July 3, 2017 Meeting Agenda

Chaired by Gus Belcourt, Regrets: Wayne Wilson, Meeting notes recorded by Carol Breitkreutz

  1. Introductions and Sharing about what’s happening in our lives
  2. Celebration and review of Community BBQ event on June 24
  3. Planning for Upcoming Events
    1. Big Valley Jamboree Parade Entry
    2. Summer Campfire Event at the Ferintosh Manor Bed and Breakfast
    3. Other events coming up in the Fall
      1. Community Registration Night on September 7: Volunteers needed for Booth
      2. Michael Pfair Seniors’ Event on October 4
      3. Expressive Arts Sessions with AQUA times to be determined
      4. Potential Collaborations
  4. Report from altView about exciting upcoming initiatives
  5. Other items from the group
  6. espressOUT on July 17 at the Alice Hotel Restaurant
  7. Next Regular Group Meeting on August 7 at 6:00 p.m.


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