Camrose Pride Community
Meeting Minutes
Date: Monday, July 13th, 2020
Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm Place: Online
Executive Leadership:
Lucas Hill – Secretary
Candy Morningway – Treasurer
Robyn Gray – Member-at-Large
Stephen McKenzie-Comeau – Member-at-Large
Nikki Meyer-Featherstone – AltView Liaison
Alexandra Marshall
Gus Belcourt – Co-chair 1
Zach Stevens – Co-chair 2
- CALL TO ORDER – Nikki F.
- The meeting was called to order at 6:34pm on Monday, July 13, 2020 by Nikki Featherstone.
- The meeting was called to order at 6:34pm on Monday, July 13, 2020 by Nikki Featherstone.
MOTION: Lucas Hill That CPC Executive add an item to the agenda and approve. SECONDED: Nikki Featherstone CARRIED |
- There are no changes to finances, except bank fees.
- Candy M. has sent RBC statement to secretary to be included with minutes.
- Candy M. will inquire with RBC about individually signing the paperwork towards the end of August.
- Candy M. will also double-check the regulations of a financial audit for the AGM.
- There have been a lot of changes during the COVID-19 response, but we are here to support each other.
- You can find free online support from the federal government at Wellness Together Canada: https://ca.portal.gs/
- GUEST PRESENTER – Alex – Rural Education Coordinator at ISMSS
- How can I support you?
- Faculty of Education
- Camp fYrefly! – Online this Year
- Camp fYrefly in Schools
- K-12 Classroom visits, workshops, and presentations (on topics like allies, supportive workplaces, etc. In February this year a grant started to support rural initiatives. Alex is hoping to start visiting rural schools in September, but that may be suspended because of Covid-19. The focus is on youth. ISMSS is working getting from the College of Alberta Superintendants an Approved Vendor Status. A teacher can invite ISMSS into a class, or the GSA/QSA Lead. Classes could include Health/Social/CALM – whatever works best. All presentations have been adapted for online.
- ISMSS can also provide Professional Development, especially for those that work with youth.
- Alex says CPC can utilize these services as well. Typically there is a fee if the organization isn’t an education organization, but during Covid-19, online fees may be waived if prohibitive. The typical fee is $250/half day.
- Candy M. is on the parent council with schools, which brings in potential speakers. Hay Lakes and CCHS both have QSAs that are not currently active. Candy M. also work with youth in drama and music organizations.
- Lucas H. will connect Alex with BRSD contacts.
- Candy M. can also connect Alex with the Chamber of Commerce through her business and by writing a personal letter. The PD that may be best suited for them is: Becoming Conscious Allies.
- Nikki F.’s position with AltView ends on July 15th, and she will move from being a staff member to a regular volunteer.
- Robyn has a Zoom account to facilitate meetings when Nikki is away.
- Robyn will host ExpressOUT.
- Thank you Nikki F. to all the amazing ways you had supported and will continue to support the CPC!
- Moments of Pride
- It was successful!
- With more time, we could have identified official partnerships with organizations like Storytellers Alberta, the NDP Caucus, and more.
- We could do it yearly, but in a smaller way, perhaps as a single release at the end of the month.
- Our numbers did increase throughout the month in terms of shares and follows.
- We could capture moments throughout our events. We will try stronger to grab videos of events and activities moving forward to support that.
- We hope to keep Moments of Pride an evolving project moving forward.
- We will wait to pursue this further once we have started our sticker campaign with local businesses so that we can pursue those conversations professionally and with education in mind.
- We will wait to pursue this further once we have started our sticker campaign with local businesses so that we can pursue those conversations professionally and with education in mind.
- The Google Form that can be shared out with our General Membership for input into our Missions, Visions, Value Statements can be viewed and shared at:
- There has been no responses as of yet. We will try to promote the initiative more, including at Reading with Royalty.
- Camrose Public Library will be hosting the asynchronous event on their Facebook page on Friday, August 21st.
- Zach S. and Lucas H. have been contacted.
- We will use the event to promote the CPC as well.
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- i) Monday, August 10th, 2020 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm
- ii) Location: TBA
- EspressOUT
- Monday, May 25th, 2020 from 5:30pm to 7:00pm
- Location: Zoom
- Robyn and Lucas will host
- There has been a post on the Facebook page and Nikki will send out the general email.
- Friends and Family Meeting
- Summer Break – Readjourning in October
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- The meeting was adjourned at 8:17pm.