Camrose Pride Community
Date: Tuesday, Oct 15, 2019
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Place: Camrose Public Library Bunker Meeting Room
In attendance: Zach, Lucas, Ron, Amielle, Stephen, Nikki, Dawn, Candy (via telephone), Deborah Ann (Bethel Lutheran), Lindsay (Bethel Lutheran), Kyla (CSL Student), Danielle (CSL Student),
- Introductions
- Financial Report / Bank Account
- Margaret (CDSS Banker) states nothing has changed since last month’s Financial Report – CDSS is in review and preparing everything for transfer.
- We must transfer to operating our own bank account and finances.
- Candy motions to give signing authority of new bank account and give signing authority to:
- Co-chair: Gus Belcourt
- Co-chair: Zach Stevens
- Secretary: Lucas Hill
- Treasurer: Candy Morningway
- Motion seconded by Amielle Christopherson
- Motion passes unanimously.
- Nikki will make the initial interaction to get it set up, and each of the signing authorities will go to the bank to sign. She will begin with TD Bank because of their pro-queer culture.
- These minutes will become the official document that will be signed by all the cosigners and provided to the financial institution.
- After the bank account is set up we will transfer all funds from CDSS to our CPC bank account.
- Society Status
- Update – The cheque sent with our application was cashed, so we know they received it! No other communication has been received as of yet. The email used is the CPC email, so it should not be lost. We are hopeful!
- Upcoming Events and Plans
- 4th Annual Fall Family Dance Party – Saturday, November 16th, 7:00pm to 10:00pm
- Event is booked at Retro
- DJ is booked
- Duane Allen
Allenhouse Wedding & Sound
- Duane Allen
- Poster is complete and ready to be shared:
- Nikki will send the poster to Stephen, who works at Staples and will use his discount to print them off.
- Nikki will pick-up the posters from Stephen and deliver to CentraCam to distribute around Camrose.
- Advertising:
- Nikki makes a motion to spend up to $130 for the Morning News advertisement
- Amielle seconds the motion
- Motion is unanimously passed.
- Nikki will contact the Morning News and have them place an add for 5 days.
- Nikki makes a motion to spend up to $130 for the Morning News advertisement
- Tickets are at Retro and at Quantum Comics:
- There is a limit of 150 people in Retro, so we cannot sell over that.
- Please remind friends and family to purchase early.
- We have decided not to use Event Brite.
- Decorations:
- Lucas will get streamers and glow sticks.
- Performers
- Robyn Bank$
- Sir Racha
- Door Prizes
- If anybody knows any business or gift certificates, please ask them about potentially getting door prizes.
- Lucas will make a Google Sheets, and it will be shared so that we don’t all hit up the same place.
- We will not canvas at the grocery stores that supported our BBQ Pride in the Park, because their support is more valuable there.
- Accessibility
- The event is wheelchair accessible
- 4th Annual Fall Family Dance Party – Saturday, November 16th, 7:00pm to 10:00pm
- Pam Rocker – Sunday, November 17th, 2019
- Pam is working with the United Church on the sermon
- The Bethel Lutheran has agreed to offer us their space for the afternoon workshop, but does not want to be listed as a sponsor as they are uncomfortable with it due to not being familiar with Pam Rocker’s work yet.
- There is a maximum size of 200 people at the Bethel Church.
- They said they would also provide cookies!
- Members of the Bethel have pledged funds to cover the majority, if not all, of the afternoon workshop fee.
- Deborah Ann will send the names of people who are involved in funds to have Pam at the Bethel Lutheran to Nikki.
- The United Church will be spearheading the luncheon at the United Church.
- Nikki has sent Pam Rocker an email asking for details on what the workshop will be about, for advertising – She has asked for our take on the name of the workshop name, and we have decided on:
- Coming Out in Faith: A Look at Religion, Faith, and PIE
- We will start sharing and promoting the event soon.
- Nikki will connect with Zach on creating the poster. Nikki will do the social media aspect of it.
- There is a maximum size of 200 people at the Bethel Church.
- Winter Holidays – Events – Queer Family Ugly Sweater Pot Luck
- In their past we have done a potluck in the United Church in the lower parlour/fellowship hall.
- Amielle suggests that we have dinner party potluck at the same time as our December meeting, which is Monday, December 9th. Location: TBD. It will be an ugly Christmas sweater party.
- Pride Week – Last week of February, 2020
- Amielle is a member of the AQUA Exec. AQUA has not gotten very far in the planning process quite yet, but is having a meeting this week.
- Melissa has been invited to come talk with us about what they are planning
- We hope that we can volunteer our time to help organize and set-up events and the like.
- Nikki is excited about the opportunity of doing an art therapy workshop.
- It was nice last year that it was throughout the whole city. We hope to support them in continuing that.
- We hope to involve the QSAs at the schools as well, as it would be nice to have all the queer organizations in Camrose working together. Opening night is that week. What would the QSA like to do?
- Lucas will get a list of all the QSAs, and we will create a personal invite to see what they would like to do/have done.
- Please everyone, think about any ways you can participate and help.
- AQUA is doing a Reading with Royalty event: Spooking Edition – 18+
- Date: October 25th, 8:00pm- 10:00pm at Augustana Performance Building
- Performers:
- Sir Racha
- Robyn Bank$
- Zach is adding an educational element as well.
- For grownups and by donations.
- Aqua is doing Beers for Queers in the second Friday of the month, starting November. The first will be Friday, November 8th at the Fox and Fable. The details are still being worked out.
- Nikki would like to do a Queer paint night in the new year
- Strategic planning session – Dates are booked with Michael!
- Friday, January 31, 2020 5-9pm and Saturday Feb 1st, 2020, 10-4pm; location TBD
- This is where we will be planning for the future (5 year, 10 year, 20 year). For the Leadership Team only!
- Would be great to talk with the membership – maybe send out a social media invite – to see what vision they have for the Community prior to this meeting
- New Poly in the Prairies Facebook Group created under altView.
- To avoid splitting/fracturing of the CPC, the connection group was created by altView so that it exists outside of the CPC. Poly queer humans have expressed having a hard time finding each other in the local Camrose and area community, without having to ‘out’ themselves are every event. This FB group gives them a way to do so – please share the group with any Poly humans you know in the area!
- CSL Placements – Welcome!
- Research projects:
- Nikki will be the supervisor for our two students. Nikki had sent the project ideas to the students.
- Best Practices for Safe Spaces Allyship Agreements
- List of Support Groups – local area for queer folks within faith groups with traditional homophobic literature
- Research projects:
- Fire Ceremony Debrief – Friday night before long weekend.
- Attended by 4.
- There were drums, fire, and it was very affirming.
- CommUNITY Healing Workshop Debrief
- Co-facilitated by Candy and Nikki.
- There were 2 officers, staff sergeant, and members of the queer community. The two uniformed officers were called and had to leave early.
- There was a validation of homophobia in law enforcement and in our laws. It validated the past and moved to what we wanted in the future.
- There was focus on the othering of each groups experiences by other members of the community. There was a focus on both the similarities and differences of those experiences. We focused on what was contributed by both communities. There was a lot of impact.
- Both communities are excited moving forward with what they have learned.
- Nikki will talk to the force about opportunities for Pride Week.
- Upcoming Regular Meetings
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- Tuesday, November 12th, 2019 6:00pm – 8:00pm at the Camrose Public Library Irving Room
- October and November meeting dates have been rescheduled with the Library to work around statutory holidays.
- EspressOUT
- Monday, October 28th, 2019 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- Location: Camrose Coffee
- Theme: Divination theme! Hallows!
- Monday, October 28th, 2019 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- Friends and Family Meeting
- They have returned to regular meetings starting October 7th. Next meeting is November 4th.
- 1st Monday of every month, Irving Room at the Library, 6pm
- They have returned to regular meetings starting October 7th. Next meeting is November 4th.
- Sharing Circle
- Breaking Bread