Camrose Pride

Date: Monday, January 10, 2021

Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Place: Online

Attendees: Nikki, Jessica, Candy, Teri, Raymond, Gus, Charissa

Regrets: Justin, Alex, Stephen,

  1. Call to order/Introductions/Check in
    1. Called to order by Nikki at 1836
  2. Financial Report
    1. bank fee only
    2. $2,285.53 – report attached
  1. Old Business

3.1 Conversion Therapy Ban

3.1.1 Federal Criminal Code Passed

3.1.2 Discussion

  • May make things harder for municipalities to support own ban as it is now federal criminal code – they won’t see the value or need
  • Law needs to be analyzed as to what it really means
  • Will need more backing to gather real support
  • Attitude is that if there’s a problem take it to court
  • Regrouping needed around our approach
  • Still need formal municipal support
  • We should not stop moving it forward – would be ideal to find a council member champion
  • Public knowledge around federal vs provincial vs municipal laws to support the federal movement
  • We should review the law to see what is missing, what is strong and what could be clarified.
  • Making people aware that this does happen here and what it is
  • Support individual knowledge and awareness – beyond municipal
  • Urgency of getting it done has eased – we have more time, decreased pressure
  • Because we’ve initiated this we need to have a public presence to provide a person centered approach

            3.1.2 – Data

  • Gathering data is still critical
  • Community members need to know that it does happen here and where it’s happening and how
  • Understanding Conversion Therapy practices
  • Opportunity to gather real good data
  • Education of ourselves as to why it needs to be on a provincial and municipal level so we can educate others/families/community
  • Personal story collection is critical to show the critical impact
  • Connect back with Dr. Wells, No Conversion Canada
  • Charissa has access to U of A data
  • Qualitative research could start with conversations
  • Data has to be stored in a safe place


  • Nikki will contact Dr. Wells about research – methodology, ethics, best practices and movement forward.

3.2 Revised ACTION plan (refer to agenda for detailed action items)

  • Crowdsource funding plan from AB government and the gov’t will match an amount of the donations
  • Can we do it under No Conversion Canada umbrella
  • CIP grant available – matching dollars
  • We have to be careful with government funding due to loopholes
  • City of Camrose may have funding available – community grant and arts and culture grant
  • CDSS – possible source, limited amounts
  • May want to include youth development piece as well
  • Need a youth rep on the board


  • Candy to explore local grants- to support research and events for Pride month
  • Jess to explore other sources of funding
  • Charissa explore how many QSA’s are in the school division
  • Touch base before next meeting
  • Anyone who can chat with council , go ahead 🙂 
  • Step 3 of action plan
    • Gather data on occurrence and impact of Conversion ‘Therapy’ Practices in Camrose and area; contact other communities who have passed their by-law and inquire around where/how they gathered data on this
    • Self education in our group about the federal ban
  • Question
    • What is our mission statement around this? How do we get people to be accountable for their actions? Christian church lack of responsibility and accountability.
    • Some discomfort in the group regarding certain organizations
    • Abusers will ignore it
    • Goal – advocating for our right to exist
    • Goal – knowing what is a Conversion practice and sharing that knowledge
  1. New Business

4.1 AGM – due first quarter, March 14 meeting.

  • Follow AGM with strategic planning session – update and refocus existing strategic plan

4.2 Spring/Summer Events – Monthly review to see what we are doing in June 2022

4.3 School Update

 – Students don’t see it as a big deal, and want to continue with clubs and extracurricular activities.

– The current group needs more support and safety then the past groups (previous was more involved in advocacy)

– Division is supporting their capacity through QSA at some schools in the division.

– New division Inclusion and Diversity Coordinator is heading up QSA groups and supporting trans students

  • Hays Lakes has an active QSA
  • Conference reinforced the legalities around QSA – schools have to support development
  • Most parents DO support safe space for students in the school
  • Alt View is able to support rural development of QSA
  1. Standing Items

5.1 Monthly Meetings – next meeting Feb 14 – reschedule? – moved to Feb 7, 2022

5.2 ExpressOUTSIDE – TBD, COVID dependent

5.3 Friends and Family Support Group – Running online, first Wednesday of every month – contact Andrea Dyck for info:

  1. Adjournment and check out

Adjourned by Nikki – 1944

April 12, 2021

Camrose Pride Community

Monthly Meeting
Date: Monday, April 12, 2021   
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm    Place: Online Zoom Meeting

Executive Leadership:
Nikki F (she/her) – Chair
Candy (she/her) – Treasurer
Stephen (he/him) – Member-at-Large
Jana (she/her) – Member-at-Large

Robyn Gray (she/her) – Secretary
Sam – Youth Council Rep

  1. Call to order – Nikki
    1. Quorum is achieved.
    1. Introductions.
  2. Changes to agenda –
    1. Candy adds response letter from CPC to Alberta’s pilot curriculum
  • Financial report – Candy
    • The balance sheet and RBC statements have been made available to CPC Executives.
    • No change in funds outside of bank charges
    • Please see attached Financial Reports.
  • Rotary meeting request
    • Invitation from Rotatory to attend a May meeting and present on CPC; this will create connections within the community and may give us access to applying for scholarships/sponsorships through the Rotary

MOTION: Stephen McKenzie-Comeau

That Nikki (Chair) and Candy (Treasurer) arrange to present the slideshow on CPC created last year (with any needed updates), and attend said meeting to create a relationship with Rotary.



  • Plan for 2021
    • June – Pride Month
      • Queer Scavenger Hunt idea-
        • Nikki will create lists of items to find
        • The lists will be sent out to the community over the month of June.
        • Those who participate can enter their score into a draw for prizes – donations from local community will need to be sourced
      • Colouring Pages – Candy
        • Candy will gather colouring pages for the community to colour and enter into a draw for prizes.
      • Online Queer Trivia – Stephen
        • Questions posted online; answers given out later
        • Participants can enter their answers into a draw? Or just for fun and education?
        • Stephen to create list of trivia questions, with help from other members and Board
      • Moments of Pride – reshare last year’s videos, invite new ones from community to create archive of local queer & allied voices.
      • Letter to City of Camrose to request the flag be raised June 1st
      • Candy – drafting letters to all villages and towns within the counties of Camrose, Beaver, and Flagstaff, requesting they raise a pride flag for June.
      • Board members researching where to source pride flags in bulk for best price
  • Other times of the year activities
    • ExpressOUTSIDE –making it an umbrella event for all of our casual outdoor gatherings this year
    • We will offer a monthly ExpressOUTSIDE, with a variety of occurrences, such as:
      • Walk around Mirror Lake
      • Fire at Gus’
      • Hikes at Miquelon
      • Hikes at Chickadee
      • BYOE (bring your own everything) wiener roast at Jubilee and/or Miquelon
      • Others?
  • Youth Council
    • – Candy to connect with Sam and ask to begin talking with our community youth around anything they would like to present during June for youth
    • Nikki to connect with Andrea Dyck around any resources she may direct us to for supporting the Youth Council
  • Conversion Therapy Ban By-law
    • May Meeting – time spent creating Action Plan – first draft of letter to be written as step one, to be presented to City of Camrose Council during Pride Month. (mid June)
  • CPC response letter to Alberta government pilot curriculum
    • This curriculum has no representation of queer humans or history.


That Candy (Treasurer) draft a letter from CPC in response to the pilot curriculum with the glaring absence of any queer inclusion and the ways this will create more unsafe spaces at school for our youth.



  • Upcoming regular meetings
    • Regular meeting for planning and connection
      • 1.    Monday, May 10, 2021 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
      • 2.    Location: online zoom
      • ExpressOUTSIDE
        • We will begin in May for our first walk around Mirror Lake – last Monday evening of May
      • Friends and family meeting
        • On break for Spring/Summer months
  • Sharing circle
    • The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm   

Jan. 13, 2020

Camrose Pride Community
Date: Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2020    
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm    Place: Camrose Library, Irving Room
Attendance: Zach S., Gus B., Candy M., Nikki F., Lucas H, Robyn G, Amielle C.

  1. Introductions
  1. Financial Report/Bank Account
    1. The RBC account is open. 
    2. Received funds and last statement from CDSS. Passing to Treasurer to deposit and input into our new accounting spreadsheets.
    3. Online Banking is available to be used.
    4. Candy, our treasurer, has the transfer from CDSS and will deposit it immediately.
      1. The total is $2165.40 (minus one reimbursement o/s).
      2. Candy will get cheques when we receive society status.
      3. There is no report of changing funds.
  1. Society Status
    1. Our society status application came back with minor errors. We have corrected errors in signatures, everyone has signed, and Nikki will resend this week.
  1. Upcoming Events and Plans
    1. Pride Week Committee Update (Augustana) – Amielle C.
  • Bake Sale – Wednesday, February 26th at 11:00am to 3:00pm in the Augustana Forum
    • Candy and Gus agreed (in December) to make some baking for this.
    • If you know of someone else willing to bake and donate, please let them know. 
    • The baking can be anything, but please include ingredient lists.
  • LGBT Trivia – Tuesday, February 25th in the late morning/early afternoon in the Augustana Forum
    • In the past one of the science clubs have done some trivia, but that is quickly becoming dated.
    • AQUA has requested that CPC create questions for this casual trivia.
    • Lucas H. will make make a Google Doc to share with CPC and queer community members to crowd source questions.
    • Questions Possibilities:
      • Pronouns
      • Laws and Legislation
      • History (When did the Stonewall Riot take place? Who threw the first brick?)
      • Acronyms
      • Culture
      • Fetishes
  • Pride Week Committee (PWC): inquires if CPC would be willing to donate some funds to host throughout the week.
    • PWC is hoping to apply for a lot of funds in the coming weeks.
    • CPC may hold off on committing funds until our Strategic Planning meeting.
    • CPC donated $500 last year to Pride Week.
    • There is time to donate up until the event and afterwards for outstanding fees.
  • Key Speakers: James and Anthony from The Amazing Race Canada: Monday, February 24th at 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the Augustana Chapel
    • Tickets will be between $10-$15. AQUA will look into the option of creating donation options for tickets.
    • Students may be free or discounted fee (including primary, secondary, and post-secondary).
  • Pride Movies: Thursday, February 27th at 8:00pm at the Duggan Cinema
    • PWC requests that CPC members check what DVDs they have, as a DVD may be required for Public Performance Rights.
    • DVDs can also be rented from the library or the movie store. If you have suggestions, please forward them to Amielle.
  • Queer Art Making: Thursday, February 27th in the evening, location Wahkohtowin Lodge
  • So You Think You Can Drag: Friday, February 28th from 7:00pm-10:00pm at Bailey Theatre
    • Performers are needed; if you know interested parties, please connect them to Amielle C.
    • Drag attendance has been going up
    • Confirmed professional performers include Edmonton queens Sami, Armani, and Camrose queen Robyn Bank$.
    • AQUA hopes to have the sign-up sheet out by the end of January. 
    • Zach S. will inquire with drag colleagues in Edmonton about attending.
    • Zach will donate some prizes; if you know of other business that may be willing to donate, please connect them with Amielle C.
    • Nikki F informed us that in April the Unitarian Church of Edmon is having an Amateur Drag Show. This may be a good way to connect/cross-promote.
  • There will be QR Codes at all the events; each event attended is an entry to win prizes.
  • Organizations donating include:
    • Poe Da Lue
    • Travelling Tickle Trunk
    • Rebel Ink
  • Hockey Games will take place Sunday, February 23rd to start the week and Saturday, February 29th to end the week.
    • Amielle C. makes a motion for CPC to purchase a roll of pride tape for the Camrose Pride Week Hockey Games
      • Seconded by Nikki
      • Motion Carried
    • Nikki F. Will get Pride Tape for about $136.00/12 rolls and create an Expense Claim.
  • Advertising will begin next week. Please let your friends, family, and colleagues know.
  1. Strategic Planning Meeting: Friday, January 31st from 6:00pm to 9:00pm and Saturday, February 1st (day) (NOTE: LEADERSHIP TEAM ONLY)
    1. Location TBD
    2. Leadership members please consider the following to prepare for the meeting:
      1. What is your vision for Camrose Pride Community in the next:
        1. 1 year?
        2. 5 years?
        3. 10 years?
        4. 20 years?
      2. What changes should be made to our Mission, Vision, and Value Statements?
      3. What future partnerships with what organizations do you envision?
      4. What events or activities would you like to work towards?
  2. Pride in the Park
    1. Camrose Recreation Guide wants March to August activities and was wondering if we had a date for our Pride in the Park
    2. CPC has decided on Saturday, June 20th 2:00pm to 6:00pm at Jubilee Park
      1. This is the same date as Art in the Park, which could increase visibility and create a future partnership.
  1. Meeting Locations: Room at the Library for 2020
    1. Bunker can be booked for most of the year, but not in the summer months (May, June, July, August).
    2. Irving Room is most likely not going to be able to be booked for our meetings this year, with all the other groups in need of it.
    3. The Irving Room is booked for February 10, 2020.
    4. Amielle C. will look into booking conference rooms at Augustana during the summer months.
    5. Amielle C. will look into booking a conference room for our Strategic Planning Session for Friday, January 31st and Saturday, February 1st .
    6. Amielle C. will look into booking student study rooms for meetings in the future. 
  1. United Church
    1. The United Church has requested a follow-up/debriefing on the experience with Pam Rocker.
    2. They are wanting to meet and go through the Church, asking for input on how they can become more PIE (Public, Intentional, Explicit) in their support of the queer community. 
      1. They would like two members of the Pride Community for this
      2. They also want us to potentially bring ideas to them, such as:
        1. What is their advertising like?
    3. AQUA has a Queer Folks of the Bible during Pride Week with Pastor Craig.
      1. Nikki would like to put together an interfaith queer group.
    4. Candy is already there from 1:00pm to 5:00pm on Sundays, which may be a good time. Lucas is available on Sundays as well. Nikki will contact about potential Sundays available to the United Church.
  2. Camrose Community Group Grant
    1. Can we meet the deadline, which is Jan. 20? Maybe we should look for the following one in June.
    2. Pride in the Park would fall into the time period, but also would fall in the next granting period’s timeline.
    3. Art Therapy Group: Alberta Society for the Promotion of Sexual Health funded Nikki $2,000 for an art therapy group to be run through Canadian Mental Health for pre-teens to adults. This may be a great opportunity to shore up the necessary funds to start this group.
    4. CPC members are also interested in potentially creating a future ArtHive, which would act as a free art space for community members. 
  1. Upcoming Regular Meetings
    1. Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
      1. Feb. 10, 2020
        1. Amielle C. will look into finding space.
    2. EspressOUT
      1. Monday, January 27, 2020 5:30pm – 7:00pm
        1. Location: Camrose Coffee
        2. Gus will remind Sarah.
        3. Alternate Location if ever needed: BP’s Lounge
    3. Friends and Family Meeting
      1. Next meeting is Feb. 3rd, 2020
        1. 1st Monday of every month, Irving Room at the Library, 6:30pm-8 (new start time)
  1. Sharing Circle

Dec. 9, 2019

Date: Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2019   
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm    
Place: Co-Chair Zach’s home
Attendance: Gus B., Lucas H., Candy M., Zach S., Nikki F., Stephen C. (Ugly Sweater Wearer), Ron
Regrets: Amielle C., Robyn G.

  1. Introductions
  • Financial Report / Bank Account
    • Update: We have a bank account!
      • CPC now has an RBC account that is currently a Community Group Account with Candy and Nikki as authorized signatories. We need to maintain this until we get our Non-Profit Status, and then they will switch the account status and we can add the other members of the Leadership Team Executive. Camrose Pride Society is the official name. The Leadership signed a letter as requested by RBC to attain status.
      • Candy, as Treasurer, will have the only access to online banking for our account. Due to this, we will build a policy where the Treasurer will present the bank statement showing all activity in and out of the account each month, along with the Financial Report as usual, at the monthly meeting. There will be a list of working budgets for future events. There will be budget vs. actual provided at all times.
      • We can set up EFT (electronic fund transfer) for donations or payments.
      • Margaret H. will be closing down our CDSS account and sending us a cheque at the end of the year.
      • Pam Rocker cost us $200.
      • Family Dance cost close to our $500 budget.
      • We made $368 from the Family Dance.
      • Candy will create strong succession documents, and will create a financial policies and procedures that will connect to our by-laws.
      • Candy has created an expense claim form. Please take pictures of your receipts, submit them digitally, and bring your receipts to physical meetings. There will be no payouts without the expense claim filled out.
      • Our accounting will be audited in the future as we gain society status, so we should have procedures in place to prepare for that.
      • We are registered as a community group because we are not a registered non-profit. When we gain society status, we can move forward with signing more people up to the bank account.
      • RBC has grants as well.
  • Upcoming Events and Plans
    • Pride Week Committee Update (Augustana) – Amielle
      • They are looking for baking for the bake sale, and help with set-up and take down.
      • They would also like people (particularly knowledgeable about our community) to be available for a Q&A.
        • This Q&A would be very individualized and personal.
      • We may look at this more in January when it is closer.
      • Candy and Gus have agreed to create a bit of baking.
      • Gus spoke to Megan, the Indigenous Support Liaison at Augustana about the Indigenous Welcoming Lodge, hoping to have a weekly Metis sharing circle.
      • The Amazing Race winner, Anthony Johnson, will be our speaker for the Camrose Pride Week. Gus is hoping to involve him in an Indigenous Sharing Circle.
      • Candy has let us know that Edmonton has a very strong Two Spirit group, so there may be some connections there for the future.
  • Room at the Library for 2020 – What do we need? What do we want?
    • Bunker can be booked for most of the year, but not in the summer months
    • Irving room can only be booked 3 months in advance, and there’s lots of other community groups looking for space now with the shutdown of the drill hall
    • Candy has offered Quantum Comics, because it is closed on Mondays, and would be a good space. Private and we can be as late as we want.
    • Nikki has already confirmed the Irving Room at CPL for the first two months of 2020. We will revisit the Quantum Comics space at our January meeting, as we’d like to move the time to 6:30-8:30, but the Library closes at 8pm.
  • CSL Placements Update
    • Research Projects: – Research received
    •  Things to work on in 2020:
      • Best Practices for Safe Spaces Allyship Agreements:
        •  Links to other safe space policies, as well as recommendations that an education around allyship – perhaps a workshop for businesses? – be completed first, as much of the problem is ignorance rather than malice.
        • Example of an Agreement template submitted as a jumping off document.
        • Education seems to be missing. Majority of places are not non-inclusive because they are malicious, but instead because they are unaware. Without education, it is just a token.
        • Downtown Retailers Co-op and the Chamber are possibilities to have presentations. We can do education, create agreements, and then receive a Safe Space Sticker. The Camrose Police could definitely be involved. Candy would love to be included in the presentation. Nikki suggests involving AltView in those conversations with their training and toolkits.
      • List of Support Groups – local area for Queer folks within faith groups with traditionally queerphobic literature:
        • Some links and book resources, but not a lot in our area. Needs further study and/or advocacy.
        • We may be able to provide a lot of support online, but most groups do not meet in Camrose. Pam also included a lot of resources.
        • Nikki will ask Pam about an inter-faith support group. She may have contacts.
        • Nikki was interested about creating an inter-faith group and inviting leaders of those communities that share our values to support.
        • Stephen suggests talking to queer groups in Edmonton that are faith based along with Pride Edmonton.
        • Nikki would definitely work with CSL students in the future.
  • Volunteering Opportunities in the Future
    • Pan Fest
    • Casino List
    • We should also explore foundational grants.
  • Upcoming Regular Meetings
    • Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
      • January 13, 2020, Library, Irving Room
      • Candy motions to move meeting time to 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the future, excepting January, where we will meet at 6:00pm.
        • Nikki passes motion
    • EspressOUT
      • Monday, December 30, 2019 5:30pm – 7:00pm
        • Location: Camrose Coffee
        • Alternate Location: (if there is ever a problem)
          • Boston Pizza
    • Friends and Family Meeting
      • Next meeting: January 6, 2020
        • 1st Monday of every month, Irving Room at the Library,6:30pm-8:00pm
  • Sharing Circle

August 12th, 2019

Camrose Pride Community
Date: Monday, August 12, 2019
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Place: Camrose Public Library Irving Meeting Room

  • Introductions
  • Erika – CSL students for Fall 2019
  • Zack – Fall Bank$ Ball – sponsorship? Volunteers?
  • BVJ Parade debrief
    • Response to hate signs at parade/chalk out front of library – should we do a public response or ignore it?
    • Have received supportive inquiry from the Colleen Nelson at the United Church, they will support us in any way they can and wanted to check in on how we were doing with the parade hate signs
  • Camp fYrefly Resource Fair Debrief
  • Reading with Royalty Debrief
  • Haven Art Therapy Update – Art therapy pilot group in the works – looking to create a peer facilitator position from the community. Details to come
  • UPDATES: Leadership Team Positions
    • At current, the leadership stands as:
      • Lead Chair: Gus
      • Co-Chair – OPEN – any ideas of who to approach? Melissa has declined
      • Secretary: Lucas
      • Treasurer/Banker: Margaret (through CDSS) is transitioning. Candy Morningway has been invited to become Treasurer – response:
      • Member-at-Large: Amielle
      • Member-at-Large: Robyn
    • Nikki remains as support through the AltView foundation.
  • Financial Report
    • Margaret sends regrets.
    • Nikki has requested she email the Financial Report in to be presented tonight.
  • Society Status
    • Update – signatures on document application
  • Upcoming Events and Plans
    • Community Registration Night, Thursday, September 5th evening – Lucas & Amielle will have our table
      • What do we need?
    • Fall Family Dance – Bailey is booked up and hasno room. Do we want to look at another location? A different date/season?
  • Upcoming Regular Meetings
    • Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
      • Monday, September 9th, 2019 6:00pm – 8:00pm at the Camrose Public Library Irving Room
      • October and November meeting dates have been rescheduled with the Library to work around stats:
        1. Tuesdays, October 15, and November 12, 2019
    • EspressOUT
      • Monday, August 26th, 2019 5:30pm – 7:30pm
        • Location: Camrose Coffee
        • Theme: Tarot night? Colouring Party?
    • Friends and Family Meeting
      • They will not be meeting for June, July, August, and September. They will return to regular meetings in October.
  • Sharing Circle

May 13, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Date: Monday, May 13th, 2019
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Place: Camrose Public Library Irving Meeting Room
Attendees: 6
Nikki F. and Wayne W. send their regrets

  1. Introductions and Updates
  2. Representative from TD Bank
    1. Unfortunately, the TD Bank group invited did not attend. They were invited because Gus had received a phone call saying that because the Edmonton Pride Centre Parade has been cancelled, the TD Bank would like to donate some funds to rural communities hosting pride events. Camrose is a contender, and may be eligible for up to $25,000. We will push this back to a later date.
  3. Leadership Team Positions Open
    1. The Treasurer position is still open.
      1. Margaret H. will continue being the banker until the Treasurer position is filled. Margaret would like to point out that she is retiring in May of 2020, at which point priorities could change.
      2. Reminder: Margaret H., our banker, will be away from May 27th, 2019 to July 7th, 2019, at which point funds will be out of reach. This is during our Pride BBQ and preparations for our parade float.
    2. Amielle was voted in as Member-at-Large.
    3. Robyn was voted in as second Member-at-Large, until another Leadership Team Member can be found to replace her. Robyn cannot commit to too much moving forward.
    4. We are still looking for a co-chair.
    5. At current, the leadership stands as:
      1. Lead Chair: Gus
      2. Secretary: Lucas
      3. Treasurer/Banker: Margaret (through CDSS)
      4. Member-at-Large: Amielle
      5. Member-at-Large: Robyn
    6. Nikki remains as support through the AltView foundation.
    7. We have voted to post our bylaws on our website in an easily accessible place, as opposed to a dropbox. A downloadable PDF is also needed.
  4. Financial Report
    1. We currently have $2,713.87.
    2. Revenue still includes ~$500 from CDSS every year, which may or may not continue when Margaret retires.
    3. Nikki has received the $500 for the BBQ. She will keep track of receipts and everything. Margaret will do the paperwork to ensure the $500 comes out of our total.
  5. Society Status
    1. The bylaws we currently have attached to our application will remain the bylaws after we gain society status. Changing them will require a process. For now, the online posted bylaws are what we follow.
    2. Gus will update once there is a change to our society status. Until then, we will wait patiently.
  6. Upcoming Events and Plans
    1. BBQ in June – Jubilee Park – Sunday, June 16th, 2019 3:00pm – 8:00pm
      1. Timeline:
        1. 3:00pm: General Gathering
        2. 4:30pm: BBQ
        3. 6:00pm: Candle Vigil
        4. 7:00pm: Healing Fire Ceremony
      2. City permit approved
      3. The cost of the BBQ in the previous years has been as follows:
        1. 2016 – $556
        2. 2017 – $271
        3. 2018 – $281
      4. Please share the news as much as possible, including on Facebook and please share the Facebook event itself.
      5. Amielle and Margaret will be gone at that time.
      6. Posters
        1. Previously, CDSS did posters for free, which is what we have done in the past in an A4 size.
        2. Carol had also gotten posters printed inexpensively at Augustana, including the Cabaret posters. Margaret will double-check the price in our financial records.
        3. We have in the past paid $25 to CentraCam to have them posted. They prefer to receive the posters the week before we would like them posted. If we want them up in the first week of June, they must be given to CentraCam in the last week of May. Margaret is gone after the 27th of May. Nikki, please have the posters sent to Margaret by May 25th at the absolute latest, so that they can be printed by Margaret and taken to CentraCam. Margaret will send an e-mail to Nikki as a reminder as well.
      7. Donations
        1. Sam with Camrose Directory has agreed to donate bottles of water. Thank you Gus for finding that out.
        2. Lucas has agreed to ask for donations from Co-op, Safeway, and Save-On Foods managers. Nikki will make all documents of the Pride Community available to him and other members, in hopes of sharing previous year’s templates of cover letters.
        3. Documents from last year will also include the numbers. What were the numbers from last year? Gus suggested about 100 hamburgers.
        4. If there are no documents from last year about who donated what and in what amount, Margaret may be able to look at expenses in the past.
        5. We are hoping to get donations of condiments, buns, cheese, veggies, hot dogs, burgers, and watermelons.
        6. Rebecca helped significantly in the previous years. She is unable to help this year. Sarah, the host of Camrose Coffee, will be asked by Gus about helping cook the food.
      8. Food
        1. Carol had allowed us to use her deep-freeze previous to save left-over food. Unfortunately, we no longer have that option. Left-overs will be donated to either the Women’s Shelter or the Open Door.
        2. Nikki is contacting AHS about rules around the food service. She will also ask about coolers needed for raw meets and thermometers. What has been done about coolers in the past?
        3. We also need to ensure we have gluten-free burgers, veggie dogs, veggie trays, etc. for people with restricted diets.
        4. The burgers will be available by donation.
      9. While Amielle had raised the notion of creating some sort of visual (like a thermometer) to track donations towards the CPC and had hoped for a specific goal to work towards, without Carol donating a full days work every week towards the CPC, we are going to have difficulty maintaining our previous presence within the city. Our goals this year are mostly to maintain what we have achieved in the past three years and continue having a presence within the community. Currently our events generally pay for themselves, and we are doing okay in terms of money. We will table a discussion about the goals and future of the CPC until we have received society status and we are all more comfortable with our roles.
      10. Nikki F. is still heading the BBQ Subcommittee with AltView.
      11. We still need volunteers to cook.
      12. Who will decorate?
    2. BVJ Pride Parade – Sunday, August 4th, 2019
      1. $500 had been approved from last meeting for petty cash for the parade.
      2. Amielle has not yet asked Tish about using her convertible as she wasn’t sure about having a driver. Gus has agreed to drive the car. Amielle will ask Tish to use it.
      3. Float
        1. While we had floated the idea of creating some large, without knowing if we have money from TD Bank, we have to plan for something more manageable for the time-availability and budget of our team.
        2. Prior floats have included trucks and flatbeds with palm trees that won 1st place in our first year. They also have included just the car and many walkers. That is probably what we will do this year.
        3. Amielle and Margaret will work on official aspects of the parade including insurance when Margaret comes back from France. The deadline is July 14th.
        4. Lucas and Amielle will meet up to discuss matters related to providing drag/dress-up materials for the float. We are thinking perhaps a Tickle Trunk would be a great way to get people involved and feeling comfortable.
      4. Guests
        1. Amielle will ask Robyn Banks and Sir Racha to be our special guests and walk in drag. This will encourage all participants to do drag/dress-up.
        2. The Kodiaks walked with us last year. Amielle will ask if they would like to again. We still have the pride tape from last year to wrap around their hockey sticks.
      5. Decorations
        1. We have many rainbow pompoms from the previous year and other decorations that will be used to decorate the vehicle.
        2. We also have a pride banner that can be carried from last year.
        3. We are thinking of perhaps ordering stickers from of the new Pride Loonie, that we can then stick on Chocolate Loonies to give out to people.
  7. Community Registration Night
    1. Thursday, September 5th, evening.
    2. Amielle and Lucas have volunteered to sit with the booth and promote the Pride Community.
  8. Upcoming Regular Meetings
    1. EspressOUT
      1. Monday, May 27th, 2019 5:30pm – 7:30pm
        1. Gus b. Will ask Sarah from Camrose Coffee about hosting us again this month. It will be nice to have it consistently in the same place.
    2. Friends and Family Meeting
      1. They will not be meeting for June, July, August, and September. They will return to regular meetings in October.
    3. Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
      1. Monday, June 10th,, 2019 6:00pm – 8:00pm at the Camrose Public Library Irving Room.
  9. Sharing Circle
  10. Meeting adjourned: 7:20pm

May 13, 2019 6-8Pm

Camrose Pride Community
May 13, 2019 Meeting Agenda
6-8 pm
Camrose Public Library in IRVING ROOM

  1. Introduction
  2. Representative from TD Bank
  3. Leadership Team Positions open:
    • Co-Chair & Treasure (transitioning) – descriptions from bylaws (attached, V & VI)
    • Member Without Portfolio (as our bylaws state we need a minimum of 5 for a Board) – Amielle has volunteered to occupy this position – motion/vote
    • Talk about posting bylaws on website? Or having them in a dropbox sharable link on the website, with any other documents we want open to the entire CPC membership?
  4. Financial Report – Margaret H.
    • Clarification for BBQ petty cash – approved budget of up to $500 from April’s meeting; will this be forwarded as petty cash to Nikki Featherstone to administer while Margaret is away? Do we need a motion or was this approved last month?
  5. Update on Society status:
    • Action from last month to contact for an update – news?
    • Action from last month on bank account – has anyone talked to the banks about opening an account prior to status coming in?
  6. Upcoming events and plans
    1. Pride in the Park BBQ – June 16, 3pm – 8pm, Jubilee Park – Covered Shelter/fire stove by playground
      • City permit is approved; AHS notification for food handling sent in
      • Facebook event is up, Please share it to get the news out – general gathering starts at 3pm, BBQ at 4:30pm, candle vigil at 6:30, 7pm healing fire ceremony – check FB event for details
      • Donations – need volunteers to canvas for donations: ie safeway, coop: condiments, buns, cheese slices, bottles of water, veggie trays, hot dogs, burgers, watermelons
      • Idea: thermometer donation – Amielle had a great idea to raise funds by choosing a dollar amount or a project goal, and drawing out a large thermometer to mark progress. Would CPC want to do this? If so, will we begin the campaign at the BBQ? We will need volunteers to man this station and secure donations – how do we do that? Locked cash box?
      • BBQ will come from Camrose Police, who will also take it away. They do not have members able to cook. We need volunteers to cook.
      • Poster is being modified/created by Nikki – where do we get posters printed?
    2. Big Valley Jamboree Parade in August –  news and update
      • Planning committee headed by Amielle
      • Vehicle?
      • Guests?
      • Insurance/administration/permits (if any)
      • Members on Planning committee – do we need more volunteers?
        • (Nikki F cannot attend the parade, as she will not be here. She will have some time in July to assist committee in last part of the preparations when needed)
  7. Community Registration Night
    • Is CDSS filling out the registration form? Motion for payment
    • We need volunteers to man the table, set up and take down the display
      • Nikki F is willing, depending on date and time – do we have this yet?
      • Do we have another person willing to volunteer?
  8. Upcoming Regular Meetings:
    • espressOUT on May 27th, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Where should we hold espressOUT in May? The Forum? Off campus in a coffee shop? Where?
    • Friends and Family Meeting is NOT meeting for June, July, August & September. They will return to regular, first Monday’s in October
    • Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection at the Camrose Public Library in the IRVING ROOM on the second Monday of the month (June 10) 6-8 p.m
      • *Nikki will assist the Leadership Team with the creation of an agenda for this meeting, Lucas as Secretary will take minutes and forward to Nikki for posting on the website
  9. Sharing Circle