July 3, 2018 Meeting Notes

6:00-8:00 pm at House of Hair Design

4830-48 Street, Camrose, Alberta

6 people were in attendance. Gus chaired the meeting.

Action items are in bold.

  1. Connecting and Sharing
  2. Report on past events
  • espressOUT in June at Fox & Fable Book and Game Café: great venue for espressOUT; Suggestion: next time try playing some games that include the whole group as a means of getting to know one another better.



  • BBQ on June 24: 90 people attended the BBQ; good time of mingling and visiting; thanks to our wonderful supporters:
    • Rebecca Bridger (and Louis) of Whisk & Ladle Bake shop for grilling up our burgers and donating so much delicious food
    • Hauser Home Hardware for the use their grill
    • Camrose Directory for the donations of water bottles
    • Prairie Rose Bottled Water for the bags of ice
    • Camrose Public Library for attending with the Book Bike, Life Cycle and giant game and reading stories to the kids
    • Generous donations of cash from people who attended; Thank you!
  1. Planning for upcoming events
  • Read with Royalty at Camrose Public Library on July 27 1:00-3:00 pm
    • We are excited to be supporting this event with Camrose Public Library taking the lead
    • Zach aka Robyn Bank$ will be reading stories and giving a mini-drag workshop for all ages
    • Camrose Public Library is also hoping to have a King read at the event.
    • Action item: donations of clothing are needed for all ages and sizes for the dress up portion of the workshop
  • Big Valley Jamboree Parade Entry (morning) and BBQ on August 2 (evening)

Action items:

    • Preparation for our parade entry on Wednesday, August 1 at 6:00 at House of Hair Design
    • Work bee to wash, polish and decorate the beautiful convertible that Tish is lending us for the parade
    • Bring along snacks to share to sustain us during our work bee
    • We invite everyone to walk with us in the parade and show your support for creating a caring, inclusive community. Meet at the road by Public Works by 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 2 if you want to walk with us in the parade (look for the teal classic convertible with rainbow decorations!); wear bright rainbow colours and comfortable walking shoes; rain or shine we will be there!
    • Thursday, August 2 Celebration BBQ at 6:30 p.m. at Gus’s house; contact us for the address
  • August meeting? Should we meet? Action item: It was decided by the group that there will be no regular meetings on August 6 and September 3; we will meet on July 16 and August 20 for espressOUT with a short information session as part of these meetings.


  • Community Registration Night: September 6 We will have a display at this event and Jen will be coordinating this.


  • Bank$ Fall Ball on September 7 at the Bailey Theatre: Sponsorship request letters have been distributed to many businesses in the community and we anticipate good support for this special event; 2 drag queens from Edmonton will be special guests along with hostess, Robyn Bank$; costume contest; posters and advertising will be ready for the beginning of August; a big thank you to Zach for all his work on this event!


  • Collaborative Community events: Lots of ideas shared including doing some impromptu get-togethers like hikes and movie nights to focus on building our community; Jen will be sending out an email notice about contact information for this initiative


  • Family Dance: Action item: Carol to investigate potential venues for a Halloween Family Dance on Friday, October 26; discussion about admission and agreed on $10 per person or $20 per family


  • Educational initiatives: Action item: The Leadership Team has been investigating possible educational events; submit your suggestions


  • Grant applications: Camrose Police Association Grant is available for application; Action item: Wayne and Carol will be making contact with the Kodiaks to explore a collaborative event to promote everyone’s right to play and be treated with respect; possibility of using this project as part of our application for funding from the Camrose Police Association


  • Fundraising ideas: Share your suggestions with the Leadership Team; we need to start generating some finances in order to carry out our mission


  • Future espressOUT meetings: will be looking at the dates for the Human Library at Augustana and considering where it is best to hold our espressOUT meetings after the start-up of university; desire to include a variety of locations
  1. Other ideas? Share your ideas with anyone on the Leadership Team, Wayne, Gus, Carol or Margaret. We have a new email address: camrosepridecommunity@gmail.com

5. Next meeting: espressOUT at Rebel Ink on Monday, July 16 5:30-7:00 pm Zach will be hosting this gathering.


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