Chaired by Gus Belcourt, Regrets: Wayne Wilson, Meeting notes recorded by Carol Breitkreutz
- Introductions and Sharing about what’s happening in our lives
- Celebration and review of Community BBQ event on June 24
- Planning for Upcoming Events
- Big Valley Jamboree Parade Entry
- Summer Campfire Event at the Ferintosh Manor Bed and Breakfast
- Other events coming up in the Fall
- Community Registration Night on September 7: Volunteers needed for Booth
- Michael Pfair Seniors’ Event on October 4
- Expressive Arts Sessions with AQUA times to be determined
- Potential Collaborations
- Report from altView about exciting upcoming initiatives
- Other items from the group
- espressOUT on July 17 at the Alice Hotel Restaurant
- Next Regular Group Meeting on August 7 at 6:00 p.m.