Camrose Pride Community
Monthly Meeting
Date: Monday, April 12, 2021
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Place: Online Zoom Meeting
Executive Leadership:
Nikki F (she/her) – Chair
Candy (she/her) – Treasurer
Stephen (he/him) – Member-at-Large
Jana (she/her) – Member-at-Large
Robyn Gray (she/her) – Secretary
Sam – Youth Council Rep
- Call to order – Nikki
- Quorum is achieved.
- Introductions.
- Changes to agenda –
- Candy adds response letter from CPC to Alberta’s pilot curriculum
- Financial report – Candy
- The balance sheet and RBC statements have been made available to CPC Executives.
- No change in funds outside of bank charges
- Please see attached Financial Reports.
- Rotary meeting request
- Invitation from Rotatory to attend a May meeting and present on CPC; this will create connections within the community and may give us access to applying for scholarships/sponsorships through the Rotary
MOTION: Stephen McKenzie-Comeau
That Nikki (Chair) and Candy (Treasurer) arrange to present the slideshow on CPC created last year (with any needed updates), and attend said meeting to create a relationship with Rotary.
- Plan for 2021
- June – Pride Month
- Queer Scavenger Hunt idea-
- Nikki will create lists of items to find
- The lists will be sent out to the community over the month of June.
- Those who participate can enter their score into a draw for prizes – donations from local community will need to be sourced
- Colouring Pages – Candy
- Candy will gather colouring pages for the community to colour and enter into a draw for prizes.
- Online Queer Trivia – Stephen
- Questions posted online; answers given out later
- Participants can enter their answers into a draw? Or just for fun and education?
- Stephen to create list of trivia questions, with help from other members and Board
- Moments of Pride – reshare last year’s videos, invite new ones from community to create archive of local queer & allied voices.
- Letter to City of Camrose to request the flag be raised June 1st
- Candy – drafting letters to all villages and towns within the counties of Camrose, Beaver, and Flagstaff, requesting they raise a pride flag for June.
- Board members researching where to source pride flags in bulk for best price
- Queer Scavenger Hunt idea-
- June – Pride Month
- Other times of the year activities
- ExpressOUTSIDE –making it an umbrella event for all of our casual outdoor gatherings this year
- We will offer a monthly ExpressOUTSIDE, with a variety of occurrences, such as:
- Walk around Mirror Lake
- Fire at Gus’
- Hikes at Miquelon
- Hikes at Chickadee
- BYOE (bring your own everything) wiener roast at Jubilee and/or Miquelon
- Others?
- Youth Council
- – Candy to connect with Sam and ask to begin talking with our community youth around anything they would like to present during June for youth
- Nikki to connect with Andrea Dyck around any resources she may direct us to for supporting the Youth Council
- Conversion Therapy Ban By-law
- May Meeting – time spent creating Action Plan – first draft of letter to be written as step one, to be presented to City of Camrose Council during Pride Month. (mid June)
- CPC response letter to Alberta government pilot curriculum
- This curriculum has no representation of queer humans or history.
That Candy (Treasurer) draft a letter from CPC in response to the pilot curriculum with the glaring absence of any queer inclusion and the ways this will create more unsafe spaces at school for our youth.
- Upcoming regular meetings
- Regular meeting for planning and connection
- 1. Monday, May 10, 2021 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
- 2. Location: online zoom
- ExpressOUTSIDE
- We will begin in May for our first walk around Mirror Lake – last Monday evening of May
- Friends and family meeting
- On break for Spring/Summer months
- Please contact Andrea Dyck for details (adyck@brsd.ab.ca)
- Regular meeting for planning and connection
- Sharing circle
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm