Camrose Pride Community
invites you to share

Moments of Pride

Yearly Pride Events commemorate the pivotal 1969 Stonewall Inn Riots, often seen as the spark for LGBTQIA2+ rights movements in North America. The fight for our communities’ rights continues to this day, and the sacrifices of those that came before us allow us to live our lives with Moments of Pride.

While we are not able to gather to celebrate our identities and our histories in person, Camrose Pride Community would like to invite you to share Moments of Pride in your life. Moments of Pride is a month long community driven event that sees LGBTQIA2+ peoples and our allies share our pride through the power of art.

What is Pride? What is your story?

We would like to ask our community for video submissions showcasing Moments of Pride, be they stories, poems, paintings, drag tutorials, dances, sports showcases, gardening suggestions, musical numbers or absolutely anything that showcases one’s pride to be an LGBTQIA2+ person or ally.

These videos will be posted on the Camrose Pride Community Facebook page every Friday in June to share our experiences, our journeys, our triumphs, and our Moments of Pride with the world.

If you are interested in taking part, please create a 3-5 minute video exploring the theme of Moments of Pride and share it via Google Drive or published YouTube link with Please include a short description of the video to be included with the video. Please also attach a signed Photo-Video-Audio Release Form, allowing us permission to post the video. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Camrose Pride Community through Instagram, Facebook, or email.


Submissions must be received by CPC the Sunday before our weekly Facebook event held Friday, June 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th. If the deadline has passed, your submission will be highlighted the week after.

No submissions will be accepted beyond Sunday, June 21st.

Submissions must be copyright compliant, avoiding the use of copyrighted music/IP or securing permission from the IP rights’ holder beforehand.

Submissions must adhere to Facebook’s Community Standards.

Photo-Audio-Video Release Form must be signed and included with submission.

Submissions should include a short description of the contents for accessibility purposes.

Please enable auto-generated closed captioning with your video if possible on YouTube (How to Enable Automatic Captioning on YouTube). If shared via Google Drive, CPC will enable CC on Facebook.

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BVJ Parade!

We are planning our entry into the BVJ Parade August 1st!!!

Would you like to join in and help decorate? ?️‍? Would you like to walk with us in the parade??

If you want to come help out, contact Amielle at her email:

We are currently setting the date for decoration (sometime in the days leading up to August 1st), and setting the time and location to meet the morning of the parade!

Join us and WALK WITH PRIDE!!!

July Meeting Minutes

Camrose Pride Community
Date: Monday, July 8th, 2019
Time 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Place: Camrose Public Library Irving Meeting Room
Attendance: Gus, Nikki, Ron, Lucas, Stephen 

Regrets: Margaret, Amielle, Robyn

  1. Introductions
  2. Leadership
    1. Melissa Wilks (Sir Racha) was the co-president of Aqua, and is interested in being co-chair, though she will be gone from January to May. While there are many things happening during this time, we’re very open to her co-chairing. If there are interested parties, we could have an acting co-chair during the interim. Nikki will follow-up with Melissa. 
    2. We are still openly looking for a treasurer. If you know anyone who may be interested, please let us know.
    3. The PDF of the bylaws are now available on the website. 
  3. Financial Report
    1. Margaret is unable to attend this evening to provide the financial update.
  4. Society Status (Incorporation)
    1. We were rejected on our previous application.
    2. We need 5 signatures on the bylaws and the application and a witness. Nikki will be the witness and the executive will be the 5 names. 
    3. Name Change: We need a legal name like society, association, and it must be at the end. It will be our legal name, but we can still remain Camrose Pride Community informally. Our bylaws will remain the same
    4. Our official address will be Gus’ home/business’ address. 
    5. Nikki knows that it may be about 6 or 7 months to finalize.
    6. The fee was returned to Carol, and she will let us know when she receives it, so we can use it for our reapplication.
    7. The name requirements are distinctive, descriptive, legal:
      1. Distinct: unique word or location (Camrose)
      2. Descriptive: what it does or is (Pride)
      3. Legal: possibilities include society, association, club, fellowship, guild, foundation, institute, league, committee council board center or bureau.
    8. Gus passes motion to have name become Camrose Pride Society legally, though remain informally Camrose Pride Community. Motion passed.
  5. Upcoming Events and Plans
    1. United Church
      1. Gus went to the United Church to speak about the possibility of having Pam Rocker (Calgary) come to Camrose. She helps bridge the gap between traditional Christianity and queer-affirmative Christianity. 
      2. She charges $300/400 for a sermon or workshop. She would cost about $1000 total with expenses.
      3. The Bethel Church (Ellen Parker) is queer friendly, as is the United Church, and we could share fees to have her speak in Camrose.
      4. We could have this near the time of the Family Dance.
      5. Gus will follow up with Bethel Church, United Church, and Pam Rocker.
    2. Camp fYrefly Resource Fair
      1. Campy fYrefly is held at Augustana and invited us to attend the resource fair.
      2. Lucas and Chris (Friends and Family) are going to sit at the table. Anyone/everyone is welcome to join us (Nikki will connect Lucas and Chris).
      3. Gus should have our tri-fold table display (already complete) in his storage, and will look for it. Lucas will come pick it up.
      4. It would be nice to have something branded to handout to children. As this is very soon, we may not be able to have it ready for this, but something impermanent (like a flyleaf) may work for the interim.
        1. We will speak about branding for the CPC at future meetings.
      5. Lucas will print out a sheet for e-mail sign-up.
      6. Lucas will create a flyleaf.
    3. Reading with Royalty – Friday, July 26th, 1pm – 3pm
      1. Robyn Banks (Zach) and Sir Racha (Melissa) will be reading to children at the Camrose Public Library
      2. Lucas will come to support/partner. Everyone/anyone is welcome to come as well! 
      3. We have decorations/pride flags/etc. we can share. Lucas will pick up from Gus.
    4. Big Valley Jamboree Pride Parade – Thursday, August 3rd (3 WEEKS AWAY)
      1. Deadline: Sunday, June 13th – Insurance
      2. Meet-up by about 8:00am/9:00am in the morning.
      3. Amielle and Margaret said they would be back in time, and will be handling that this week.
      4. BVJ Parage is aware that we want to come.
      5. Shae (Millet) and Tinelle had said something about building a float, but unfortunately did not connect with CPC. We will keep this in mind for next year.
      6. Tish’s car is confirmed.
      7. Leies, bubbles, feather boas, sticker moustaches are some of the things we would like in our tickle trunk.
      8. We have pom poms from last year to attach to the car.
      9. We can order more pride tape from Edmonton (for the Kodiaks). Gus will look into ordering more pride tape. 
      10. We will have another meeting about the float as soon as possible.  We will decide through email. Nikki will send out email.
      11. Tish’s car is confirmed.
      12. Lucas will go to dollar store/tree to get supplies for the tickle trunk.  
      13. Sir Racha is confirmed. Robyn Banks is confirmed. Nikki will contact the Kodiaks. Nikki will ask Carol for the contact.
      14. Decorating car closer to, either the Tuesday/Wednesday beforehand. Robyn Banks would like to come as well. Nikki will send out email and social media to garner help.
      15. Gus makes motion to spend up to $271.00 for float. Stephen seconded.
      16. Nikki will start social media campaign.
      17. We encourage everyone to come and walk with us!  
    5. Pride BBQ
      1. We made $122.85 from donations..
      2. We saved $158.50 was saved from the initial slated amount of $500.
      3. ~170 attendees
      4. A resounding success! 
    6. Community Registration Night
      1. Thursday, September 5th, 2019
      2. We will revisit closer to the date of.
    7. Fall Family Dance
      1. This is generally held on a Friday or Saturday in October.
      2. We must book the Bailey Theatre which costs about $700. Gus will contact the Bailey Theatre about what dates work best
      3. Possible dates:
        1. Friday, October 18th
        2. Saturday, October 19th
  6. Queer Friendly Business List/Certification(to-do)
    1. Nikki is creating a list of queer friendly business, so if you have any ideas, please send them to her. She is thinking of creating a written agreement to establish what creates a safe place.
    2. Before we can certify them as a safe-space business, we could have a meeting with them.
    3. We will discuss this idea further in future meetings.
  7. Upcoming Regular Meetings
    1. Meetings – We will continue to use the Irving Room for regular meetings (instead of the Bunker)
      1. For October and November the 2nd Mondays are holidays, so we will hold them that Tuesday instead. Nikki will contact the library about the change.
    2. eXpressOUT
      1. Monday, July 29th, 2019 – 5:30pm – 7:00pm
        1. Location: Camrose Coffee
        2. Theme: Divination
    3. Friends and Family Meeting
      1. The will return to regular meetings in October. 
      2. Chris is wondering if perhaps there is an ally in the community that can create a more structured approach to this. If you know of someone that has experience with having an LGBTQIA+ person in their family that can speak to that in a structured way, let us know.
    4. Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
      1. Monday, August 12th, 2019 6:00pm – 8:00pm
      2. Camrose Public Library Irving Room
  8. Sharing Circle

June 10, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Camrose Pride Community
Date: Monday, June 10th, 2019
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Place: Camrose Public Library Irving Meeting Room

Attendees: 7
Bernadine, Gus (Chair), Lucas (Secretary), Nikki (Community Liaison Worker), Ron, Stephen, Tish

Regrets: Margaret (Banker), Amielle (Member-at-Large), Robyn (Member-at-Large)

  1. Introductions
  2. TD Bank
    • Gus has been conversing with Lisa from TD Bank. With Edmonton Pride Parade not running this year there was extra money slotted for donation from TD Bank, so that will go to rural initiatives. Many rural communities are livening up, like Fort Saskatchewan, Spruce Grove, and Sherwood Park, with increased Pride activities.
    • There is a potential for $25,000! Lisa has provided us with a link that Nikki has accessed to apply for funding online. Nikki will explore this further and share with us.
    • Possible activities to pursue include:
      1. Status of Queer was a one day workshop in the past and well received. It dealt with some tough topics though, and we may want to go with something more celebratory.
      2. An art therapy project could be very inclusive. This could be a mural, maybe at Tish’s place.
    • Nikki will follow up with Lisa about the timeframe.
    • There is also a community connection’s grant beyond the $25k. TD has been inclusive since ‘94. We can ask for money in the future.
    • We will speak more on this after Pride in the Park is finished.

  3. Volunteer Opportunities
    • Nikki was contacted by Camp fYrefly about facilitating an art therapy workshop. She will also inquire around support that the Camrose Pride Community could possibly give as Camp fYrefly is taking place at Augustana.
  4. Leadership Team
    • Please keep in mind that we have these two positions open. If you know anybody that would be suitable for these positions, please encourage them to volunteer. We would like someone that can consistently come.
      1. Co-chair
      2. Treasurer
    • Bylaws are on the website. If you know someone that is interested, you can direct them there for that information.

  5. Succession Documents/Shared Cloud Storage
    • There is a Camrose Pride gmail, meaning there is a Google Drive. For succession documents. Nikki will give access of the drive to Lucas. This will make succession and sharing of responsibility easier in the future.

  6. Financial Report
    • Margret is away.

  7. Society
    • No updates on society status as of yet.

  8. Upcoming Events and Plans
    • Pride in the Park – Jubilee Park – Sunday, June 16th, 2019 3:00pm – 8:00pm
      1. The Camrose Police is bringing the BBQ itself. They will be picking it up as well. They will also be dropping by periodically to see how things are going. They will pick up the BBQ after 6:30pm.
      2. Food
    • Bernie and Sarah have agreed to cook. Everything is precooked.
    • They both have food handling licenses/training.
    • 4:30 to 6:00/6:30 is when Bernie and Sarah will be actively cooking.
    • Nikki purchased/will purchase all food needed the Saturday beforehand. She has a list of everything required that can be accessed here .
    • There will be vegetable trays and watermelons as well.
    • Leftover food will be donated, as we no longer have freezer space. Donations can be made to Open Door, Boys and Girls Club, and people will be encouraged to take extras home.
    • Donations
      • $190 has been raised by Lucas from Safeway,Co-op, Save on Foods, and Superstore. You can see details of all donations here.
      • Gus may ask Starbucks for a donation as well.
      • Lucas will prepare thank you cards to be signed at the BBQ. We will take a photo as the Camrose Pride Community to include in the thank you cards.
      • Bernie has graciously agreed to donate hot dog buns, hamburger buns, BBQ Utensils, and a handwashing station.In the case of light rain or a blazing hot day, we have the gazebo and tents. If there is torrential rain, we may have to cancel.All volunteers should be there by 2:00pm. We are putting up tents and decorating/preparing.Guests
      • Compass Sexual Wellness will also be there with their tent. They will have games around sexuality, free condoms, information, and more.
      • The Camrose Book Bike from the CamrosePublic Library will also be coming.
      • Miss Teen Alberta will also be there.
    • Activities
      • We’re hoping to make a selfie booth. If you have props, please bring them. Please bring boas, silly hats, etc. Gus has the supplies. Nikki will come by on Saturday, June 15th before 12:30pm to pick these up. If volunteers have any fun things, please bring them. We can get more promotion from this by posting it on our social media as well.
      • Please bring drums and shakers as well.
      • Lucas will bring some outdoor games he has.
      • Candy is bringing the music.Advertising
    • CentraCam has sent the posters out.
    • Morning News ad should be out this week.
    • Our radio ad: Nikki will be on 98.1 at 8:30am in the morning on Thursday.  They contacted us to see if anything was happening for pride. In the future we should be able to get free advertising. Most stations are willing to advertise for a community board. If we give them dates beforehand, they’ll contact you in advance to advertise.
    • We also have Facebook and Instagram to draw up. Please share as much as possible.
    • Candle Vigil/Fire Ceremony
      • There will be tealights available. If you’ve got a lighter, please bring it. Nikki will pick up some matches.
    • Candy will bring firewood for the fire ceremony.Finances
    • With all the donations, etc. we’re just under $300 or the $500 slated for the BBQ. We have plenty of money to buy supplies. With burgers and buttons by donations, we may get some money back.
    • Nikki will get there early to stake out a shelter Sunday morning. Unfortunately we cannot reserve a spot in a public park. Ron may be able to reserve a spot Sunday morning as well.
    • Reminder: This event takes place on Father’s Day, which can have a variety of mixed emotions in the queer community. This is a queer celebration within the community. Let’s focus on promoting the celebration of our inclusive queer family.
    • BVJ Pride Parade – Thursday, August 1st, 2019
      • Guests:
        • Melissa has agreed to come as Sir Racha.
        • Robyn Banks and the Kodiaks have not been asked yet. Amielle will inquire when she returns. They both were participants last year.
        • Would TD Bank want to join/send a representative? Nikki will ask about that in the future.
        • Are there others we would like to ask to walk with us?
    • Amielle and Margaret will return in time to talk about insurance before the due date.
    • Tish has agreed to us using her car. Thank you, Tish.
    • It is important that we have an open invitation for anyone to join the pride float of the BVJ Parade. All are welcome.
    • Ideas
      • Free Hugs Signs
      • After-party
      • Tish has opened her space for an afterparty to celebrate.
  9. Future Fundraisers
    • Co-op can raise funds with their BBQ in front of their store. Bernie said it was one of the best fundraisers they’ve had for her daughter. They require three people. You can easily make over $1000 in three hours.
  10. Community Registration Night – Thursday, September 5th, 2019 – 6:30pm – 9:00pm
    • No updates. Lucas and Amielle will be attending.
  11. Regular Meetings
    • espressOUT – Monday, June 24th, 2019 – 5:30pm – 7:30pmat Camrose Coffee
      • Gus will ask Sarah if she is happy with this arrangement.
      • We may move espressOUT to Thursday nights, as Camrose Downtown has the Thursday night market and it may be better business for Sarah and more traffic for us. We will do a survey at the next espressOUT.
    • Friends and Family Meeting
      • They will not be meeting for June, July, August, and September. They will return to regular meetings in October.
    • Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
      • Monday, July 8th, 2019 – 6:00pm – 8:00pm – Camrose Public Library Irving Room
      • If we can, we may ask to book the Irving Room from now on, as it is bigger and more open than the Bunker.
  12. Sharing Circle
  13. Meeting Adjourned: 7:30pm