Camrose Pride Community
May 13, 2019 Meeting Agenda
6-8 pm
Camrose Public Library in IRVING ROOM
- Introduction
- Representative from TD Bank
- Leadership Team Positions open:
- Co-Chair & Treasure (transitioning) – descriptions from bylaws (attached, V & VI)
- Member Without Portfolio (as our bylaws state we need a minimum of 5 for a Board) – Amielle has volunteered to occupy this position – motion/vote
- Talk about posting bylaws on website? Or having them in a dropbox sharable link on the website, with any other documents we want open to the entire CPC membership?
- Financial Report – Margaret H.
- Clarification for BBQ petty cash – approved budget of up to $500 from April’s meeting; will this be forwarded as petty cash to Nikki Featherstone to administer while Margaret is away? Do we need a motion or was this approved last month?
- Update on Society status:
- Action from last month to contact for an update – news?
- Action from last month on bank account – has anyone talked to the banks about opening an account prior to status coming in?
- Upcoming events and plans
- Pride in the Park BBQ – June 16, 3pm – 8pm, Jubilee Park – Covered Shelter/fire stove by playground
- City permit is approved; AHS notification for food handling sent in
- Facebook event is up, Please share it to get the news out – general gathering starts at 3pm, BBQ at 4:30pm, candle vigil at 6:30, 7pm healing fire ceremony – check FB event for details
- Donations – need volunteers to canvas for donations: ie safeway, coop: condiments, buns, cheese slices, bottles of water, veggie trays, hot dogs, burgers, watermelons
- Idea: thermometer donation – Amielle had a great idea to raise funds by choosing a dollar amount or a project goal, and drawing out a large thermometer to mark progress. Would CPC want to do this? If so, will we begin the campaign at the BBQ? We will need volunteers to man this station and secure donations – how do we do that? Locked cash box?
- BBQ will come from Camrose Police, who will also take it away. They do not have members able to cook. We need volunteers to cook.
- Poster is being modified/created by Nikki – where do we get posters printed?
- Big Valley Jamboree Parade in August – news and update
- Planning committee headed by Amielle
- Vehicle?
- Guests?
- Insurance/administration/permits (if any)
- Members on Planning committee – do we need more volunteers?
- (Nikki F cannot attend the parade, as she will not be here. She will have some time in July to assist committee in last part of the preparations when needed)
- Pride in the Park BBQ – June 16, 3pm – 8pm, Jubilee Park – Covered Shelter/fire stove by playground
- Community Registration Night
- Is CDSS filling out the registration form? Motion for payment
- We need volunteers to man the table, set up and take down the display
- Nikki F is willing, depending on date and time – do we have this yet?
- Do we have another person willing to volunteer?
- Upcoming Regular Meetings:
- espressOUT on May 27th, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Where should we hold espressOUT in May? The Forum? Off campus in a coffee shop? Where?
- Friends and Family Meeting is NOT meeting for June, July, August & September. They will return to regular, first Monday’s in October
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection at the Camrose Public Library in the IRVING ROOM on the second Monday of the month (June 10) 6-8 p.m
- *Nikki will assist the Leadership Team with the creation of an agenda for this meeting, Lucas as Secretary will take minutes and forward to Nikki for posting on the website
- Sharing Circle