressing stigma
- Pride events, pride month
- BVJ parade float
- Advertise other community (other cities)’s events
- Supportive businesses, classrooms, doctors, barber / hairstylists, massage therapists: sign, rainbow tag, stickers, QR codes
- Discreet symbol on doors, or does this make these places a target? Stickers are already obvious, the places might not mind being visible
- Design stickers with QR code link to our website
- How to vet places? Bring to proven supportive / inclusive places? Apply to be on the safe list?
- Haircut and style prices. Chatters is potentially charging based on length and cut not gender
- Could provide educational opportunities
- List safe spaces on website: library, Fox and Fable, FIKA, Sweeterie, Starbucks etc.
- Networking – increase attendance at events
- GSA success at library: different ages (children, teens, parents, adults)
- Posted on socials day-of with photo of activity
- How to bring more people together and bring in more people
- Mingle at events, board members take active responsibility to sit with and include new people, help facilitate
- Name, pronouns, fun fact as icebreaker
- GSA success at library: different ages (children, teens, parents, adults)
- Activism – more prominent in community planning (with library)
- Spirituality – heart of community
- Shame is processed in community, acceptance and pride
- Gay people abused socially-sexually, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, discarded from community, not recognized
- All life is spiritual, mental, emotional, physical. Holistic, embracing all parts of humanity
- Spirituality beyond religious value. Reaffirm spirituality withing queer lens
- Connection, belonging
- Communal creativity: sing, create, dress up, decorate, meditate
- Standing items
- Donor for pride parade 2024
- Tracy Brandingen from Remax would pay for our parade insurance next July 780-781-0292 Tbrandingen@gmail.com
- Next Camrose Pride meeting set date: November 20, 2023
- Memoriam
- 7pm-8pm start
- Updating website: Saturday November 4 @ Noon
- Donor for pride parade 2024
- Adjournment and check out:
“Camrose Pride Community’s mission is to create space for wellness through providing opportunities for education, collaboration, and engagement.”
Name one word that stands out to you in our mission statement or add your own.
Inclusive, Community, Excitement, Action, Community, Education, Progress, Healing, Commitment, Community
To Do
- Design stickers with QR codes to bring to safe spaces
- Steven will update library resources to ensure accuracy
- Rose can design zine with information from Stacey and Kendra (medical and nurse information) and from Louis (Camp Fyrefly, Gender / Sexuality Clinic at U of A): surface level, introductory facts on transitioning process (social, medical), information, resources, health care and outreach available in Central Alberta
- Pamphlet on Big Issues: kids’ safety (mutilation, pedophiles), religious, health concerns: statistics
- Rose will reach out to Thea. United Church – Louis will ask Joanne Murphy. Stacey will reach out to: religious professors at Augustana: Joseph Weide, Kirsten Hyatt, Craig Wetland [chaplain], Ian Wilson. Gathering resources for religious LGBTQ+ people, rebuttals to fundamentalist arguments to create reference sheet, zine, pamphlet, social media post
- Teri will: Talk to teachers, counselors, principles, find ways to share info about safety for LGBTQ+ children in schools. Eric – diversity coordinator for BRSD. PD sessions, video, information sharing
- Gus mentioned writing a letter to editor of Booster about CPC meeting about education, religion and trans issues
- Megan will look into mental health support (LGBTQ counsellor in Camrose)
- Social media posts for education during counter-protests: need topics / information
- Next meeting, everyone will bring resources
September 2023-Camrose Pride Meeting Minutes
Camrose Pride Monthly Minutes
Date: Monday, April 10, 2023
Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm Place: ONLINE ZOOM & Camrose Composite School
Attendees: Megan, Ray, Stephen, Teri, Lewis, Zainab, Kendra
Regrets: Jess
- Call to order/Introductions/Check in: 18:31hrs.
- Financial Report
- 1873.03 Bank
- $500 Petty cash
- Total assets $2,373.03
- Monthly bank fees $3.75
- Old Business
- ExpressOUTside – Update on Events:
Continue activities on the third and fourth weeks of each month. The Board will reevaluate in the summer for amount of games night offerings. Starbucks location is working as of now, but it would be nice to branch out to other businesses that support the Camrose Pride Community. There is currently a $10/month charge at Fox and Fable for use of the space, but there is not sufficient revenue coming back to the CPC.
- Privacy
Password to the CPC accounts are insecure and should be changed to only one or two Board members. Google Drive, Gmail, Instagram, Facebook, and WordPress accounts need 1-2 regular account administrators at this time. Stephen, Megan, and Jessica will have access to the Google Drive for agendas and minutes. CPC Chair and Co-Chairs will be the only members to have access to the bank account.
- Housekeeping
There was a motion to assign passwords to chair & cochair for all accounts, with Google account password shared with Jess, Social Media password shared with Louis, and bank account password shared with Ray.
Moved: Stephen; Seconded: Terry; Carried.
- New Business
- Spring Dance
Retro has offered to host the Spring Dance free of charge, and any date can be chosen other than a Saturday. There were no objections to the venue by the Board members. A small entry fee could be charged to cover other costs, or there could be entry by donation. Music will be provided by Board members’ playlist and sound system. Retro has a cash bar and food menu on site.
Friday, June 16, 2023 is the proposed date of the dance.
To Do: Posters and social media advertising will be created soon.
- Pride Month Activities
Saturday, June 10, 2023 is the date of the Pride Picnic. Invitations to attend will be sent out to the Camrose Indigenous Community, the City of Camrose, the Camrose Public Library, and food truck operators in Camrose.
- BVJ Parade Float
In previous years, members of the CPC walked in the BVJ Parade with a banner. The theme of this year’s banner will be revisited at next month’s meeting. The parade will be held Thursday, July 27, 2023.
To Do: Teri will create a poster to recruit people to walk in the parade and will have it ready to distribute at the Pride Month activities.
- Community Registration Night
Community Registration Night in Camrose is the first Wednesday of September from 6:00-8:30pm. Table setup begins at 3:00pm.
Pictures from the Pride Month events and the BVJ float will be shared at the Registration Night.
To Do: compete a form to participate in Community Registration Night. There is a fee of $40 for the table.
- Fundraising
Silent auction at the Spring Dance.
Raffles and 50/50 ticket sales require an AGLC license.
CPC Board members could travel to Edmonton to attend Pride events and inquire about other fundraising methods.
To Do: Create a donation letter and spreadsheet for CPC members to approach businesses for Spring Dance silent auction items.
To Do: Research dinner theatre costs at the Bailey in Camrose.
- Other Business
Lewis inquired how often there should be a posting on social media regarding current events. The committee decided to limit controversial items to information only, advocate for the community, or to provide education. The Board agreed to advertise events happening in other communities to encourage association with other like-minded individuals.
- Standing Items
- Next Meeting Date: Monday, May 8, 2023
- Adjournment & Check-out: 19:36hrs.
May 2023- Camrose Pride Meeting Minutes
Camrose Pride – Minutes
Date: Monday, May 15, 2023
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Place: ONLINE ZOOM & COMPOSITE SCHOOL
Attendees: Kendra, Zee, Teri, Ray, Lewis, Megan, Stephen
1. Call to Order: 1834 – Confirm quorum – Check-in: What is everybody’s capacity levels? Green: I have capacity to do more than what I did this month towards Camrose Pride. Yellow: The work so far has been manageable. Red: The amount of work required of me this month caused me stress.
2. Financial Report:
April $1869.28 $500 petty cash (- $3.75 bank fee)
3. Old Business :
3.1 Camrose ExpressOut and Board Games Night
– Going well – new peoples
– Should continue in June because it is very important to some people
3.2 Resetting our password and privacy (done)
4. June Events
4.1 Pride Dance (Megan Report)
– Friday June 23 at the Retro. Have the whole space but open to the public
– Face painter at the event $5/each
– Playlist done just need to have it loaded to a USB for playing. Issues with some tech. Potentially Ray’s YouTube account can be used to download music. Ray willing to make the time to do this ?
– Need an MC – Zack is too busy. Lucas Hill waiting for a response. Lewis will follow up.
– Tickets will be collected at the entrance to the dance venue.
– Cost of tickets – a requested donation of $10
– Volunteers set- up, take down, safe space and tickets
– Glow sticks or glow face paint (preferred).
– Student to make buttons – Terri and Ray to ask student to make
– 6-10 pm shift – Kendra and Megan set up, Lewis and Stephen take-down. Terri to ask a few GSA members to manage tickets.
– Safe space manager – ask Paul (?) to help with bouncing. Zee will volunteer for this. Just need to de-escalate people if needed.
– Photo booth area approved – we have to decorate designated space. Everyone to bring things – Lewis has a supply of items at the library.
– Poster – got it!
4.2 Picnic in Park – June 10
– City permanent obtained
– Indigenous elder opening prayer – $800?
– Augustana may have a human to lead prayer, Lewis to approach with tobacco for an ask of the elder.
Stephen motioned: Investigate who could do an indigenous prayer for us and utilize funds for the expense.
Ray seconded.
All in favor – motion moved.
– Stephen will investigate food trucks
– Library can provide some craft supplies
– Rock painting? In the past Nikki arranged. Do not know if she is participating this year. Megan to ask Nikki.
– Do we need to purchase paint for this? Chuck McLean and Jada recreation coordinator Kendra will reach out to see if we can use their supplies.
– Designate shifts set-up and take down – everyone will help
– Banner and flag to be set up – Megan, Lewis and 3 volunteers.
– On poster will say bring your own chair
– Ray will check with Women’s Shelter regarding attendance.
– Megan to approach Recovery group as well for attendance.
4.3. Silent Auction
– 10-12 places identified
– Ray to share list to date with Megan and Kendra
– No response from Augustana AQUA
– Kendra and Megan to approach businesses
5. BVJ Parade Float (Deadline July 24th ) – on hold pending insurance.
5.1 Insurance – no quote regarding the expense.
– Could wait until next board meeting?
– Need to meet in July to set up for parade.
– No throw aways during parade
– Us and the banner ?
6. New Business
6.1 Other events: Karaoke, nature walk, flag raising, social media event, gus’ fire, beers for queers.
– June 25 Gus hosting a BBQ
– Beers for Queers – easy to set up, no funding, just advertise. – June 16
– Game night June 22 – Megan
– ExpressOutside – June 13
– Rainbow Karaoke at the Park– June 10 – 7pm
– Nature Walk – June 17 – 2pm Starts at the pride flag and walked around northern part of mirror lake, about 45 mins – Stephen
– Flag – request the town to raise flag for the whole month. Stephen and Lewis.
– Media blitz – how do you celebrate pride? Share your favorite Pride moment. Share your photo on our social media.
– Library can add to their media – but not ran by Lewis.
2. Camrose Community Grants (Deadline June 4)
– Annual grant
– $1000 and we are eligible
– Has to be used for a community organization
– Use it for next year’s dance.
– Kendra to support grants
Motion – Stephen – investigate and apply for the Camrose community grant to support next year’s dance.
Terri – second.
All in favor. Motion passed.
7. Fundraising ideas:
7.1 Theatre Performance – fall/New Year. Goal November
– The Baileys and Sam – variable based on what play you get.
– Megan will continue to investigate
– To investigate further in the fall
7.2. Burlesque and Rocky Horror Picture Show
– Has had one from Edmonton before – very complicated to quote due to requirements.
– Megan will do more investigation
8. Standing items
8.1 Community Event Night (September 7, 6pm-8:30pm)
– paid and applied for
8.2 Next Camrose Pride meeting set date:
Motion – Megan – Next Pride meeting will be July 3 at 6:30 pm
Second by Lewis
All in favor. Motion passed.
Location TBD
9. Adjournment and check out: “Camrose Pride Community’s mission is to create space for wellness through providing opportunities for education, collaboration, and engagement.”
Name one word that stands out to you in our mission statement or add your own
- Community
- Education
- Umbrella
- Engagement
- Connection x 2
- Comprehension (understanding)
Adjourned: 1946
April 2023-Camrose Pride Meeting Minutes
Camrose Pride Monthly Minutes
Date: Monday, April 10, 2023
Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm Place: ONLINE ZOOM & Camrose Composite School
Attendees: Megan, Ray, Stephen, Teri, Lewis, Zainab, Kendra
Regrets: Jess
- Call to order/Introductions/Check in: 18:31hrs.
- Financial Report
- 1873.03 Bank
- $500 Petty cash
- Total assets $2,373.03
- Monthly bank fees $3.75
- Old Business
- ExpressOUTside – Update on Events:
Continue activities on the third and fourth weeks of each month. The Board will reevaluate in the summer for amount of games night offerings. Starbucks location is working as of now, but it would be nice to branch out to other businesses that support the Camrose Pride Community. There is currently a $10/month charge at Fox and Fable for use of the space, but there is not sufficient revenue coming back to the CPC.
- Privacy
Password to the CPC accounts are insecure and should be changed to only one or two Board members. Google Drive, Gmail, Instagram, Facebook, and WordPress accounts need 1-2 regular account administrators at this time. Stephen, Megan, and Jessica will have access to the Google Drive for agendas and minutes. CPC Chair and Co-Chairs will be the only members to have access to the bank account.
- Housekeeping
There was a motion to assign passwords to chair & cochair for all accounts, with Google account password shared with Jess, Social Media password shared with Louis, and bank account password shared with Ray.
Moved: Stephen; Seconded: Terry; Carried.
- New Business
- Spring Dance
Retro has offered to host the Spring Dance free of charge, and any date can be chosen other than a Saturday. There were no objections to the venue by the Board members. A small entry fee could be charged to cover other costs, or there could be entry by donation. Music will be provided by Board members’ playlist and sound system. Retro has a cash bar and food menu on site.
Friday, June 16, 2023 is the proposed date of the dance.
To Do: Posters and social media advertising will be created soon.
- Pride Month Activities
Saturday, June 10, 2023 is the date of the Pride Picnic. Invitations to attend will be sent out to the Camrose Indigenous Community, the City of Camrose, the Camrose Public Library, and food truck operators in Camrose.
- BVJ Parade Float
In previous years, members of the CPC walked in the BVJ Parade with a banner. The theme of this year’s banner will be revisited at next month’s meeting. The parade will be held Thursday, July 27, 2023.
To Do: Teri will create a poster to recruit people to walk in the parade and will have it ready to distribute at the Pride Month activities.
- Community Registration Night
Community Registration Night in Camrose is the first Wednesday of September from 6:00-8:30pm. Table setup begins at 3:00pm.
Pictures from the Pride Month events and the BVJ float will be shared at the Registration Night.
To Do: compete a form to participate in Community Registration Night. There is a fee of $40 for the table.
- Fundraising
Silent auction at the Spring Dance.
Raffles and 50/50 ticket sales require an AGLC license.
CPC Board members could travel to Edmonton to attend Pride events and inquire about other fundraising methods.
To Do: Create a donation letter and spreadsheet for CPC members to approach businesses for Spring Dance silent auction items.
To Do: Research dinner theatre costs at the Bailey in Camrose.
- Other Business
Lewis inquired how often there should be a posting on social media regarding current events. The committee decided to limit controversial items to information only, advocate for the community, or to provide education. The Board agreed to advertise events happening in other communities to encourage association with other like-minded individuals.
- Standing Items
- Next Meeting Date: Monday, May 8, 2023
- Adjournment & Check-out: 19:36hrs.
March 2023-Camrose Pride Meeting Minutes
Camrose Pride – AGM – Minutes
Date: Monday, March 13, 2023
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Place: ONLINE ZOOM
Attendees: Nikki, Candy, Kendra, Stephen, Rose, Teri, Zee, Ray, Megan, Louis.
- Call to Order 1837 by Nikki
- Confirm quorum – Yes.
- Introductions
- Opening remarks from current Chairs
- COVID had a great impact on the group, outlook is positive.
- It’s been an adventurous 5 years.
- Thanks to Nikki and Candy for all their work on the board and leadership.
- Audited Financial Statements
An adjustment to take place – petty cash will be corrected to $500.
Motion to approve financials with adjustment to petty cash as presented made by: Nikki Featherstone Seconded: Stephen Mckenzie-Campeau. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to remove Nikki Featherstone and Candy Morningway from signing authority by: Raymond Mitchel, Second Terri Lindquist. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to add Stephen Mckenzie-Campeau, Megan Tronson, Raymond Mitchell to signing authority by: Jessica Doucette, Second Nikki Featherstone. Motion passed unanimously.
- Elections – See By-Laws on the next page
- Co-Chair (2 year term):
Nominations: Megan Tronson
Accepted: Megan Tronson accepted nomination
Elected: Megan Tronson
- Treasurer (2 year term)
Nominated: Raymond Mitchell
Accepted: Raymond Mitchell accepted nomination
Elected: Raymond Mitchell
- 3 Members-at-large (1 General, 1 Social Media Coordinator, 1 Youth Council – all 1-year terms)
Social Media Coordinator (1 year term)
Nominated: Louis Ducsharm
Accepted: Louis Ducsharm accepted nomination
Elected: Louis Ducsharm
General Member (1 year term)
Nominated: Terri Lindquist
Accepted: Terri Lindquist accepted nomination
Elected: Terri Lindquist
Youth Council (1 year term)
Nominated: Zainab (Zee) Yekeen
Accepted: Zainab (Zee) Yekeen accepted nomination
Elected: Zainab (Zee) Yekeen
Camrose PRIDE Executive 2023:
- Stephen Mckenzie-Campeau – Chair
- Megan Tronson – Co-Chair
- Raymond Mitchell – Treasurer
- Jessica Doucette – Secretary
- Zainab (Zee) Yekeen – Youth Council
- Louis Ducsharm – Social Media Coordinator
- Terri Lindquist – General Member
- New Business
- Direction for 2023
- Dance party – date needed for Carmen and then we can plan next meeting – June 2023
- BVJ parade – do we want to participate?
- Fundraising – events need support to keep going. Community Dinner fundraiser and silent auction – made $50 000+ – profit was $36 000. Augustana just did “So You Think You Can Drag” with great success. A performance may go over well.
- We need another zoom account – we can use the library account through Louis.
- Meeting dates can change if required – next meeting Monday April 10, 2023, 1830.
Date: Monday, February 7, 2022
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Place: Online
Attendees: Nikki, Jessica, Charissa, Stephen, Craig, Ray, Candy, Alix
Regrets: Gus
- Call to order/Introductions/Check in
- Called to order by Nikki at 1840
- Financial Report
- bank fee only
- bank report attached
- Old Business
3.1 Conversion Therapy Ban
3.1.1 – Data Gathering: Update on Action:
– Connected to Nick from No Conversion Canada to get tips on how to gather data.
– Nick wasn’t able to attend the meeting but Nikki requested an email with links and more info.
– Jess connected with Policy Wise for support/guidance. Email was sent back with suggestions, ideas and guidance.
Email content from Policy Wise:
- First would be to tap into Augustana Campus to see if they have any programs with capstone or thesis projects where a student could support the research. Given the subject matter, any University ethics process is going to be extremely robust around potential harm for participants.
- If wanting to remain grassroots, I would encourage the group to explore Participatory Action Research toolkits. Here are a few I found after a quick google search:
- The ethics on this could be tough. Best practice would be to go through ARRECCI screening which will most likely recommend a more thorough ethics review. https://arecci.albertainnovates.ca/
- If going a less formal research route and more of a collective narrative based on existing relationships with members of 2SLGBTQ+ communities, following a trauma-informed care approach to how conversations are held and have immediate access to professional supports during potentially triggering conversations.
- https://equiphealthcare.ca/files/2021/05/GTV-EQUIP-Tool-TVIC-Spring2021.pdf ; this seems like a decent starting guide and I’ll continue to dig around for practice on trauma informed research interviews because I know I’ve seen this somewhere before.
- If going a less formal research route and more of a collective narrative based on existing relationships with members of 2SLGBTQ+ communities, following a trauma-informed care approach to how conversations are held and have immediate access to professional supports during potentially triggering conversations.
- While sorting out how to go about collecting first person accounts of stories/experiences, the group could do an environmental scan. This would consist of doing a grey literature review to identify local/provincial conversion practices, and any legislation that makes it possible for these practices to potentially take place. This may also include identifying alternate names for these practices as I’m guessing that they go by a variety of names to veil their true intent.
- Funding is trickier and everything for exploratory research seems to be Covid focused right now. One option, making the assumption that there is at least one person under 30 that is part of the group, would be to apply for youth-led project grants.
Group Discussion:
- Is a challenge for our small group to have ability to conduct research alone
- Like the idea of partnering with Augustana
- Recognition the research is important as it is a foundation for action
- Craig feels it could fit in with Augustana but the timeline would have to at least a year away (fall start)
- Nikki and Jess are willing to do literature reviews but understanding that it may be topic specific (i.e. Health and Art therapy)
- Collaboration timelines are possibly very long in time
- Augustana is part of U of A (FYI)
- Concern about timelines but without some research community challenges may be harder
- Are other QSA doing a research project already? Or would be able to partner with another group who has the same interest? Could there be a partner lit review?
- Concerns about workload for members and being able to meet ethics reviews and accessing LOCAL data and research (lit review will turn up National, Prov info).
- Longer we delay the less impact, need to push the conversation forward.
- Quick wins matched with research – let’s not stall completely.
- Is a by-law going to happen? Is that the way to go? Perhaps we need a different approach?
- What are our real options? – Worth our time to look into the federal law deeper. How are crimes reported, what can you report, what is the process – connect with RCMP to resources and training to deal with issues, create posters and awareness so people can be aware of actions. Using the federal law to our advantage.
Action: Nikki will reach out to John at CPS regarding what their plan is around this legislation. What do they need us to know regarding reporting, training for officers, resources they may need, how can we be supportive? Host a conversation with the Queer community and police about how we can support. Please address service cultural, systemic barriers to reporting and options to make reporting more accessible. Nikki will see if we can get a presentation on the legislation so we can all understand it and be clear as well as consistent in our messaging.
Action: Nikki will reach out to Augustana and see if there is a research opportunity/interest.
Action (informal): All members read info, approach council for awareness and keep the conversation going.
4. Reminder – AGM – due first quarter, March 14 meeting.
– Notice to the community went out today – Feb 7, 2022
– Follow AGM with strategic planning session – update and refocus existing strategic plan – will be done on another date so we can gather new membership and positions and not go to late.
– Which Board Positions are up for election? Chair is a 2 year term (Nikki is chair). New positions needed – Co-chair, social media coordinator
5. Spring/Summer Events – Monthly review to see what we are doing in June 2022
- Suspended until COVID is over and we are allowed to get together
- We could do some outside activities but not favorable at this time
6. School Update
- QSA is in a transitional period – youth
- MH GSA conference end of March – 2 students to attend but they not follow up at this time
- Teri found a LGBTQ2S+ supportive youth opportunity – unique impacts of COVID on LGBTQ2S+ youth
7. New Business
7.1 CMHA’s Recovery College reached out in hopes of collaborating on co-facilitating an online chat with the Pride Community. They are currently running a program called Namaste Café, which is a general online safe space for chat and check in. They would like to offer this program to members of the Pride community where chat is facilitated by a Recovery College Peer Facilitator supplied by CMHA and a member of Camrose Pride.
– This chat would run 1x per week specific to the Queer community.
– Group ran by one professional and one peer – cannot run without both
Ask: They would like a member of our Queer community to co-facilitate session
Action: Nikki will collect more info and send to the group.
8. Standing Items
8.1 Monthly Meetings – next meeting is our AGM! – March 14th at 6:30pm, via zoom
8.2 ExpressOUTSIDE – TBD, COVID dependent – if there is an interested community member who would like to facilitate a community social, using safe health protocols, please let us know!
8.3 Friends and Family Support Group – Running online, first Wednesday of every month – contact Andrea Dyck for info: adyck@brsd.ab.ca
9. Adjournment and check out: by Nikki at 1935
Jan 11, 2021
Camrose Pride Community
Meeting Minutes
Date: Monday, Jan 11th, 2021
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Place: Online Zoom Meeting
Executive Leadership:
Lucas H. – Secretary (he/him)
Candy M. – Treasurer (she/her)
Nikki F. – Member (she/her)
Stephen MC. – Member-at-Large
Robyn G – Member-at-Large (she/her)
Gus B. – Co-chair 1
Zach S. – Co-chair 2
A. (he/him)
- CALL TO ORDER – Nikki F.
- The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm on Monday, December 11th, 2021 by Nikki F.
- The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm on Monday, December 11th, 2021 by Nikki F.
- The agenda is approved.
- The agenda is approved.
- Candy M. will file everything for our annual return.
- Candy M. will check in to the particulars of who is able to do an audit of the annual return. It may be Nikki F., Stephen M., and/or Robyn G.
- There was a revenue of $750 petty cash.
- There have been a lot of changes during the COVID-19 response, but we are here to support each other.
- You can find free online support from the federal government at Wellness Together Canada: https://ca.portal.gs/
- John from the Camrose Police has sent an email, letting us know that they are looking for a new officer for the CPS.
- They wanted to ensure continuing strong relations between CPS and community organizations.
- If there is interest, please contact John Corbett of the CPS.
- AGM – Monday, March 8th, 2021
- The financial report is displayed at the AGM, but the financial audit can be approved at any meeting by the executive.
- Location: Online
- There will be slides presented at this for our community members who wish to join.
- Nikki F. will announce the AGM at the end of January and in February so that there is lots of time for people to know.
- Agenda item for AGM: Conversion Therapy Ban
- The agenda will be created for the AGM at the February meeting.
- There will be some board positions opening up:
- Gus B. will be stepping down as co-chair.
- Lucas H. will be stepping down as secretary.
- Nikki F. will do some social media alerts that those positions are open.
- Conversion Therapy Ban
- Candy M. suggests that we add this as a motion at the AGM.
- We can share some of the research that we have done about Conversion Therapy in Alberta.
- Augustana – Pride Committee/Pride Week
- Flag Raising – Monday, March 8th, 2021 at 9:00am/10:00am
- What is CPC willing to run?
- Nikki F. was willing to do an online workshop. We will have to schedule it sooner rather than later. Lucas H. will let them know to contact them.
- If they have suggestions, we can take them.
- What is CPL willing to run?
- So You Think You Can Drag?
- Virtual
- Augustana’s Got Talent
- Virtual
- ExpressOUT/Monthly Gatherings
- Would you like to see any online gatherings?
- Nikki F. will create a Survey Monkey to inquire with our membership.
- A. has reached out to The Landing, especially with non-binary/Genderqueer people in mind.
- The Smith Clinic has a Rainbow Clinic, that serves a community of trans* folks and other queer members of our community.
- There may be interest for community groups that serve specific communities within our communities.
- As a support, the Art Hive is done online every Wednesday through the CMHA by Nikki F. and is 16+ from 10:00am – 12:00pm for interested parties. No cost, just need to register
- Would you like to see any online gatherings?
- AGM – Monday, March 8th, 2021
- Art Therapy Group – Nikki F.
- CMHA got grant money for Nikki F. to create the Art Hive.
- That grant also has funding for specific LFBTQIA+ communities.
- Nikki F. is still looking for ideas about specific themes or directions of this specific queer art group. If you have any ideas of workshops, please contact Nikki F.
- There is no cost to join either the group or workshops. It is 16+.
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- Monday, February 8th, 2021 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm
- Location: Online Zoom Meeting
- EspressOUTside
- cancelled due to Covid-19.
- If there is warmer weather, there may be impromptu gatherings of CPC.
- Friends and Family Meeting
- Please, contact Andrea Dyck for details (adyck@brsd.ab.ca).
- Location: Zoom
- Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:39pm.
September, 2020
Camrose Pride Community
Meeting Minutes
Date: Monday, September 14th, 2020
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Place: Online
Executive Leadership:
Lucas Hill – Secretary
Candy Morningway – Treasurer
Zach Stevens – Co-chair 2
Nikki Meyer-Featherstone – Member
Robyn Gray – Member-at-Large
Gus Belcourt – Co-chair 1
Stephen McKenzie-Comeau – Member-at-Large
Thomas Iglesias Trombetta
2 Viking Community Members
- CALL TO ORDER – Nikki F.
- The meeting was called to order at 6:36pm on Monday, September 14th, 2020 by Zach Stevens.
- The meeting was called to order at 6:36pm on Monday, September 14th, 2020 by Zach Stevens.
- The agenda was approved as is by Lucas H.
- The agenda was approved as is by Lucas H.
- GUEST SPEAKER – Thomas Iglesias Trombetta (he/him/they/them)
- Freddie
- PrEP accessibility for-profit organization for queer communities
- PrEP:
- Pre-exposure Prophylaxis – prevents HIV by almost 100% from daily pill use
- Alberta Publicly Funded PrEP – Free
- generally directed towards urban areas
- can be difficult for rural communities to access
- gofreddie.com
- virtual services for initial consults to prescription
- delivered directly to door
- confidentiality by HIPAA standards and Health Canada standards
- Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario areas served
- Sponsorships and Partnerships
- Events
- Drag Shows
- Gear/Swag
- Education/Seminars
- Videos – Available to Share
- Promotional Materials can be sent out
- Events
- Instagram
- @go_freddie
- HIV Edmonton works directly with Indigenous populations, Freddie’s work is first with LGBTQIA2+ communities and those intersectionalities, but hoping to expand more with racially minoritized communities.
- Freddie
- There are no changes to finances, except bank fees ($3.75/month)
- Candy M. has sent the RBC statement to the secretary to be included with minutes.
- Year End/Annual Return – February will be when paperwork will be required.
- AGM require a special resolution for drafting things, but may move our AGM. We will discuss these options in meetings before AGM.
- AGM require a special resolution for drafting things, but may move our AGM. We will discuss these options in meetings before AGM.
- There have been a lot of changes during the COVID-19 response, but we are here to support each other.
- You can find free online support from the federal government at Wellness Together Canada: https://ca.portal.gs/
- ExpressOUTside DEBRIEF
- Monday, Aug. 31st
- The walk went well!
- 4 attendees – definitely want to do again
- Next: Monday, September 28th, 2020 from 5:30pm to 7:00pm
- Location: Jubilee Park Playground
- Pride Hike – Sept. 13th
- Huge success! 11 attended, all had a wonderful 2.5 hour hike!
- Huge success! 11 attended, all had a wonderful 2.5 hour hike!
- Monday, Aug. 31st
- Next October Pride Hike
- Date: Sunday, October 4th, 2020 at 1:00pm
- Location: Miquelon Lake, meet at overflow parking
- Fire at Miquelon Lake afterwards
- Lucas will contact Strathcona Diversity Committee
- Nikki will contact Wetaskiwin Pride Community
- Gus will contact Red Deer Pride Community
- Gus will bring firewood
- Community Fire
- Date: TBA
- Location: Gus’ House
- Next October Pride Hike
- Beaumont, St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Lethbridge, Edmonton, Calgary, and more have announced bans on Conversion Therapy. There is nothing at a provincial level.
- Candy did research on process in other communities, and shared that information with the executive. Candy put all the wordings that other communities were using in the Google Drive.
- Nikki spoke to Michael from AltView and connected Nikki with University of Alberta contact information. They suggested we contact a city Councillor to champion the cause. They can provide a draft of what we can move forward with.
- Lucas contacted the Sherwood Park Diversity Committee, who said they were not involved with the process in Strathcona.
- We can write a formal letter to the city to be added to the agenda. It’s best if you can operate through an advocate on City Council (this is how we did the Pride Flag).
- Nikki will contact her University of Alberta contact to potentially speak to us about how to go forward with this about this correctly.
- We can draft a letter after this to individual council members.
- Gus will ask Mayor Mayer about who could be a potential contact.
- The Google Form that can be shared out with our General Membership for input into our Missions, Visions, Value Statements can be viewed and shared at:
- There has been no responses as of yet.
- Camrose Public Library hosted the event on their Facebook/YouTube page on Friday, August 21st. CPC was a co-host on Facebook.
- Lucas H. (Luna Sea) and Sir Racha created videos.
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- i) Monday, October 19th, 2020 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm
- ii) Location: Online
- EspressOUTside
- Monday, September 28th, 2020 from 5:30pm to 7:00pm
- Location: Jubilee Park Playground – Weather Permitting (Physical Distancing, Mask Welcome but not Required)
- Friends and Family Meeting
- October Date TBA
- Nikki will update once she receives confirmation.
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:49pm.