Date: Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2019
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Place: Co-Chair Zach’s home
Attendance: Gus B., Lucas H., Candy M., Zach S., Nikki F., Stephen C. (Ugly Sweater Wearer), Ron
Regrets: Amielle C., Robyn G.
- Introductions
- Financial Report / Bank Account
- Update: We have a bank account!
- CPC now has an RBC account that is currently a Community Group Account with Candy and Nikki as authorized signatories. We need to maintain this until we get our Non-Profit Status, and then they will switch the account status and we can add the other members of the Leadership Team Executive. Camrose Pride Society is the official name. The Leadership signed a letter as requested by RBC to attain status.
- Candy, as Treasurer, will have the only access to online banking for our account. Due to this, we will build a policy where the Treasurer will present the bank statement showing all activity in and out of the account each month, along with the Financial Report as usual, at the monthly meeting. There will be a list of working budgets for future events. There will be budget vs. actual provided at all times.
- We can set up EFT (electronic fund transfer) for donations or payments.
- Margaret H. will be closing down our CDSS account and sending us a cheque at the end of the year.
- Pam Rocker cost us $200.
- Family Dance cost close to our $500 budget.
- We made $368 from the Family Dance.
- Candy will create strong succession documents, and will create a financial policies and procedures that will connect to our by-laws.
- Candy has created an expense claim form. Please take pictures of your receipts, submit them digitally, and bring your receipts to physical meetings. There will be no payouts without the expense claim filled out.
- Our accounting will be audited in the future as we gain society status, so we should have procedures in place to prepare for that.
- We are registered as a community group because we are not a registered non-profit. When we gain society status, we can move forward with signing more people up to the bank account.
- RBC has grants as well.
- Update: We have a bank account!
- Upcoming Events and Plans
- Pride Week Committee Update (Augustana) – Amielle
- They are looking for baking for the bake sale, and help with set-up and take down.
- They would also
like people (particularly knowledgeable about our community) to be available
for a Q&A.
- This Q&A would be very individualized and personal.
- We may look at this more in January when it is closer.
- Candy and Gus have agreed to create a bit of baking.
- Gus spoke to Megan, the Indigenous Support Liaison at Augustana about the Indigenous Welcoming Lodge, hoping to have a weekly Metis sharing circle.
- The Amazing Race winner, Anthony Johnson, will be our speaker for the Camrose Pride Week. Gus is hoping to involve him in an Indigenous Sharing Circle.
- Candy has let us know that Edmonton has a very strong Two Spirit group, so there may be some connections there for the future.
- Pride Week Committee Update (Augustana) – Amielle
- Room at the Library for 2020 – What do we need? What
do we want?
- Bunker can be booked for most of the year, but not in the summer months
- Irving room can only be booked 3 months in advance, and there’s lots of other community groups looking for space now with the shutdown of the drill hall
- Candy has offered Quantum Comics, because it is closed on Mondays, and would be a good space. Private and we can be as late as we want.
- Nikki has already confirmed the Irving Room at CPL for the first two months of 2020. We will revisit the Quantum Comics space at our January meeting, as we’d like to move the time to 6:30-8:30, but the Library closes at 8pm.
- CSL Placements Update
- Research Projects: – Research received
- Things to work
on in 2020:
- Best Practices
for Safe Spaces Allyship Agreements:
- Links to other safe space policies, as well as recommendations that an education around allyship – perhaps a workshop for businesses? – be completed first, as much of the problem is ignorance rather than malice.
- Example of an Agreement template submitted as a jumping off document.
- Education seems to be missing. Majority of places are not non-inclusive because they are malicious, but instead because they are unaware. Without education, it is just a token.
- Downtown Retailers Co-op and the Chamber are possibilities to have presentations. We can do education, create agreements, and then receive a Safe Space Sticker. The Camrose Police could definitely be involved. Candy would love to be included in the presentation. Nikki suggests involving AltView in those conversations with their training and toolkits.
- List of Support
Groups – local area for Queer folks within faith groups with traditionally
queerphobic literature:
- Some links and book resources, but not a lot in our area. Needs further study and/or advocacy.
- We may be able to provide a lot of support online, but most groups do not meet in Camrose. Pam also included a lot of resources.
- Nikki will ask Pam about an inter-faith support group. She may have contacts.
- Nikki was interested about creating an inter-faith group and inviting leaders of those communities that share our values to support.
- Stephen suggests talking to queer groups in Edmonton that are faith based along with Pride Edmonton.
- Nikki would definitely work with CSL students in the future.
- Best Practices
for Safe Spaces Allyship Agreements:
- Volunteering Opportunities in the Future
- Pan Fest
- Casino List
- We should also explore foundational grants.
- Upcoming Regular Meetings
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- January 13, 2020, Library, Irving Room
- Candy motions to
move meeting time to 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the future, excepting January, where
we will meet at 6:00pm.
- Nikki passes motion
- EspressOUT
- Monday, December
30, 2019 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- Location: Camrose Coffee
- Alternate
Location: (if there is ever a
- Boston Pizza
- Monday, December
30, 2019 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- Friends and Family Meeting
- Next meeting: January
6, 2020
- 1st Monday of every month, Irving Room at the Library,6:30pm-8:00pm
- Next meeting: January
6, 2020
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- Sharing Circle