Camrose Pride Community
Date: Monday, September 9, 2019
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Place: Camrose Public Library Irving Meeting Room
- Introductions
- Financial Report
- Margaret (Banker) to send in the Financial Report
- Presented by Candy or Gus
- Society Status
- Update – Our application has been filed!! Now we wait.
- Debriefs:
- Community Registration Night
- Fall BANK$
- Pam Rocker Update
- Pam is booked for Nov. 17th. She is working with the United Church on the sermon – what about the workshop in the afternoon?
- Do we have a location?
- A theme she’s going to talk about?
- Pam is booked for Nov. 17th. She is working with the United Church on the sermon – what about the workshop in the afternoon?
- For Poster – Nikki needs Gus to forward the email Pam sent with photos attached as actual email, since the attachment does not work to save pictures from.
- Strategic planning session – CPC Leadership Team to schedule a separate meeting to sit down and prepare our 1 year/5 year/10 year plan.
- Michael from altView has offered his services (free) to facilitate this Strategic Planning meeting; He would assist us by guiding the CPC Team in the planning process, not telling us what we should plan. J
- If the Team is agreeable to this, Nikki will begin process to set a date with everyone
- Amielle – group meals, after planning sessions or another time. Creating community around food
- Nikki – has had a request for specific queer group supports. What does CPC think about creating FB groups of queer subgroups for connection purposes – Camrose Poly Group, Bi Group, Queer Teen Group, etc. People are having a hard time connecting without having to out all their private stuff at initial meetings.
- Nikki – notice of Fire Ceremony – Before we can move on to repairing the wound from having people protest our existence within the community, we need an outlet to validate the wounding itself
- Nikki would like to hold a Queer Community Fire Ceremony, on October 11th, 7:30-9pm, at the Jubilee Park.
- Focus – to give members an avenue to voice how this experience has changed their perception of safety within the Camrose community, or any other piece they will want to share. Allies are welcome
- This is the first of a 3 part seasonal response that Nikki would like to facilitate – Autumn season, Fire Ceremony; Spring season, Wishing Tree community art; Summer season, Community Mural (hopefully)
- Upcoming Events and Plans
- CommUNITY Healing workshop – FREE – on September 28th, 12:30pm-4:30pm.
- This workshop is for the queer community and law enforcement, and is being funded as a part of Alberta Culture Days. Nikki and Candy are co-facilitating this community art workshop in efforts to create healing and integration of our two subgroups. Please see Workshop Invitation for more details – registration is through Nikki @ NKMFeatherstone@gmail.com
- Fall Family Dance – Retro is our location for Nov. 16th. (day before Pam Rocker)
- Gus – spoke to Carmen about price to have all the games free for kids
- Other ideas? What made the Family Dance at the Bailey so successful?
13.Upcoming Regular Meetings
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- TUESDAY, October 15th, 2019 6:00pm – 8:00pm at the Camrose Public Library Irving Room
- October and November meeting dates have been rescheduled with the Library to work around stats:
- Tuesdays, October 15, and November 12, 2019
- EspressOUT
- Monday, September 30th, 2019 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- Location: Camrose Coffee
- Theme: Ideas?
- (Nikki would like to do another Divination theme in October, close to Hallows)
- Monday, September 30th, 2019 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- Friends and Family Meeting
- They will not be meeting for June, July, August, and September. They will return to regular meetings in October.
- Do we know if they are still doing the 1st Monday evenings and at the Library?
- Do we know if they are still doing the 1st Monday evenings and at the Library?
- They will not be meeting for June, July, August, and September. They will return to regular meetings in October.
14. Sharing Circle