Date: Tuesday, Nov 12, 2019
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Place: Camrose Public Library Irving Meeting Room
Attendance: Gus B., Nikki F., Lucas H., Stephen, Zack S., Robyn G., Amielle C., Ron
- Introductions
- Pride Committee Update (Augustana) – Amielle
- 2 meetings about Pride Week – February
- Mayoral Hall at Augustana booked for the Monday night.
- CPC is invited to all events. If you have suggestions for more events, or would like to take part, please contact Amielle C.
- Events:
- Bake Sale
- So You Think You Can Drag
- Pride Photo – Thursday
- Tickle Trunk
- Art Therapy – Queer Paint Night
- Zine Making Workshop
- Monday, February 24th at 9:00am at Bill Fowler – Flag Raising (guaranteed every year)
- Augustana will also have a flag raising, probably at about 10:00am
- Movie at Duggan. If you have suggestions, please give them to Amielle C.
- Pride Hockey Game on first Sunday and last Sunday
- There is another meeting on November 19th. If you’d like to join, please contact Amielle C.
- Augustana Climate Strike
- Friday, November 29th, 1:30pm at Camrose City Hall from Augustana Campus.
- October’s strike had about 200 people involved.
- The strikers will provide actionable points to City Hall.
- Camrose is a Blue Dot city and has goals.
- There will also be a letter writing campaign. If interested, please contact Amielle C. Amielle C. Will give information to Nikki F. To send out to everyone.
- Financial Report / Bank Account
- Update: Open a Camrose Pride Bank Account & Assign Signing Authority
- Appointment made, Nov. 14th at TD Bank, 10am – Nikki & Candy to open account
- Minutes from last meeting were signed by signatories. Gus, Zach, Lucas & Candy
- They will be provided to the financial institution – Once the bank account is opened, each Signatory will have to go to the bank and sign the bank’s documents. Once this is complete, we can transfer all funds from CDSS, and our Treasurer (Candy) will handle the finances.
- Pastor Deborah has been invoiced from Pam Rocker.
- CPC will pay around $400 for travel expenses to Pam Rocker.
- Update: Open a Camrose Pride Bank Account & Assign Signing Authority
- Upcoming Events and Plans
- Fall Family Dance Party – THIS SATURDAY! Nov. 16th, 7-10pm
- Tickets – Everyone buy your tickets! And SHARE the event on social media please!
- Door Prizes update
- Haven – Nikki F.
- Rebel Ink – Zach S.
- Fox and Fable – Amielle C.
- Fika – Amielle C.
- Retro – Carmen
- Evolve – Zach S.
- Duggan Cinema – Zach S.
- Trish’s Fashion and Finery – Zach S.
- Nikki will be on the country radio station with Ethan on Thursday.
- Quantum has only sold one ticket.
- Volunteers please arrive at 6:00pm
- Lucas will pick up streamers and Go-go lights from Dollarama.
- Nikki F. Will bring a cash box and float.
- Fall Family Dance Party – THIS SATURDAY! Nov. 16th, 7-10pm
- Pam Rocker Update – THIS SUNDAY!!! Nov. 17th! EVERYONE SHARE THE EVENTS!
- Sunday 10am – Sermon at the United Church, potluck lunch to follow
- Burnt Toast for the Journey with Pam Rocker
What does Burnt Toast have to do with a celebration of difference? How do we move beyond what we ever thought we could? Is it worth it to risk being a little uncomfortable? Did Jesus eat gluten? Join Pam Rocker for storytelling and exploring the sacred and unique ways we can see each other.
- Burnt Toast for the Journey with Pam Rocker
- Sunday 1:30-3pm – Workshop at the Bethel Lutheran (near Duggan Park) 4102 73rd Street
- Coming Out In Faith: A Look at Religion, Inclusion, and PIE
Buzzwords like ‘inclusivity’ and ‘diversity’ abound, yet the tangible actions behind them often go unexplored. Religion at large has imposed artificial binaries that have fractured our sense of kinship and belonging, especially for LGBTQ2S+ people and other communities who have been considered antithetical to genuine faith.
And what about PIE?! The acronym of PIE (Public, Intentional, Explicit) embodies a guiding map and litmus test for people who want to be more tangibly affirming, whether as an individual or organization.
- Coming Out In Faith: A Look at Religion, Inclusion, and PIE
- Sunday 10am – Sermon at the United Church, potluck lunch to follow
- CSL Placements Update
- They both will be volunteering at the dance on Saturday – a turn at the door selling tickets and will stay to help clean up at 10pm. Daniella and Kyla
- Research projects: – They are in progress
- Best Practices for Safe Spaces Allyship Agreements
- List of Support Groups – local area for Queer folks within faith groups with traditional homophobia literature
- Upcoming Regular Meetings
- Regular Meeting for Planning and Connection
- XMAS POTLUCK/ugly sweater – Monday, December 9th, 2019 6:00pm – 8:00pm at Zack’s house. Everyone is invited.
- EspressOUT
- Monday, November 25th, 2019 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- Location: Camrose Coffee
- Theme: Holiday
- No EspessOUT in December
- Friends and Family Meeting
- Next meeting is December 2nd.
- 1st Monday of every month, Irving Room at the Library, 6pm
- Beers for Queers
- December 13th at Fox and Fable
- Tickets $7 on Eventbrite at the Aqua Facebook Page
- Sharing Circle